a storytelling helper
The aim of this repository is to make index.html
of mapbox/storytelling app simple as below.
You need to specify story parameters by adding <script "type=yaml">
tag in your HTML.
Name | Mandatory | Type | Description | Sample value |
accessToken | yes | string | MapBox access token. You need to set your own token that can be retrieved from MapBox | pk.eyJ1I.....rTx380smyvPc1g |
title | yes | string | Title of the map | 中国地方の自然と産業 |
style | yes | string | Location of a style JSON of MapBox | https://optgeo.github.io/b3p/style.json |
allowExternalSotry | no | boolean | Set true if viewers can change data by adding URL parameters |
true |
defaultZoom | no | integer | Default zoom level that is used when chapters doesn't has zoom level | 19 |
chapters | yes | string or array | If string data is set, system will load specified data location. If array data is set, system will use the data as chapter data. Please see Chapters section for details. |
https://optgeo.github.io/s/hoge.csv |
footer | yes | string | HTML strings That will be shown in the page footer | Copyright: Optgeo |
Chapters are array of location data of stories.
Curently, you can specify below parameters.
Name | explanation |
title | title of the location |
description | data description |
hash | zoom/lat/lng/bearing/pitch format |
lat,lng | lat, lng location |
chapter.geo3x3 | geo3x3 formatted location |
zoom: chapter.zoom | zoom level |
bearing | bearing |
pitch | pitch |
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="utf-8"><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
<script type="module" src="https://optgeo.github.io/s/module.js"></script>
<script type="text/yaml">
accessToken: pk.eyJ1IjoiaGZ1IiwiYSI6ImlRSGJVUTAifQ.rTx380smyvPc1gUfZv1cmw
title: 中国地方の自然と産業
style: https://optgeo.github.io/b3p/style.json
title: 岡山平野
description: 岡山県にある平野です。
hash: 11.19/34.5801/133.8456/63.2/59
title: 鳥取砂丘
description: 鳥取県にある砂丘です。
hash: 14.9/35.54016/134.22845/153.6/0
footer: >-
<a href='https://github.com/optgeo'>Adopt Geodata プロジェクト</a>の一環です。</p>
Please create google spreadsheet and publish it as a tsv
format data by using File -> Publish to the web
The spreadsheet should have title
, description
and hash
Example Spreadsheet
Then specify the published URL to the chapters
property on the HTML file.
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="utf-8"><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
<script type="module" src="https://optgeo.github.io/s/module.js"></script>
<script type="text/yaml">
accessToken: pk.eyJ1IjoiaGZ1IiwiYSI6ImlRSGJVUTAifQ.rTx380smyvPc1gUfZv1cmw
title: 中国地方の自然と産業
style: https://optgeo.github.io/b3p/style.json
chapters: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vTBcPmZNrFN8WRg76eKJXwnNQDFh-G0sG2OcwJ00hW1DxNKgxZnGAlYzZoiZJktiCB1Zr1wrxJiqbjU/pub?output=tsv
footer: >-
<a href='https://github.com/optgeo'>Adopt Geodata プロジェクト</a>の一環です。</p>
Please create CSV file
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="utf-8"><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
<script type="module" src="https://optgeo.github.io/s/module.js"></script>
<script type="text/yaml">
accessToken: pk.eyJ1IjoiaGZ1IiwiYSI6ImlRSGJVUTAifQ.rTx380smyvPc1gUfZv1cmw
title: 中国地方の自然と産業
style: https://optgeo.github.io/b3p/style.json
chapters: ./test.csv
footer: >-
<a href='https://github.com/optgeo'>Adopt Geodata プロジェクト</a>の一環です。</p>
Please create YAML file
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="utf-8"><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
<script type="module" src="https://optgeo.github.io/s/module.js"></script>
<script type="text/yaml">
accessToken: pk.eyJ1IjoiaGZ1IiwiYSI6ImlRSGJVUTAifQ.rTx380smyvPc1gUfZv1cmw
title: 中国地方の自然と産業
style: https://optgeo.github.io/b3p/style.json
chapters: ./test.yml
footer: >-
<a href='https://github.com/optgeo'>Adopt Geodata プロジェクト</a>の一環です。</p>
Please add allowExternalSotry: true
to the YAML config.
You can read story data by adding a story
The system will read the data using all parameters after the story=
Also, you can set a map title by a title
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="utf-8"><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
<script type="module" src="https://optgeo.github.io/s/module.js"></script>
<script type="text/yaml">
accessToken: pk.eyJ1IjoiaGZ1IiwiYSI6ImlRSGJVUTAifQ.rTx380smyvPc1gUfZv1cmw
title: 中国地方の自然と産業
style: https://optgeo.github.io/b3p/style.json
allowExternalSotry: true
defaultZoom: 19
chapters: ./test.yml
footer: >-
<a href='https://github.com/optgeo'>Adopt Geodata プロジェクト</a>の一環です。</p>
- https://github.com/mapbox/storytelling
- @taisukef
- @halsk