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Pure Angular localization (l10n) library.

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  • It's an Angular functional set (pipe, directive, service) used to localize application
  • Compatible with Angular 2+ versions
  • No external dependency
  • Supported some of the most used localization files: .properties, .po, .json
  • Load localization file/s when you need it
  • Easily manage localization storage
  • Customizable localization loader

Tested with

  • Firefox (latest)
  • Chrome (latest)
  • Chromium (latest)
  • Edge
  • IE11

Installing / Getting started

npm install @iplab/ngx-l10n

Use the following snippet inside your app module:

import { L10nModule, L10nService, LanguageCodes } from '@iplab/ngx-l10n';

export class LocalizationResolve implements Resolve {

    constructor(private localization: L10nService){
        this.localization.languageChanges.subscribe(({ code }) => {

    public resolve(): Observable|Promise {
        return this.localization.setFromFile(`${this.localization.languageCode}`);

    imports: [
        L10nModule.forRoot({ config: { defaultLanguage: LanguageCodes.EnglishUnitedStates } }),
            { path: '', component: AppComponent, resolve: { localization: LocalizationResolve }}
    providers: [LocalizationResolve],
    bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {}

Use the following snippet inside your component:

import { L10nService } from '@iplab/ngx-l10n';

export class AppComponent {

  constructor(private localization: L10nService) {

Use the following snippet inside your template:

<div l10n="app.hello.key" [l10n-args]="params"></div>
<div l10n="app.hello.key" [l10n-args]="{value: 'world'}"></div>
<div l10n="app.hello.key" l10n-args="{value: 'world'}"></div>

<div [l10n]="'app.hello.key'" [l10n-args]="params"></div>
<div [l10n]="'app.hello.key'" l10n-args="{value: 'world'}"></div>

<div>{{'app.hello.key' | l10n:param }}</div>
<div [innerHTML]="'app.hello.key' | l10n"></div>
<div>{{'app.hello.key' | l10n: {'key': 'value'} }}</div>


tns plugin add @iplab/ngx-l10n

Use the following snippet inside your app module:

import { L10nModule, L10nService, L10nBaseLoader } from '@iplab/ngx-l10n';
import { knownFolders } from "file-system";
import { Subject, Observable, from } from 'rxjs';
import { map } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { Resolve } from "@angular/router";
import { NativeScriptModule } from "nativescript-angular/nativescript.module";
import { NativeScriptRouterModule } from "nativescript-angular/router";

export class CustomLoader extends L10nBaseLoader {

    private readonly folderName = 'locales'; // folder where you place your locale files, 
                                            // in our case that is locales/
    private readonly documents = knownFolders.currentApp();
    private readonly folder = this.documents.getFolder(this.folderName);

    public getFile({ url, code }: IL10nFileRequest ): Observable<IL10nLoaderResponse> {
        let fileType = this.getFileExtension( url );                           
        let file = this.folder.getFile(url);

        return from(file.readText())
                .pipe(map((response) => {
                    return { response, fileType }

export class LocalizationResolve implements Resolve {

    constructor(private localization: L10nService){
        this.localization.languageChanges.subscribe(({ code }) => {

    public resolve(): Observable|Promise {
        return this.localization.setFromFile(`${this.localization.languageCode}`);

    imports: [
            config: {defaultLanguage: LanguageCodes.EnglishUnitedStates, bindingProperty: 'text' },
            loader: CustomLoader
            { path: '', component: AppComponent, resolve: { localization: LocalizationResolve }}
    providers: [
        L10nService, // because currently NativeScript doesn\'t work with @Injectable({ providedIn: \'root\' })
    bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {}

Use the following snippet inside your template:

<ActionBar title="{{ 'app.header.title' | l10n }}" class="action-bar"></ActionBar>
<ActionBar [title]="'app.hello.key' | l10n"></ActionBar>
<Label text="{{'app.hello.key' | l10n }}"></Label>
<Button text="{{'app.hello.key' | l10n }}" (tap)="onTap($event)"></Button>

If bindingProperty in configuration is set to text l10 directive will use it as default element property

<Label l10n="app.hello.key" [l10n-args]="params"></Label>
<Label l10n="app.hello.key" [l10n-args]="{value: 'world'}"></Label>
<Label l10n="app.hello.key" l10n-args="{value: 'world'}"></Label>

<Label [l10n]="'app.hello.key'" [l10n-args]="params"></Label>
<Label [l10n]="'app.hello.key'" l10n-args="{value: 'world'}"></Label>


Built With:

  • Angular
  • RxJS

Setting up Dev

This project was generated with Angular CLI version 6.0.7.

Angular CLI must be installed before building L10n project.

npm install -g @angular/cli
git clone
cd l10n/
npm install
npm run start

Open "http://localhost:4200" in browser


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the link to tags on this repository.


This project was generated with Angular CLI version 6.0.7.

Angular CLI must be installed before testing L10n project.

npm install -g @angular/cli
git clone
cd l10n/
npm install
npm run test


Want to help?

Want to file a bug, contribute some code, or improve documentation? Excellent! Read up on our contributing guide and then check out one of our issues.


L10n is freely distributable under the terms of the MIT license.