- BSD 2-Clause
- FreeBSD Unattended Jail Upgrades
- FreeBSD Unattended Jail Upgrades
- FuJu is experimental and its not ready for production. Do it at your own risk.
- freebsd Using pkg for Binary Package Management
- pkg binary support
- ( if you want to use pkg binary updates? create a "FUJU-PKGBINARY-JAIL" dummy file inside the jail)
- pkg binary support
freebsd Using the Ports Collection
- ports support
- update (ezjail-admin update -P)
- portupgrade (Upgrading Ports Using Portupgrade)
- deploying jail subscripts
- send email notification
- (if partial finished and need dialog4ports input inside the screen session)
- require mail/ssmtp package
- support for carp jails (BACKUP mode only)
- ports support
- pkg binary (upgrade) only
- avoid VirtualBox / Plugin Jails
- create zfs snapshots before jail upgrading
- restart services
- support noupdate
- ( if you want disable FuJu updates for a freenas jail? create a "FUJU-NOUPDATE" dummy file inside the jail)
freebsd-jail * execute pkg version / pkg audit -F * execute pkg update / pkg upgrade or portupgrade * write logger info
force-freebsd-jail * when the unexpected error has occurred
exclude.conf (freebsd only)
- ignores the listed freebsd jails
(on FreeBSD):
# ./fuju.sh freebsd
(on FreeNAS):
# ./fuju.sh freenas
- 10+
- 9.3+
WARNING: FreeBSD Unattended Jail Upgrades is experimental and its not ready for production. Do it at your own risk.
# usage: ./fuju.sh { freebsd | freenas | freebsd-jail | force-freebsd-jail }
- cronjob (FreeBSD)
vi /etc/crontab
### github.com/plitc/fuju // ###
00 6 * * * root /bin/sh -c 'cd /github/fuju; /github/fuju/fuju.sh freebsd > /var/log/fuju.log'
### // github.com/plitc/fuju ###
service cron restart
- cronjob (FreeNAS)
vi /etc/crontab
### github.com/plitc/fuju // ###
00 6 * * * root /github/fuju/fuju.sh freenas > /var/log/fuju.log
### // github.com/plitc/fuju ###
service cron restart
- cronjob for carp jails (FreeBSD)
- Jail 1 (Master)
vi /etc/crontab
### github.com/plitc/fuju // ###
#// CARP Jail 1 (force BACKUP Mode on Sunday,Monday,Wednesday,Friday)
55 5 * * 0,1,3,5 root /bin/sh -c '/sbin/ifconfig epair106a down; sleep 1; /sbin/ifconfig epair106a up'
### // github.com/plitc/fuju ###
service cron restart
- cronjob for carp jails (FreeBSD)
- Jail 2 (Backup)
vi /etc/crontab
### github.com/plitc/fuju // ###
#// CARP Jail 2 (force BACKUP Mode on Tuesday,Thursday,Saturday)
55 5 * * 2,4,6 root /bin/sh -c '/sbin/ifconfig epair107a down; sleep 1; /sbin/ifconfig epair107a up'
### // github.com/plitc/fuju ###
service cron restart
- fuju [VERSION: FreeBSD Version | FreeNAS Version ]
- 21.07.2015:
- 02.08.2015: carp jail support for freebsd jails [partial support > Version]
- 02.08.2015: zfs snapshot support for freebsd jails
- 21.07.2015: --- --- --- initial version --- --- ---