Challenge official website.
- Set up the local environment
- Download training and validation/testing data
- Prepare submission:
- Submit your solution
This repository contains the sample submission code, ROS interfaces, and evaluation service for the Perception Challenge For Bin-Picking. The reason we openly share the tester code here is to give participants a chance to validate their submissions before submitting.
Estimator: The estimator code represents the sample submission. Participants need to implement their solution by editing the placeholder code in the function
. The tester will invoke the participant's solution via a ROS 2 service call over the/get_pose_estimates
endpoint. -
Tester: The tester code serves as the evaluation service. A copy of this code will be running on the evaluation server and is provided for reference only. It loads the test dataset, prepares image inputs, invokes the estimator service repeatedly, collects the results, and submits for further evaluation.
ROS Interface: The API for the challenge is a ROS service, GetPoseEstimates, over
. Participants implement the service callback on a dedicated ROS node (commonly referred to as the PoseEstimatorNode) which processes the input data (images and metadata) and returns pose estimation results.
In addition, we provide the ibpc_py tool which facilitates downloading the challenge data and performing various related tasks. You can find the installation guide and examples of its usage below.
The core architecture of the challenge is based on ROS 2. Participants are required to respond to a ROS 2 Service request with pose estimation results. The key elements of the architecture are:
Service API: The ROS service interface (defined in the GetPoseEstimates file) acts as the API for the challenge.
PoseEstimatorNode: Participants are provided with Python templates for the PoseEstimatorNode. Your task is to implement the callback function (e.g.,
) that performs the required computation. Since the API is simply a ROS endpoint, you can use any of the available ROS 2 client libraries including C++, Python, Rust, Node.js, or C#. Please use ROS 2 Jazzy Jalisco. -
TesterNode: A fully implemented TesterNode is provided that:
- Uses the bop_toolkit_lib to load the test dataset and prepare image inputs.
- Repeatedly calls the PoseEstimatorNode service over the
endpoint. - Collects and combines results from multiple service calls.
- Saves the compiled results to disk in CSV format.
To simplify the evaluation process, Dockerfiles are provided to generate container images for both the PoseEstimatorNode and the TesterNode. This ensures that users can run their models without having to configure a dedicated ROS environment manually.
Participants are expected to modify the estimator code to implement their solution. Once completed, your custom estimator should be containerized using Docker and submitted according to the challenge requirements. You can find detailed submission instructions here. Please make sure to register a team to get access to the submission instructions.
The following instructions will guide you through the process of validating your submission locally before official submission.
- Docker installed with the user in docker group for passwordless invocations. Ensure Docker Buildx is installed (
docker buildx version
). If not, install it withapt install docker-buildx-plugin
orapt install docker-buildx
(distribution-dependent). - 7z --
apt install p7zip-full
- Python3 with virtualenv --
apt install python3-virtualenv
- The
CLI tools are tested on Linux-based machines. Due to known Windows issues, we recommend Windows users develop using WSL.
Note: Participants are expected to submit Docker containers, so all development workflows are designed with this in mind.
mkdir -p ~/bpc_ws
π If you're already working in some form of virtualenv you can continue to use that and install bpc
in that instead of making a new one.
python3 -m venv ~/bpc_ws/bpc_env
source ~/bpc_ws/bpc_env/bin/activate
For any new shell interacting with the bpc
command you will have to rerun this source command.
Install the bpc command from the ibpc pypi package. (bpc was already taken :-( )
pip install ibpc
cd ~/bpc_ws
git clone
cd ~/bpc_ws/bpc
bpc fetch ipd
This will download the,, and (approximately 6GB combined). The dataset is also available for manual download on Hugging Face.
bpc test ipd
This will download the prebuilt zenoh, tester, and pose_estimator images and run containers based on them. The pose_estimator image contains an empty get_pose_estimates function. After the containers start, you should see the following in your terminal:
[INFO] [1740003838.048516355] [bpc_pose_estimator]: Starting bpc_pose_estimator...
[INFO] [1740003838.049547292] [bpc_pose_estimator]: Model directory set to /opt/ros/underlay/install/models.
[INFO] [1740003838.050190130] [bpc_pose_estimator]: Pose estimates can be queried over srv /get_pose_estimates.
You can then build custom bpc_pose_estimator image with your updated get_pose_estimates function
cd ~/bpc_ws/bpc
docker buildx build -t <POSE_ESTIMATOR_DOCKER_TAG> \
--file ./Dockerfile.estimator \
--build-arg="MODEL_DIR=models" \
and run it with the following command
For example:
cd ~/bpc_ws/bpc
docker buildx build -t bpc_pose_estimator:example \
--file ./Dockerfile.estimator \
--build-arg="MODEL_DIR=models" \
bpc test bpc_pose_estimator:example ipd
This will validate your pose_estimator image against the local copy of validation dataset. When you build a new image you rerun this test.
The console output will show the system getting started and then the output of the estimator.
If you would like to interact with the estimator and run alternative commands or anything else in the container you can invoke it with --debug
The tester console output will be streamed to the file ibpc_test_output.log
Use this to see it
tail -f ibpc_test_output.log
The results will come out as submission.csv
when the tester is complete.
We provide a simple baseline solution as a reference for implementing the solution in ibpc_pose_estimator_py
. Please refer to the baseline_solution branch and follow the instructions there.
π If you are iterating a lot of times with the validation and are frustrated by how long the cuda installation is, you can add it to your Dockerfile as below. It will make the image significantly larger, but faster to iterate if you put it higher in the dockerfile. We can't include it in the published image because the image gets too big for hosting and pulling easily.
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
wget software-properties-common gnupg2 \
&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
wget -q && \
dpkg -i cuda-keyring_1.1-1_all.deb && \
rm cuda-keyring_1.1-1_all.deb && \
apt-get update && \
apt-get -y install cuda-toolkit && \
rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
The above is enough to get you going. However we want to be open about what else were doing. You can see the source of the tester and build your own version as follows if you'd like.
Use the command:
bpc fetch ipd_all
The dataset is also available for manual download on Hugging Face.
It is possible to manually run the components.
shows what it is running on the console output.
Or you can run as outlined below.
docker run --init --rm --net host eclipse/zenoh:1.2.1 --no-multicast-scouting
We use rocker to add GPU support to Docker containers. To install rocker, run pip install rocker
on the host machine.
rocker --nvidia --cuda --network=host bpc_pose_estimator:example
Note: Substitute the <PATH_TO_DATASET> with the directory that contains the ipd dataset. Similarly, substitute <PATH_TO_OUTPUT_DIR> with the directory that should contain the results from the pose estimator. By default, the results will be saved as a
file but this filename can be updated by setting theOUTPUT_FILENAME
environment variable.
docker run --network=host -e BOP_PATH=/opt/ros/underlay/install/datasets -e SPLIT_TYPE=val -v<PATH_TO_DATASET>:/opt/ros/underlay/install/datasets -v<PATH_TO_OUTPUT_DIR>:/submission -it bpc_tester:latest
Generally not required, but to build the tester image, run the following command:
cd ~/bpc_ws/bpc
docker buildx build -t bpc_tester:latest \
--file ./Dockerfile.tester \
You can then use your tester image with the bpc tool, as shown in the example below:
bpc test bpc_pose_estimator:example ipd --tester-image bpc_tester:latest