Binkd is a Fidonet mailer designed to operate via TCP/IP networks.
As a FTN-compatible internet daemon, it makes possible efficient utilization of TCP/IP protocol suite as a transport layer in FTN-based (Fido Technology Network) networks.
- Find in mkfls/ a subdirectory for your system/compiler, copy all files to the root of the sources.
- Run make (nmake, wmake or gmake, name of make's binary is rely with C compiler).
1.) Clone the repo:
$ git clone
2.) Change into the new binkd source directory:
$ cd binkd
3.) Copy all files from mkfls/unix/ to the root of binkd sources:
cp mkfls/unix/* .
2.) Run configure and make:
$ ./configure
$ make
3.) When finished, the following instructions will be displayed offering various options for you:
Binkd is successfully compiled.
If you want to install Binkd files into /usr/local
1. Run `make -n install' to be sure this makefile will
do not something criminal during the installation;
2. `su' to root;
3. Run `make install' to install Binkd.
4. Edit /usr/local/etc/binkd.conf-dist and RENAME it or
MOVE it somewhere (so another `make install' will
not overwrite it during your next Binkd upgrade)
If you want to put the files into some other directory just
run `configure --prefix=/another/path' and go to step 1.
- Edit sample binkd.cfg.
- Run binkd.
Echomail areas:
- RU.BINKD (russian)
- BINKD (international)
Web site:
The mirrors:
- English manual for binkd 0.9.2 © Nick Soveiko ([email protected])
- Russian manual for binkd 0.9.9 © Stas Degteff (
) - FAQ
Authors: Dmitry Maloff [email protected] and others.
Bug reporting: [email protected], also RU.BINKD or BINKD echoconferences.
Binkd developers mailing list: [email protected] (send subscribe binkd-dev
to [email protected] for subscribe).