I've switched to use my another clean vim project https://github.com/pct/vimrc-core
mercurial hg
ctags (exuberant-ctags), and please change the ctags path from your .vimrc(please install pct.vim first):
let g:easytags_cmd = '/usr/local/bin/ctags'
links # for :Man <php_function>.php
curl # for more.vim, insert chinese words from '中文假文產生器'
check and install what you need if you develop in these languages:
c, cpp : Check syntax via splint html : Check syntax via tidy javascript : Check syntax via jsl or gjslint java : Check syntax via jlint or javaCheckstyle lua : Parse file (luac -p) php : Check syntax (php -l) phpp : Parse a file (php -f) (alternative php checker) python : Check file with pyflakes pylint : Use the pylint compiler plugin (alternative python checker) ruby : Check syntax (ruby -c; no auto-checks) tex, latex : Parse file (chktex -q -v0; no auto-checks) xml, docbk : Check syntax via xmllint
$ wget --no-check-certificate https://github.com/pct/pct.vim/raw/master/install.sh -O - | sh
The origin .vim and .vimrc will be renamed to .vim.yours and .vimrc.yours
clone to your home directory:
$ git clone git://github.com/pct/pct.vim.git
update pct.vim:
$ cd pct.vim; ./update.sh; cd -
link .vimrc and .vim from pct.vim:
$ ln -s pct.vim/.vimrc $ ln -s pct.vim/.vim
add command-t support:
$ cd ~/pct.vim/.vim/bundle/Command-T/ruby/command-t/; ruby extconf.rb; make; sudo make install; cd -
$ cd pct.vim $ ./update.sh
Cannot found ctags? Just find your ctags path and add the example setting below to your .vimrc:
let g:easytags_cmd = '/usr/local/bin/ctags'
Vim goes very slow:
Please `rm ~/.vimtags` and then check again, but you will lose your previous easytags settings.
I want to use command-t, but always something wrong:
1. Please make sure your vim had built for ruby support 2. cd ~/pct.vim/.vim/bundle/Command-T/ruby/command-t/; ruby extconf.rb; make; sudo make install
- use pct.vim for basement
- use my "Vimpyre" project to add other useful vim scripts: https://github.com/pct/vimpyre
- core.pct.vim * just core.pct.vim, clean and slim. * with .vim/bundles and .vim/enable_bundles dir. * add settings to .vimrc, when .vimrc is saved, just use soft link to add enable bundles to enable_bundles dir.
- ext.pct.vim for extends * full bundles that I pick up.
- learn good parts from vundle and other vimfiles.
checksyntax https://github.com/tomtom/checksyntax_vim
:CheckSyntax c, cpp : Check syntax via splint html : Check syntax via tidy javascript : Check syntax via jsl or gjslint java : Check syntax via jlint or javaCheckstyle lua : Parse file (luac -p) php : Check syntax (php -l) phpp : Parse a file (php -f) (alternative php checker) python : Check file with pyflakes pylint : Use the pylint compiler plugin (alternative python checker) ruby : Check syntax (ruby -c; no auto-checks) tex, latex : Parse file (chktex -q -v0; no auto-checks) xml, docbk : Check syntax via xmllint
Align https://github.com/vim-scripts/Align
:5,10Align = Align on '=' signs :'<,'>Align = + - \* / Align on any of the five separator characters shown. Note that visual block mode was used to fire off Align. :AlignCtrl =lp1P1I which means: = all separators are equivalent l fields will be left-justified p1 pad one space before each separator P1 pad one space after each separator I preserve and apply the first line's leading white space to all Align'd lines :help align Gives help for Align
Engspchk https://github.com/vim-scripts/Engspchk
OOP-javascript-indentation.git https://github.com/vim-scripts/OOP-javascript-indentation
PIV https://github.com/vim-scripts/PIV
Updated Syntax Better Fold Support PHP Doc Gen Better Completion Better indenting w/automatic formatting
bufexplorer https://github.com/vim-scripts/bufexplorer.zip
\be (normal open) or \bs (force horizontal split open) or \bv (force vertical split open)
calendar.vim https://github.com/vim-scripts/calendar.vim--Matsumoto
fugitive.vim https://github.com/vim-scripts/fugitive.vim
git commands :Git :Gstatus :Gcommit :Gblame :Gmove :Ggrep :Gremove :Glog :Gread :Gwrite
gundo.vim https://github.com/sjl/gundo.vim
Gundo.vim is Vim plugin to visualize your Vim undo tree.
html5.vim https://github.com/othree/html5.vim
HTML5 omnicomplete funtion and syntax for Vim. Based on the default htmlcomplete.vim.
man-page-view https://github.com/vim-scripts/ManPageView
:Man topic :Man topic booknumber :Man booknumber topic :Man topic(booknumber) INFO :Man info.i PERL (requires the perldoc program) :Man printf.pl :Man cos.pl :Man sprintf.pl PHP (requires the links program) :Man printf.php PYTHON (requires pydoc) :Man pprint.py
matchit https://github.com/vim-scripts/matchit.zip
Use % to jump to start/end of function or html tags. Currently, the following languages are supported: Ada, ASP with VBS, Csh, DTD, Entity, Essbase, Fortran, HTML, JSP (same as HTML), LaTeX, Lua, Pascal, SGML, Shell, Tcsh, Vim, XML. Other languages may already have support via the default |filetype-plugin|s in the standard vim distribution.
more.vim https://github.com/c9s/more.vim
snipMate.vim : [count]more<Tab>,其中 [count] 是可选的数值。 命令 :AppendMoreText[ count],其中 [ count] 是可选的数值。 命令 :MoreText[ count],同上。 插入模式快速鍵:`more,在光标后插入假文。 普通模式快捷键:`more,在下一行插入 [count] 行假文。 普通模式快捷键:<leader>more,同上。 簡單的說,在輸入模式時,輸入 `more 即可隨心所欲自動插入假文; 如果安装有 snipMate.vim,还可以使用 [count]more<Tab> 插入 count 行。 而輸入 :MoreText[ count] 命令可在下一行插入 count 行假文。
neocomplcache https://github.com/Shougo/neocomplcache
Ultimate auto-completion system for Vim
nerdtree https://github.com/scrooloose/nerdtree
:NERDTree [<start-directory> | <bookmark>] :NERDTreeFromBookmark <bookmark> :NERDTreeToggle [<start-directory> | <bookmark>] :NERDTreeMirror :NERDTreeClose :NERDTreeFind :Bookmark <name> :BookmarkToRoot <bookmark> :RevealBookmark <bookmark> :OpenBookmark <bookmark> :ClearBookmarks [<bookmarks>] :ClearAllBookmarks :ReadBookmarks
nginx.vim https://github.com/vim-scripts/nginx.vim
nginx syntax
pydiction https://github.com/vim-scripts/Pydiction
Tab-complete your Python code
ragtag https://github.com/vim-scripts/ragtag.vim
A set of mappings for HTML, XML, PHP, ASP, eRuby, JSP, and more (formerly allml)
snipmate.vim https://github.com/msanders/snipmate.vim
Just use <Tab> to complete your code
supertab https://github.com/ervandew/supertab
Supertab is a plugin which allows you to perform all your insert completion (|ins-completion|) using the tab key.
taglist.vim https://github.com/vim-scripts/taglist.vim
:TlistAddFiles {file(s)} [file(s) ...] :TlistAddFilesRecursive {directory} [ {pattern} ] :TlistClose Close the taglist window. :TlistDebug [filename] :TlistLock :TlistMessages :TlistOpen Open and jump to the taglist window. :TlistSessionSave {filename} :TlistSessionLoad {filename} :TlistShowPrototype [filename] [linenumber] :TlistShowTag [filename] [linenumber] :TlistHighlightTag :TlistToggle Open or close (toggle) the taglist window. :TlistUndebug :TlistUnlock :TlistUpdate Update the tags information for the current buffer.
txt-browser https://github.com/vim-scripts/TxtBrowser
*txtbrowser* Plugin for browsing plain text
vcscommand https://github.com/vim-scripts/vcscommand.vim
:VCSAdd :VCSAnnotate[!] :VCSBlame[!] :VCSCommit[!] :VCSDelete :VCSDiff :VCSGotoOriginal :VCSGotoOriginal! :VCSInfo :VCSLock :VCSLog :VCSRemove :VCSRevert :VCSReview :VCSStatus :VCSUnlock :VCSUpdate :VCSVimDiff :CVSEdit :CVSEditors :CVSUnedit :CVSWatch :CVSWatchAdd :CVSWatchOn :CVSWatchOff :CVSWatchRemove :CVSWatchers
vim-autocomplpop http://bitbucket.org/ns9tks/vim-autocomplpop
Automatically opens popup menu for completions
vim-coffee-script https://github.com/vim-scripts/vim-coffee-script
CoffeeScript support for vim
vim-easytags https://github.com/xolox/vim-easytags
Automated tag generation and syntax highlighting in Vim
vim-easymotion https://github.com/Lokaltog/vim-easymotion
EasyMotion provides a much simpler way to use some motions in vim \m
vim-fuzzyfinder https://bitbucket.org/ns9tks/vim-fuzzyfinder/
Fuzzy/Partial pattern explorer for buffer/file/MRU/command/bookmark/tag/etc.
vim-peepopen https://github.com/shemerey/vim-peepopen
see http://amix.dk/blog/post/19601 for intro, like command-T but Mac OSX Only.
vim-rails https://github.com/tpope/vim-rails
:Rails new {directory} The only global command. Creates a new Rails :Rails! Show the version of rails.vim installed. If rails.vim :Rcd [{directory}] |:cd| to /path/to/railsapp/{directory}. :Rlcd [{directory}] |:lcd| to /path/to/railsapp/{directory}. :Rdoc Browse to the Rails API, either in doc/api in the :Rdoc! Make the appropriate |:helptags| call and invoke :Redit {file} Edit {file}, relative to the application root. Append :Rlog [{logfile}] Split window and open {logfile} ($RAILS_ENV or :Rpreview [{path}] Creates a URL from http://localhost:3000/ and the :Rpreview! [{path}] As with :Rpreview, except :OpenURL is never used. :Rtags Calls ctags -R on the current application root and :Rrefresh Refreshes certain cached settings. Most noticeably, :Rrefresh! As above, and also reloads rails.vim. :OpenURL {url} This is not a command provided by the plugin, but :Rfind [{file}] Find {file}. Very similar to :find, but things like :A These commands were picked to mimic Michael Sharpe's :AE a.vim. Briefly, they edit the "alternate" file, in :AS either the same window (:A and :AE), a new split :AV window (:AS), a new vertically split window (:AV), a :AT new tab (:AT), or read it into the current buffer :AD (:AD). A mapping for :A is [f . :R These are similar |rails-:A| and friends above, only :RE they jump to the "related" file rather than the :RS "alternate." A mapping for :R is ]f . :RV :RT :RD :Rmodel, those variants would be :RSmodel, :RVmodel, :RTmodel, and :RDmodel. :Rcontroller |rails-:Rcontroller| :Renvironment |rails-:Renvironment| :Rfixtures |rails-:Rfixtures| :Rfunctionaltest |rails-:Rfunctionaltest| :Rhelper |rails-:Rhelper| :Rinitializer |rails-:Rinitializer| :Rintegrationtest |rails-:Rintegrationtest| :Rjavascript |rails-:Rjavascript| :Rlayout |rails-:Rlayout| :Rlib |rails-:Rlib| :Rlocale |rails-:Rlocale| :Rmailer |rails-:Rmailer| :Rmetal |rails-:Rmetal| :Rmigration |rails-:Rmigration| :Rmodel |rails-:Rmodel| :Robserver |rails-:Robserver| :Rplugin |rails-:Rplugin| :Rspec |rails-:Rspec| :Rstylesheet |rails-:Rstylesheet| :Rtask |rails-:Rtask| :Runittest |rails-:Runittest| :Rview |rails-:Rview| :Rcontroller [{name}] Edit the specified or current controller. :Renvironment [{name}] Edit the config/environments file specified. With no :Rfixtures [{name}] Edit the fixtures for the given or current model. If :Rfunctionaltest [{name}] :Rhelper [{name}] Edit the helper for the specified name or current :Rinitializer [{name}] Edit the config/initializers file specified. With no :Rintegrationtest [{name}] :Rjavascript [{name}] Edit the JavaScript for the specified name or current :Rlayout [{name}] Edit the specified layout. Defaults to the layout for :Rlib [{name}] Edit the library from the lib directory for the :Rlocale [{name}] Edit the config/locale file specified, optionally :Rmailer [{name}] Edit the mailer specified. This looks in both :Rmetal [{name}] Edit the app/metal file specified. With no argument, :Rmigration [{pattern}] If {pattern} is a number, find the migration for that :Rmodel [{name}] Edit the specified or current model. :Robserver [{name}] Find the observer with a name like :Rplugin [{plugin}[/{path}]] :Rspec [{name}] Edit the given spec. With no argument, defaults to :Rstylesheet [{name}] Edit the stylesheet for the specified name or current :Rtask [{name}] Edit the .rake file from lib/tasks for the specified :Runittest [{name}] Edit the unit test or model spec for the specified :Rview [[{controller}/]{view}] :Rnavcommand [options] {name} [{path} ...] :Rcommand Obsolete alias for |:Rnavcommand|. :[range]Rake {targets} Calls |:make!| {targets} (with 'makeprg' being rake, :[range]Rake! {targets} Called with a bang, :Rake will forgo opening the :Rscript {script} {options} :Rconsole {options} Obsolete. Call |:Rscript| instead. :[range]Rrunner {code} Executes {code} with script/runner. Differs from :[range]Rp {code} Like :Rrunner, but call the Ruby p method on the :[range]Rpp {code} Like :Rp, but with pp (pretty print) or y (YAML :[range]Ry {code} output). :Rgenerate {options} Calls script/generate {options}, and then edits the :Rdestroy {options} Calls script/destroy {options}. :Rserver {options} Launches script/server {options} in the background. :Rserver! {options} Same as |:Rserver|, only first attempts to kill any :[range]Rextract [{controller}/]{name} :[range]Rpartial [{controller}/]{name} :Rinvert In a migration, rewrite the self.up method into a :Rtree [{arg}] If |NERDTree| is installed, open a tree for the :Rdbext [{environment}] This command is only provided when the |dbext| plugin :Rabbrev List all Rails abbreviations. :Rabbrev {abbr} {expn} [{extra}] :Rabbrev! {abbr} Remove an abbreviation. :Rset {option}[={value}]
vim-scmfrontend https://bitbucket.org/ns9tks/vim-scmfrontend
:SfeCommand[!] (Default mapping: \s:) :SfeCommitFile[!] (Default mapping: \sC) :SfeCommitTracked[!] (Default mapping: \s<C-c>) :SfeCommitAll[!] (Default mapping: \sc) :SfeRecordFile[!] (Default mapping: \sE) :SfeRecordAll[!] (Default mapping: \se) :SfeCheckout[!] (Default mapping: \so) :SfeMerge[!] (Default mapping: \sm) :SfeBranch[!] (Default mapping: \sb) :SfeBranchDelete[!] (Default mapping: \sB) :SfeRebase[!] (Default mapping: \sr) :SfeStrip[!] (Default mapping: \st) :SfePull[!] (Default mapping: \s[) :SfePush[!] (Default mapping: \s]) :SfeDiffFile[!] (Default mapping: \sD) :SfeDiffAll[!] (Default mapping: \sd) :SfeLogFile[!] (Default mapping: \sL) :SfeLogAll[!] (Default mapping: \sl) :SfeAnnotateFile[!] (Default mapping: \sn) :SfeStatus[!] (Default mapping: \ss) :SfeGrep[!] (Default mapping: \sg) :SfeLoadModified[!] (Default mapping: \s!) :SfeLoadAll[!] (Default mapping: \s<CR>) :SfeFindFile[!] (Default mapping: \sf)
vim-surround https://github.com/tpope/vim-surround
surround.vim: quoting/parenthesizing made simple
vimwiki https://github.com/vim-scripts/vimwiki
Personal Wiki for Vim :Vimwiki2HTML -- Convert current wiki link to HTML :VimwikiAll2HTML -- Convert all your wiki links to HTML
xmledit https://github.com/sukima/xmledit
A filetype plugin for VIM to help edit XML files
command-t https://github.com/vim-scripts/Command-T/
https://wincent.com/products/command-t \t \b
vim-less https://github.com/groenewege/vim-less
Syntax highlighting for the dynamic stylesheet language LESS (http://lesscss.org/)
present.vim https://github.com/pct/present.vim
Use vim as a presentation tool for Vim. :StartPresent
VST https://github.com/vim-scripts/VST
Vim reStructured Text :Vsti html
zencoding-vim https://github.com/mattn/zencoding-vim
Tutorial of zencoding.vim mattn <[email protected]> 1. Expand Abbreviation Type abbreviation as 'div>p#foo$*3>a' and type '<c-y>,'. --------------------- <div> <p id="foo1"> <a href=""></a> </p> <p id="foo2"> <a href=""></a> </p> <p id="foo3"> <a href=""></a> </p> </div> --------------------- 2. Wrap with Abbreviation Write as below. --------------------- test1 test2 test3 --------------------- Then do visual select(line wize) and type '<c-y>,'. If you request 'Tag:', then type 'ul>li*'. --------------------- <ul> <li>test1</li> <li>test2</li> <li>test3</li> </ul> --------------------- If you type tag as 'blockquote', then you'll see as following. --------------------- <blockquote> test1 test2 test3 </blockquote> --------------------- 3. Balance Tag Inward type '<c-y>d' in insert mode. 4. Balance Tag Outward type '<c-y>D' in insert mode. 5. Go to Next Edit Point type '<c-y>n' in insert mode. 6. Go to Previous Edit Point type '<c-y>N' in insert mode. 7. Update <img> Size Move cursor to img tag. --------------------- <img src="foo.png" /> --------------------- Type '<c-y>i' on img tag --------------------- <img src="foo.png" width="32" height="48" /> --------------------- 8. Merge Lines select the lines included '<li>' --------------------- <ul> <li class="list1"></li> <li class="list2"></li> <li class="list3"></li> </ul> --------------------- and type 'J' --------------------- <ul> <li class="list1"></li><li class="list2"></li><li class="list3"></li> </ul> --------------------- 9. Remove Tag Move cursor in block --------------------- <div class="foo"> <a>cursor is here</a> </div> --------------------- Type '<c-y>k' in insert mode. --------------------- <div class="foo"> </div> --------------------- And type '<c-y>j' in there again. --------------------- --------------------- 10. Split/Join Tag Move cursor in block --------------------- <div class="foo"> cursor is here </div> --------------------- Type '<c-y>j' in insert mode. --------------------- <div class="foo"/> --------------------- And type '<c-y>j' in there again. --------------------- <div class="foo"> </div> --------------------- 11. Toggle Comment Move cursor to block --------------------- <div> hello world </div> --------------------- Type '<c-y>/' in insert mode. --------------------- <!-- <div> hello world </div> --> --------------------- Type '<c-y>/' in there again. --------------------- <div> hello world </div> --------------------- 12. Make anchor from URL Move cursor to URL --------------------- http://www.google.com/ --------------------- Type '<c-y>a' --------------------- <a href="http://www.google.com/">Google</a> --------------------- 13. Make quoted text from URL Move cursor to URL --------------------- http://github.com/ --------------------- Type '<c-y>A' --------------------- <blockquote class="quote"> <a href="http://github.com/">Secure source code hosting and collaborative development - GitHub</a><br /> <p>How does it work? Get up and running in seconds by forking a project, pushing an existing repository...</p> <cite>http://github.com/</cite> </blockquote> --------------------- 14. Installing zencoding.vim for language you using. # cd ~/.vim # unzip zencoding-vim.zip or if you install pathogen.vim: # cd ~/.vim/bundle # or make directory # unzip /path/to/zencoding-vim.zip if you get sources from repository: # cd ~/.vim/bundle # or make directory # git clone http://github.com/mattn/zencoding-vim.git 15. Enable zencoding.vim for language you using. You can customize the behavior of language you using. --------------------- # cat >> ~/.vimrc let g:user_zen_settings = { \ 'php' : { \ 'extends' : 'html', \ 'filters' : 'c', \ }, \ 'xml' : { \ 'extends' : 'html', \ }, \ 'haml' : { \ 'extends' : 'html', \ }, \} ---------------------