A Comprehensive Web Fuzzer and Content Discovery Tool
Check the blog post: Introducing Rustbuster — A Comprehensive Web Fuzzer and Content Discovery Tool
You can download prebuilt binaries from here.
install_rustbuster() {
echo "Installing latest version of Rustbuster"
latest_version=`curl -s https://github.com/phra/rustbuster/releases | grep "rustbuster-v" | head -n1 | cut -d'/' -f6`
echo "Latest release: $latest_version"
mkdir -p /opt/rustbuster
wget -qP /opt/rustbuster https://github.com/phra/rustbuster/releases/download/$latest_version/rustbuster-$latest_version-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
ln -fs /opt/rustbuster/rustbuster-$latest_version-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu /opt/rustbuster/rustbuster
chmod +x /opt/rustbuster/rustbuster
echo "Done! Try running"
echo "/opt/rustbuster/rustbuster -h"
rustbuster 2.1.0
DirBuster for rust
rustbuster [SUBCOMMAND]
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
dir Directories and files enumeration mode
dns A/AAAA entries enumeration mode
fuzz Custom fuzzing enumeration mode
help Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
vhost Virtual hosts enumeration mode
tilde IIS 8.3 shortname enumeration mode
1. Dir mode:
rustbuster dir -u http://localhost:3000/ -w examples/wordlist -e php
2. Dns mode:
rustbuster dns -d google.com -w examples/wordlist
3. Vhost mode:
rustbuster vhost -u http://localhost:3000/ -w examples/wordlist -d test.local -x "Hello"
4. Fuzz mode:
rustbuster fuzz -u http://localhost:3000/login \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-b '{"user":"FUZZ","password":"FUZZ","csrf":"CSRFCSRF"}' \
-w examples/wordlist \
-w /usr/share/seclists/Passwords/Common-Credentials/10-million-password-list-top-10000.txt \
-s 200 \
--csrf-url "http://localhost:3000/csrf" \
--csrf-regex '\{"csrf":"(\w+)"\}'
5. Tilde mode:
rustbuster tilde -u http://localhost:3000/ -e aspx -X OPTIONS
Directories and files enumeration mode
rustbuster dir [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] --url <url> --wordlist <wordlist>...
-f, --append-slash Tries to also append / to the base request
-K, --exit-on-error Exits on connection errors
-h, --help Prints help information
-k, --ignore-certificate Disables TLS certificate validation
--no-banner Skips initial banner
--no-progress-bar Disables the progress bar
-V, --version Prints version information
-v, --verbose Sets the level of verbosity
-e, --extensions <extensions> Sets the extensions [default: ]
-b, --http-body <http-body> Uses the specified HTTP method [default: ]
-H, --http-header <http-header>... Appends the specified HTTP header
-X, --http-method <http-method> Uses the specified HTTP method [default: GET]
-S, --ignore-status-codes <ignore-status-codes> Sets the list of status codes to ignore [default: 404]
-s, --include-status-codes <include-status-codes> Sets the list of status codes to include [default: ]
-o, --output <output> Saves the results in the specified file [default: ]
-t, --threads <threads> Sets the amount of concurrent requests [default: 10]
-u, --url <url> Sets the target URL
-a, --user-agent <user-agent> Uses the specified User-Agent [default: rustbuster]
-w, --wordlist <wordlist>... Sets the wordlist
rustbuster dir -u http://localhost:3000/ -w examples/wordlist -e php
A/AAAA entries enumeration mode
rustbuster dns [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] --domain <domain> --wordlist <wordlist>...
-K, --exit-on-error Exits on connection errors
-h, --help Prints help information
--no-banner Skips initial banner
--no-progress-bar Disables the progress bar
-V, --version Prints version information
-v, --verbose Sets the level of verbosity
-d, --domain <domain> Uses the specified domain
-o, --output <output> Saves the results in the specified file [default: ]
-t, --threads <threads> Sets the amount of concurrent requests [default: 10]
-w, --wordlist <wordlist>... Sets the wordlist
rustbuster dns -d google.com -w examples/wordlist
Virtual hosts enumeration mode
rustbuster vhost [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] --domain <domain> --ignore-string <ignore-string>... --url <url> --wordlist <wordlist>...
-K, --exit-on-error Exits on connection errors
-h, --help Prints help information
-k, --ignore-certificate Disables TLS certificate validation
--no-banner Skips initial banner
--no-progress-bar Disables the progress bar
-V, --version Prints version information
-v, --verbose Sets the level of verbosity
-d, --domain <domain> Uses the specified domain to bruteforce
-b, --http-body <http-body> Uses the specified HTTP body [default: ]
-H, --http-header <http-header>... Appends the specified HTTP header
-X, --http-method <http-method> Uses the specified HTTP method [default: GET]
-S, --ignore-status-codes <ignore-status-codes> Sets the list of status codes to ignore [default: 404]
-x, --ignore-string <ignore-string>... Ignores results with specified string in the HTTP body
-s, --include-status-codes <include-status-codes> Sets the list of status codes to include [default: ]
-o, --output <output> Saves the results in the specified file [default: ]
-t, --threads <threads> Sets the amount of concurrent requests [default: 10]
-u, --url <url> Sets the target URL
-a, --user-agent <user-agent> Uses the specified User-Agent [default: rustbuster]
-w, --wordlist <wordlist>... Sets the wordlist
rustbuster vhost -u http://localhost:3000/ -w examples/wordlist -d test.local -x "Hello"
Custom fuzzing enumeration mode
rustbuster fuzz [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] --url <url> --wordlist <wordlist>...
-K, --exit-on-error Exits on connection errors
-h, --help Prints help information
-k, --ignore-certificate Disables TLS certificate validation
--no-banner Skips initial banner
--no-progress-bar Disables the progress bar
-V, --version Prints version information
-v, --verbose Sets the level of verbosity
--csrf-header <csrf-header>... Adds the specified headers to CSRF GET request
--csrf-regex <csrf-regex> Grabs the CSRF token applying the specified RegEx
--csrf-url <csrf-url> Grabs the CSRF token via GET to csrf-url
-b, --http-body <http-body> Uses the specified HTTP method [default: ]
-H, --http-header <http-header>... Appends the specified HTTP header
-X, --http-method <http-method> Uses the specified HTTP method [default: GET]
-S, --ignore-status-codes <ignore-status-codes> Sets the list of status codes to ignore [default: 404]
-x, --ignore-string <ignore-string>... Ignores results with specified string in the HTTP Body
-s, --include-status-codes <include-status-codes> Sets the list of status codes to include [default: ]
-i, --include-string <include-string>... Includes results with specified string in the HTTP body
-o, --output <output> Saves the results in the specified file [default: ]
-t, --threads <threads> Sets the amount of concurrent requests [default: 10]
-u, --url <url> Sets the target URL
-a, --user-agent <user-agent> Uses the specified User-Agent [default: rustbuster]
-w, --wordlist <wordlist>... Sets the wordlist
rustbuster fuzz -u http://localhost:3000/login \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-b '{"user":"FUZZ","password":"FUZZ","csrf":"CSRFCSRF"}' \
-w examples/wordlist \
-w /usr/share/seclists/Passwords/Common-Credentials/10-million-password-list-top-10000.txt \
-s 200 \
--csrf-url "http://localhost:3000/csrf" \
--csrf-regex '\{"csrf":"(\w+)"\}'
IIS 8.3 shortname enumeration mode
rustbuster tilde [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] --url <url>
-K, --exit-on-error Exits on connection errors
-h, --help Prints help information
-k, --ignore-certificate Disables TLS certificate validation
--no-banner Skips initial banner
--no-progress-bar Disables the progress bar
-V, --version Prints version information
-v, --verbose Sets the level of verbosity
-e, --extension <extension> Sets the redirect extension
-b, --http-body <http-body> Uses the specified HTTP body [default: ]
-H, --http-header <http-header>... Appends the specified HTTP header
-X, --http-method <http-method> Uses the specified HTTP method [default: GET]
-S, --ignore-status-codes <ignore-status-codes> Sets the list of status codes to ignore [default: 404]
-s, --include-status-codes <include-status-codes> Sets the list of status codes to include [default: ]
-o, --output <output> Saves the results in the specified file [default: ]
-t, --threads <threads> Sets the amount of concurrent requests [default: 10]
-u, --url <url> Sets the target URL
-a, --user-agent <user-agent> Uses the specified User-Agent [default: rustbuster]
rustbuster tilde -u http://localhost:3000/ -e aspx -X OPTIONS