This is an spec compliant ao
Compute Unit, implemented using NodeJS
- Prerequisites
- Usage
- Environment Variables
- Tests
- Logging
- Manually Trigger Checkpointing
- Project Structure
- System Requirements
You will need Node >=18
installed. If you use nvm
, then simply run
nvm install
, which will install Node 22
In order to use wasm 64 with more 4GB of process memory, you will need to use Node
First install dependencies using npm i
You will need a .env
file. A minimal example is provided in .env.example
Make sure to set the
environment variable to the JWK Interface of the Arweave Wallet the CU will use.
Then simply start the server using npm start
During development, you can npm run dev
. This will start a hot-reload process.
Either command will start a server listening on PORT
by default).
There are a few environment variables that you can set. Besides
, they each have a default:
: The url of the Arweave gateway to use. (Defaults to
is solely used as a fallback for bothARWEAVE_URL
, if not provided (see below).
: The url for the Arweave http API server, to be used by the CU to fetch transaction data from Arweave, specifically aoModules
, andMessage
s. (Defaults toGATEWAY_URL
: The url for the Arweave Gateway GraphQL server to be used by the CU. (Defaults to${GATEWAY_URL}/graphql
: The url for the Arweave Gateway GraphQL server to be used by the CU specifically for querying for Checkpoints, if the default gateway fails. (Defaults toGRAPHQL_URL
: The url of the uploader to use to upload ProcessCheckpoints
to Arweave. (Defaults
: the JWK Interface stringified JSON that will be used by the CU, or a file to load it fromPORT
: Which port the web server should listen on (defaults to port6363
: Whether the OpenTelemetry endpoint/metrics
should be enabled. Set to any value to enable. (defaults to disabled)DB_MODE
: Whether the database being used by the CU is embedded within the CU or is remote to the CU. Can be eitherembedded
(defaults toembedded
: the name of the embdeeded database (defaults toao-cache
: The maximumMemory-Limit
, in bytes, supported forao
processes (defaults to1GB
: The maximumCompute-Limit
, in bytes, supported forao
processes (defaults to9 billion
: the wasm module formats that this CU supports, as a comma-delimited string (defaults to['wasm32-unknown-emscripten', 'wasm32-unknown-emscripten2']
: the wasm extensions that this CU supports, as a comma-delimited string (defaults to no extensions)WASM_EVALUATION_MAX_WORKERS
: The number of workers to use for evaluating messages (Defaults toos.cpus() - 1
: The directory to cache wasm binaries downloaded from arweave. (Defaults to the os temp directory)WASM_MODULE_CACHE_MAX_SIZE
: The maximum size of the in-memory cache used for Wasm modules (Defaults to5
: The maximum size of the in-memory cache used for loaded Wasm instances (defaults to5
loaded wasm instance)PROCESS_MEMORY_CACHE_MAX_SIZE
: The maximum size, in bytes, of the LRU In-Memory cache used to cache the latest memory evaluated for ao processes.PROCESS_MEMORY_CACHE_TTL
: The time-to-live for a cache entry in the process latest memory LRU In-Memory cache. An entries age is reset each time it is accessedPROCESS_MEMORY_CACHE_FILE_DIR
:The directory to store process memory that has been drained from the LRU In-Memory cache (not to be conflated with file checkpoints -- see below) (Defaults to the os temp directory)PROCESS_MEMORY_FILE_CHECKPOINTS_DIR
: The directory to store process memory associated with file checkpoints. Process file checkpoints will persist across CU restarts (defaults to os tmp directory/file_checkpoints
: The directory to store drained process memory (Defaults to the os temp directory)PROCESS_MEMORY_CACHE_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL
: The interval at which the CU should Checkpoint all processes stored in it's cache. Set to0
to disabled (defaults to0
: The amount of time, in milliseconds, that the CU should wait before creating a processCheckpoint
IFF it has already created a Checkpoint for that process, since it last started. This is effectively a throttle onCheckpoint
creation, for a given process (defaults to30 minutes
: Whether to disable processCheckpoint
creation uploads to Arweave. Set to any value to disableCheckpoint
creation. (You must explicitly enableCheckpoint
: Where to disable processCheckpoint
creation to the file system. (You must explicitly enableCheckpoint
: If a process uses this amount of gas, then it will immediately create a Checkpoint at the end of the evaluation stream.MEM_MONITOR_INTERVAL
: The interval, in milliseconds, at which to log memory usage on this CU.BUSY_THRESHOLD
: The amount of time, in milliseconds, the CU should wait for a process evaluation stream to complete before sending a "busy" respond to the client (defaults to0s
ie. disabled). If disabled, this could cause the CU to maintain long-open connections with clients until it completes long process evaluation streams.RESTRICT_PROCESSES
: A list of process ids that the CU should restrict aka. ablacklist
(defaults to none)ALLOW_PROCESSES
: The counterpart to RESTRICT_PROCESSES. When configured the CU will only execute these processes aka. awhitelist
(defaults to allow all processes)ALLOW_OWNERS
: A list of process owners, whose processes are allowed to execute on the CU aka. an ownerwhitelist
(defaults to allow all owners)PROCESS_CHECKPOINT_TRUSTED_OWNERS
: A list of wallets whose checkpoints are trusted and the CU can start fromDEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL
: the logging level to use (defaults todebug
: the path to the file used to dynamically set the logging level (see here)
You can execute unit tests by running npm test
The CU uses logging levels that conform to the severity semantics specified by RFC5424:
severity of all levels is assumed to be numerically ascending from most important to least important.
The CU uses these logging levels:
error: 0,
warn: 1,
info: 2,
http: 3,
verbose: 4,
debug: 5,
silly: 6
You can set your desired logging level by setting the DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL
environment variable.
If you'd like to dynamically change the log level on a running CU, you may set
the desired level in a .loglevel
file in the working directory. The CU will
automatically adjust its logging level accordingly, for all new logs.
If the .loglevel
file does not exist, is empty, the logging level will be
reset to the DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL
You can also specify the
environment variable to configure a different file to use for dynamically setting the log level
If you'd like to manually trigger the CU to Checkpoint all Processes it has in
it's in-memory cache, you can do so by sending the node process a SIGUSR2
First, obtain the process id for the CU:
pgrep node
# or
lsof -i $PORT
Then send a SIGUSR2
signal to that process: kill -USR2 <process>
This ao
Compute Unit project loosely implements the
Ports and Adapters
Driving Adapter <--> [Port(Business Logic)Port] <--> Driven Adapter
All business logic is in src/domain
where each public api is implemented,
tested, and exposed via a domain/api/*.js
contains all of the business logic steps that can be composed into
public apis (ie. apis/readState.js
, apis/readResults.js
contains the contracts for the driven adapters aka side-effects.
Implementations for those contracts are injected into, then parsed and invoked
by, the business logic. This is how we inject specific integrations with other
components and providers while keeping them separated from the business
logic -- the business logic simply consumes a black-box API -- making them easy
to stub, and business logic easy to unit tests for correctness.
Because the contract wrapping is done by the business logic itself, it also ensures the stubs we use in our unit tests accurately implement the contract API. Thus our unit tests are simoultaneously contract tests.
All driven adapters are located in effects
contains implementations, of the contracts in dal.js
, for various
platforms. The unit tests for the implementations in effects
also import
contracts from domain/dal.js
to help ensure that the implementation properly
satisfies the API.
All driving adapters, which is to say the public API, are also located in effects.
The driving adapter is responsible for receving domain
and returning an
interface to start
and stop
the application. The driving adapter is
responsible for injecting the domain
into whereever it needs to, from the
public API it exposes.
All public routes are provided by the driving Adapter. For example, the
adapter exposes a public API that can be consumed over HTTP
and whose interface is understood by other AO units.
This ao-http
driving adapter uses simple function composition to achieve middleware
behavior on Driving adapter routes. This allows for a more idiomatic developer
experience -- if an error occurs, it can simply be thrown, which bubbles and is
caught by a middleware that is composed at the top.
In fact, our routes don't event import fastify
, and instead are injected an
instance of fastify
to mount routes onto.
middleware is still leveraged, it is abstracted away from the majority of the developer experience, only existing inapp.js
Finally, the entrypoint app.js
builds the appropriate effects based on the
, then passes those effects into domain/index.js
that will then
bootstrap the application. app.js
then starts the application, thus completing
the Ports and Adapters Architecture.
The ao
Compute Unit Server is a stateless application, and can be deployed to
any containerized environment using its Dockerfile
or using node
Make sure you set the
environment variable so that is available to the CU runtime.
It will need to accept ingress from the Internet over HTTP(S)
in order to
fulfill incoming requests, and egress to other ao
Units over HTTP(S)
It will also need some sort of file system available, whether it be persistent or ephemeral.
So in summary, this ao
Compute Unit system requirments are:
- a Containerization Environment or
to run the application - a Filesystem to store files and an embedded database
- an ability to accept Ingress from the Internet
- an ability to Egress to other
Units and to the Internet