Virtual Desktop Manager for Windows
- resource friendly, exe is <10kb on disk and uses <1mb memory while running
- 4 virtual desktops (more if you change a constant and recompile the code)
- shows only a tray icon with the number of the desktop you are on
ALT + 1..4 -> changes to desktop 1..4
CTRL + 1..4 -> moves active window to desktop 1..4
ALT + CTRL + SHIFT + Q -> exits the program
ALT + CTRL + SHIFT + S -> starts/stops handling of other hotkeys
the nerds can build it with
git clone
cd virgo
If you do not have gcc/make installed you can change that doing following
- go to and install it according to the instructions there
- open msys2 shell and install mingw-w64-i686-gcc and mingw-w64-i686-make using pacman
- duplicate C:\msys32\mingw32\bin\mingw32-make.exe and name it make.exe