ADR - Architecture Decision Records(轻量级架构决策记录工具)
Inspired by, but supported Windows.
ADR Blogpost: Documenting Architecture Decisions
A good material about Architecture decision record
- 支持 Windows, GNU/Linux, Mac OS
- Markdown 目录生成
- 为项目经理、业务人员等非开发人员,生成报表:HTML,CSV, JSON
- 兼容 adr-tools
- 国际化支持:English、中文、Brazilian Portuguese (pt-br), Standard Italian (it-IT)
- 状态历史
- 状态查询
- 更好的列表展示
- 兼容 adr-tools
- Supported Windows, GNU/Linux, Mac OS
- report for PM, BA: html, csv, json
- Support Markdown and Asciidoc
- generate markdown and asciidoc toc(see in docs/adr )
- i18n: English (en), 中文(zh-cn), Brazilian Portuguese (pt-br), Standard Italian (it-IT), Farsi (fa), French (fr)
- status logs
- status query
- better list view
- compatible adr-tools
- custom templates: add a
) file in the save path
- install
npm install -g adr
- init
adr init <language>
e.x: adr init en
adr new <decision>
e.x: adr new "create project"
. It will open the new file with your config editor
adr list
║ Decision │ Last Modified│ Last Status ║
║ 1.编写完整的单元测试 │ 2017-11-26 │ 2017-11-26 已完成 ║
║ 2.添加目录生成 │ 2017-11-26 │ 2017-11-25 已完成 ║
║ 3.图形生成功能 │ 2017-11-26 │ 2017-11-24 已完成 ║
║ 4.生成在线图形 │ 2017-11-26 │ 2017-11-22 提议 ║
adr generate toc
# Architecture Decision Records
* [1. 编写完整的单元测试](001-编写完整的单元测试.md)
* [2. 添加目录生成](002-添加目录生成.md)
* [3. 图形生成](003-图形生成.md)
adr generate graph
digraph {
node [shape=plaintext];
_1 [label="1.编写完整的单元测试"; URL="001-编写完整的单元测试.md"]
_2 [label="2.添加目录生成"; URL="002-添加目录生成.md"]
_1 -> _2 [style="dotted"];
_3 [label="3.图形生成"; URL="003-图形生成.md"]
_2 -> _3 [style="dotted"];
adr update
adr logs <index>
e.x. adr logs 9
║ - │ - ║
║ 2017-11-23 │ 提议 ║
║ 2017-11-24 │ 通过 ║
support: json, csv, html, markdown
adr export <type>
e.x. adr export csv
Index, 决策, 上次修改时间, 最后状态
1, 编写完整的单元测试, 2017-11-26, 2017-11-26 已完成
2, 添加目录生成, 2017-11-26, 2017-11-25 已完成
3, 图形生成功能, 2017-11-26, 2017-11-24 已完成
adr search <keyword>
e.x. adr search 测试
║ 决策 │ 最后状态 ║
║ 19.添加-e2e-测试 │ 2017-11-28 提议 ║
║ 1.编写完整的单元测试 │ 2017-11-26 完成 ║
- language, language
- path, save path
- digits, the index length, e.x. digits:3
- prefix, the prefix of files, e.x. adr-0001
- editor, the editor to open file, e.x. code, more information, and you can also use the editor by setting the program path, such as
- force_nfc, whether to normalize the names of files generated by
commands in NFC (Normalization Form Canonical Composition) format, e.x.true
- extension, the document extension/format you want to used.
for Markdown (default value) oradoc
for asciidoc
example config:
"prefix": "",
"digits": 4,
"editor": "code",
"force_nfc": true,
"extension": "md"
@ 2017~2021 A Phodal Huang's Idea. This code is distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE
in this directory.