A free LDL factorisation routine for quasi-definite linear systems: Ax=b
You can find a Python interface at qdldl-python and a pure Julia implementation at QDLDL.jl.
To start using QDLDL, first clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/osqp/qdldl.git
To build QDLDL, you need to install cmake and run
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build .
This will generate an out/
folder with contents:
: a code example fromexamples/example.c
: a static and a dynamic versions of the library.
You can control which libraries and executables are built using the following cmake options:
(default on) - Build the static library version of QDLDL.QDLDL_BUILD_SHARED_LIB
(default on) - Build the shared library version of QDLDL.QDLDL_BUILD_DEMO_EXE
(default on) - Build theqdldl_example
demo executable (requires the static library).
You can include an addition option -QDLDL_UNITTESTS=ON
when calling cmake
, which will result in an additional executable qdldl_tester
being built in the out/
folder to test QDLDL on a variety of problems, including those with rank deficient or otherwise ill-formatted inputs.
N.B. All files will have file extensions appropriate to your operating system.
To install (uninstall) the libraries and headers you can simply run make install
(make uninstall
) after running the cmake
command above.
The QDLDL API consists of 5 functions documented in include/qdldl.h
For more details and a working example see examples/example.c
N.B. There is no memory allocation performed in these routines. The user is assumed to have the working vectors already allocated.
Here is a brief summary.
: compute the elimination tree for the quasidefinite matrix factorizationA = LDL'
: return the factorsL
andDinv = 1./D
: solves the linear systemLDL'x = b
: solvesLx = b
: solvesL'x = b
In the above function calls the matrices A
and L
are stored in compressed sparse column (CSC) format. The matrix A
is assumed to be symmetric and only the upper triangular portion of A should be passed to the API. The factor L
is lower triangular with implicit ones on the diagonal (i.e. the diagonal of L is not stored as part of the CSC formatted data.)
The matrices D
and Dinv
are both diagonal matrices, with the diagonal values stored in an array.
The matrix input A
should be quasidefinite. The API provides some (non-comprehensive) error checking to protect against non-quasidefinite or non-upper triangular inputs.
QDLDL uses its own internal types for integers, floats and booleans (QDLDL_int, QDLDL_float, QDLDL_bool
. They can be specified using the cmake options:
(default false): uses float numbers instead of doublesQDLDL_LONG
(default true): uses long integers for indexing (for large matrices)
The QDLDL_bool
is internally defined as unsigned char
A basic example appears in examples/example.c
and is compiled using cmake and the CMakeLists.txt
file in the root folder.
You can include QDLDL in a cmake project foo
by adding the subdirectory as
# Add project
QDLDL can be linked using a static or dynamic linker
# Link static library
target_link_libraries (foo qdldlstatic)
# Link shared library
target_link_libraries (foo qdldl)
for dynamic linking the shared library should be available in your path.
There is also the option to include QDLDL as an object library in your project.
The current CMakeLists.txt
file creates an object library called qdldlobject
This can be added to your project by adding it after your sources.
For example, when creating a library foo
you can add
add_library(foo foo.c foo.h $<TARGET_OBJECTS:qdldlobject>)
for more details see the cmake documentation.
If you find this code useful for your research, please cite the following paper available in this preprint
author = {Stellato, B. and Banjac, G. and Goulart, P. and Bemporad, A. and Boyd, S.},
title = {{OSQP}: an operator splitting solver for quadratic programs},
journal = {Mathematical Programming Computation},
year = {2020},
volume = {12},
number = {4},
pages = {637--672},
doi = {10.1007/s12532-020-00179-2},
url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s12532-020-00179-2},
The algorithm is an independent implementation of the elimination tree and factorisation procedures outlined in
T. A Davis. Algorithm 849: A concise sparse Cholesky factorization package. ACM Trans. Math. Softw., 31(4):587–591, 2005.
- Paul Goulart: main development
- Bartolomeo Stellato: code refactoring and testing
- Goran Banjac