Various contributed themes.
Themes can be downloaded at
- Go to the phpmyadmin/themes repository
- "Fork" the repository (see: GitHub tutorial on how to fork a repository)
- "Clone" your forked repository locally (see: GitHub tutorial on how to clone a repository)
If you already have the theme in your local phpMyAdmin folder, then delete the theme folder here and replace it with your local version (folder).
For example:
rm -r /home/username/phpmyadmin/themes/mytheme
cp -r /var/www/phpMyAdmin/themes/mytheme /home/username/phpmyadmin/themes/
Update "version" in /home/username/phpmyadmin/themes/mytheme/theme.json
with the new version (of your theme).
Learn more about what is a commit: here
For example:
# Go to the repository folder (your fork)
cd /home/username/phpmyadmin/themes/
# Create a new branch for your changes
git checkout -b mytheme-version-x.y.z
# Add your changes to git
git add ./mytheme
# Commit them
git commit -m "[mytheme] version x.y.z"
Make the push:
git push
And then open a new pull-request:
There is a script
which creates a zip file with the theme and optionally
tags the git repository and uploads it to the phpMyAdmin website.