Written and (C) 2015-16 Oliver Wagner [email protected]
Provided under the terms of the MIT license.
Gateway between a Philips Hue bridge and MQTT, using the official Philips Java API library.
It is intended as a building block in heterogenous smart home environments where an MQTT message broker is used as the centralized message bus. See https://github.com/mqtt-smarthome for a rationale and architectural overview.
hue2mqtt follows the mqtt-smarthome topic structure with a top-level prefix and a function like status and set. Lamp, group and scene names are read from the Hue bridge.
Status reports are sent to the topic
The payload is a JSON encoded object with the following fields:
- val - either 0 if the lamp is off, or the current brightness (1..254)
- hue_state - A JSON object which has the complete lamp state as returned from the Hue API:
- on: boolean, whether the lamp is on
- bri: current brightness 1..254
- hue: hue from 0..65535
- sat: saturation from 0..254
- xy: an array of floats containing the coordinates (0..1) in CIE colorspace
- ct: Mired color temperature (153..500)
- alert: alert effect, textual
- effect: color effect, textual
- colormode: current color mode, textual (ct, hs, or xy)
- reachable: boolean, whether the light is reachable
Setting state is possible in one of three ways:
Method 1: Publishing a simple integer value to
will for value=0 turn off the lamp and for values > 0 turn the lamp on and set the brightness to the given value.
Method 2: Publishing a JSON encoded object to
will set multiple parameters of the given lamp. The field names are the same as the ones used in the hue_state state object. Additionally, a field "transitiontime" can be specified which defines the transitiontime to the new state in multiple of 100ms.
Method 3: Publishing a simple value to
will distinctly set a single datapoint (equal to the field names in the composite JSON state object) to the simple value.
The fields "bri", "hue", "sat", "x", "y" and "ct" have variants with a "_inc" suffix which accept a relative value. For example, setting "bri_inc" to "5" will increase the brightness by 5, setting "bri_inc" to "-5" will decrease the brightness by 5. The values will clip properly within their allowed range.
The same is possible with groups:
The special group name 0 is also recognized and refers to the default group which contains all lights connected to a bridge.
Like all applications connecting to a Hue bridge, hue2mqtt needs to be authenticated using push link at least once. The bridge will then assign a whitelist username (in fact a token) which is automatically used on subsequent connections. The token is stored using Java Preferences.
When authentication is required, a one-shot not retained message is published to topic
ID of the Hue bridge to connect to. Required if there is more than one bridge on the network.
Like ID, but using the IP address. Not recommended.
ServerURI of the MQTT broker to connect to. Defaults to "tcp://localhost:1883".
ClientID to use in the MQTT connection. Defaults to "hue".
The topic prefix used for publishing and subscribing. Defaults to "knx/".
- Java 1.7 SE Runtime Environment: https://www.java.com/
- Eclipse Paho: https://www.eclipse.org/paho/clients/java/ (used for MQTT communication)
- Minimal-JSON: https://github.com/ralfstx/minimal-json (used for JSON creation and parsing)
- Philips HUE Java API Library: https://github.com/PhilipsHue/PhilipsHueSDK-Java-MultiPlatform-Android
Automatically built jars can be downloaded from the release page on GitHub at https://github.com/owagner/hue2mqtt/releases
0.13 - 2016/07/5 - owagner
- actually deal with error 1157 ("No bridges found") in onError handler and exit
0.12 - 2016/06/11 - owagner
- will now always go through bridge discovery. Bridges can be specified using either their ID (preferred) or IP. Username is stored per ID.
- will now publish a non-retained message to topic/status/authrequired if authentication is required.
0.11 - 2016/05/28 - owagner/hobbyquaker
- adapted to new 1.8.1+ API scheme of whitelist usernames being assigned by the bridge. The assigned username is stored using Java Preferences. The scheme should be compatible with already authorized hue2mqtt instances, which used a hardcoded username of "hue2mqttuser".
- Hue API libraries updated to 0.11.2.
0.10 - 2016/02/23 - owagner
- attempt to reconnect every 10s if bridge connection errors out
0.9 - 2015/10/01 - owagner
- truncate float numbers to integer when setting integer-only datapoints. Fixes #6
- update Philip Hue lib to 1.8.3
0.8 - 2015/09/28 - hobbyquaker
- fixed set alert
- fixed set effect
0.7 - 2015/07/25 - owagner
- fixed direct datapoint set variant of _inc fields
- updated eclipse-paho to 1.0.2 and minimal-json to 0.9.4
0.6 - 2015/07/15 - owagner
- updated SDK libs to 1.8
- added support for the "_inc" variants of fields. Implements #3
0.5 - 2015/06/25 - owagner
- fix syslog logging to ignore intermediate IO errors
- minimal-json updated to 0.9.2
0.4 - 2015/03/09 - owagner
- better output of available groups and scenes after initial connect