此脚本为了集美大学的Web认证而开发,通过简单的'curl'模拟登录和注销功能(web认证有心跳保活但无需进行保活)。 This shell developed for JMU's web authentication. By using 'curl' to simulate login/logout (Web authentication has keepalive but we don't need it here).
脚本以ash运行(也可以以bash运行),如果配套使用luci界面,必须编译为软件包ipk。脚本将被放置在OpenWrt的"/bin"或者Padavan的"/etc/storage"目录下。 Script based on shell, run with ash or bash. It can be compiled to normal package without hardware platform limitation. Script will be placed at "/bin" or "/etc/storage".
配套luci控制界面luci-app-jmuEportalAuth。 shell方法如下:
Usage (使用方法):
-h Get help information (获取帮助信息)
-k Kill process (结束进程,会下线)
-s Service Name (服务名称)
0(教育网接入) / 1(电信宽带接入) / 2(联通宽带接入) / 3(移动宽带接入)
-u Username (用户名) (工号/学号)
-p Password (密码)
-r Retry authentication with configured (已配置情况下重新认证)
Example (示例):
jmuEportalAuth -h
jmuEportalAuth -k
jmuEportalAuth -s 1 -u 学号 -p 密码
jmuEportalAuth -r
chmod +x /etc/storage/jmuEportalAuth
mtd_storage.sh save
/etc/storage/jmuEportalAuth -s X -u 学号 -p 密码 #X为0/1/2/3
mtd_storage.sh save
添加计划任务 (Add Crontab): 在自定义设置-脚本-自定义 Crontab 定时任务配置那边加上:
10 6 * * * /etc/storage/jmuEportalAuth -r #6点10分认证
# 下载并解压 sdk
wget https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/lede/releases/17.01.6/targets/ar71xx/generic/lede-sdk-17.01.6-ar71xx-generic_gcc-5.4.0_musl-1.1.16.Linux-x86_64.tar.xz
tar xJf lede-sdk-17.01.6-ar71xx-generic_gcc-5.4.0_musl-1.1.16.Linux-x86_64.tar.xz
# Clone 项目
cd lede-sdk-17.01.6-ar71xx-generic_gcc-5.4.0_musl-1.1.16.Linux-x86_64
git clone https://github.com/openjmu/jmuEportalAuth package/jmuEportalAuth
# 选择要编译的包 Utilities -> [M]jmuEportalAuth
make menuconfig
# 开始编译
make package/jmuEportalAuth/compile V=99
Based on LGiki/RuijiePortalLoginTool
Written By Alex Vincent