See: Presentation slides of key ideas.
Large complex graphs typically have many vertices and edges that encode similar "objects", much like all of the rows of a database table are "similar". That collection of vertices/edges can be thought of as forming a vector. Such a vector is sparse, in that it is built out of only some small fragment of the total graph. If the graph is big enough, there might be thousands (or millions) of such vectors. One is then typically interested in doing conventional vector, matrix, tensor analysis on that collection of (sparse) vectors. This repo contains a library/toolset for performing this kind of analysis: correlation, covariance, mutual information, overlap, Hamming distance, similarity measures of various kinds, and more.
In essence, large graphs have many similar sub-patterns and structures inside of them. This is a toolkit for discovering and working with such similar subgraphs.
These are not DL/NN vectors. The vectors and weight matrices that arise in deep learning neural nets (transformers, generative AI, etc.) are dense, not sparse. If a typical DL/NN vector is one-million-dimensional, then a dense vector will have all million basis coefficients be non-zero. A sparse vector will have all except a small number (say, a thousand) be zero. So, if 1,000 of 1,000,000 entries are non-zero, this means that 99.9% of the sparse vector is zero.
This has all sorts of implications. If 99.9% of a vector is zero, you don't need to store those zeros! (Who wants to fill up their RAM and storage with 99.9% zeros???) If 99.9% of a vector is zero, you don't need to pass those parts to a GPU for processing. Or send those zeros to some remote machine in a compute cluster. Or even run a for-loop over them.
The AtomSpace is a (hyper-)graph database, and, as such, is highly optimized for sparse vector storage. Thus, all the code here explicitly designed for the AtomSpace (and not some other graph database.)
The code here is a library built from the ground-up. It does not make use of pre-existing tools or libraries that can be found in R or SciPy. It would be nice if it was possible to use those systems, as they are very popular, with many many users. Unfortunately, both of them choke on large vectors, and have no support for sparse vectors. If you ask SciPy to create a million-dimensional vector, you'll run out of RAM and then crash. The code in this directory routinely handles vectors of this size.
Some notes to get your juices flowing, and get an idea of what this is all about:
This library forms a central part of the Opencog Learn project, where it is used to extract structural similarities in natural language.
Some typical statistical results seen there resemble those of traditional network analysis: vector lengths have a Zipfian distribution, or sometimes a square-root Zipfian distribution. In such distributions, a handful of vectors are extremely long, and almost all the rest are extremely short. This has been seen in genetic, protein and reactome data (using this library) as well as in natural language, and in Wikipedia reference pages (using this library; see graph above).
When such vectors are classified according to pair-wise similarity, they form a Gaussian Orthogonal Ensemble (GOE). This means that traditional principles from physics and statistical mechanics can be applied to them. Of course, the 2024 Nobel Prize was awarded for this kind of work: but it is for dense vectors, as they appear in neural nets. It turns out that such ideas hold for sparse vectors as well.
In symbolic AI, there is a generic need to perform "reasoning" or "inference". There are more than a few ways this can be done. A traditional approach is "chaining", where one explores connected paths between a starting point and an end-point, connected by edges (one-dimensional links). Each edge has two end-points: two vertices define an edge.
In conventional crisp-logic symbolic AI, these vertices are either connected, or not; either there is an edge connecting them, or there is not. One assigns true/false values to the edges in a connectivity diagram. In a probabilistic approach, the edges carry weights or "truth values".
A collection of edges forms a graph. It can also be thought of forming
a matrix M(v,w)
where v
and w
are two vertices. An adjacency
matrix is the matrix M(v,w)=true
if the vertices v
and w
connected by an edge; otherwise, M(v,w)=false
. If the graph edges are
weighted, then M(v,w)
can be understood to be the weight on that edge.
Thus, graphs can be represented as matrices, and vice-versa.
The matrix representation of a graph simplifies certain types of
reasoning and inference. For example, backward/forward chaining limited
to two steps can be understood as just the square of the matrix. That
is, two vertices u
and w
are connected if and only if
sum_v M(u,v) M(v,w)
is not zero. Three chaining steps requires three matrix products, and so on.
A fundamental limitation of the matrix representation of graphs is that,
for most graphs, the corresponding matrix is sparse, sometimes extremely
sparse. Thus, storing an m x k
-dimensional matrix as a block of
numbers makes no sense, if 99.99% of those numbers are zero. Thus, in
terms of RAM usage (or disk usage), a graph representation is much more
compact than a matrix representation. In the AtomSpace, a vertex can be
any Atom whatsoever; an edge is then just a pair of Atoms.
The code here provides a set of tools to layer a matrix API on top of an arbitrary graph or collection of Atoms in the AtomSpace. One merely needs to define the types of the vertices, what the edges are, and how to find the associated weight on that edge. The toolkit then provides a decent set of matrix tools, skewing heavily towards probability-type functions, such as conditional probabilities, mutual information, and so on.
A deeper abstraction of graphs, more suitable for complex reasoning, learning and inference tasks, can be found in the sheaf directory, as well as the learn github repo. Those systems are heavily reliant on the code here.
More generally, there is a generic theme of "pairs of things" that are statistically related. These can be pairs of vertices, or the paring of (vertex, nearest-neighbors). For example, the vertices might be words of the English language. The nearest-neighbors might be N-grams or skip-grams. The vertices might be proteins or genes, and the pairing might be (gene, expressed-protein) or (gene, up/down-regulated-reaction). The pairs can be homogeneous, such as (event, event) pairs, or they can be inhomogeneous, such as (cause, effect) pairs.
A recurring theme is to obtain and analyze statistics for such pairs, to correlate them, to classify them, to discriminate among them. In these cases, the pairs have some associated weight, frequency or count.
A common theme in machine learning are "vectors of data": a vector of numbers can be associated to some object, and one is interested in classifying these vectors in some way; e.g. by using Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Singular Value Decomposition (SVD), K-means clustering, and so on. Vectors are buried in essentially all neural-net type algorithms. But - this is key: a collection of vectors can be viewed as a matrix. Entries in the matrix are (row, column) pairs.
A prototypical example arising in graph theory is the (vertex, nearest-neighbors) pairing. Suppose one has a graph consisting of many vertices of type A (or having "feature" A), and many vertices of type B, C, ... The typical classification problem on such a graph is to determine if vertices of type A are similar to the vertices of type B. Each neighborhood of a vertex A is a single component of a vector; all such neighborhood defines the vector as a whole. To determine if A and B have similar neighborhoods, it suffices to compute either the dot-product (cosine distance) of the two vectors, or the mutual information between them. In this way, common subgraphs can be fished out.
The code in this directory exposes portions of the AtomSpace as pairs, or as a matrix, or as a collection of vectors, depending on how you want to think about it. It implements the low-level code for this access, so that high-level algorithms can be implemented on top of it: so that they can grab that data, do things with it, and write it back. It provides a "window" onto a portion of the AtomSpace, and everything seen through that "window" looks like vectors, like one big matrix.
That is, the structure of interest are ordered pairs (x,y)
of atoms
(that is, where x
and y
are atoms), along with any values attached
to such pairs. The primary value of interest is an observation count
of how often that particular pair was observed. From this
observation count, one can compute various statistical measures: first,
the normalized frequency p(x,y)
(that is, the probability, likelihood)
of how often the pair (x,y)
occurred (the likelihood of observing the
pair). These counts and frequencies can be viewed as a sparse correlation
matrix, and the goal here is to do all the typical things that one
might do with such a matrix. That's what the code in this directory
The prototypical example is that of word-pairs. These are stored in the AtomSpace as
EdgeLink (count=6789)
PredicateNode "word-pair"
WordNode "foo"
WordNode "bar"
which indicates that the word-pair (foo,bar) was observed 6789 times.
In the general, generic case, we might want to observe not just these
PredicateNode "word-pair"
relations, but maybe some other kinds of
predicates. We are interested, perhaps, not just in WordNode
's but
in relations between, say, ConceptNodes
and ContextLink
s. For
biology, the left side might be a GeneNode, and the right side a
Thus, generically, a "matrix" in the AtomSpace is simply a collection
of Atoms, all of the same kind and general structure, with some
identifiable sub-part, called "the rows", or the "left atoms", and some
other identifiable sub-part, called "the columns", or the "right atoms".
As long as one can easily identify all of the Atoms that belong to the
collection, and one can identify two distinct sub-parts, one has
everything one needs to identify pairs (left, right)
(row, column)
aka (x,y)
. To get a matrix, one needs one more thing:
a Value, some Value, any Value, holding a floating-point number for each
pair. This number is called N(x,y)
. This number can represent any
numeric data at all. In the prototypical usage, this number is an
observation count obtained by sensory data flowing in from the outside
world. It doesn't have to be - the matrix toolset provided here is
generic, intended to be useful for any AtomSpace data that meets the
requirement of having a numeric value attached to a collection of pairs.
The tools implemented here include:
- Row and column subtotals (i.e. "marginals").
- Computing and caching frequencies from counts.
- Computing and caching mutual information of pairs.
- Computing and caching marginal mutual information of pairs.
- Computing cosine and jaccard similarity between rows or columns.
- Computing mutual information between rows or columns (as opposed to the MI of pairs).
- Concatenating dissimilar matrices ("direct sum").
- Performing PCA (principal component analysis) in the matrix.
- Performing cuts, to remove unwanted rows, columns and individual entries. This includes both filtering (to hide those entries) and removing (deleting) them from the AtomSpace.
To use these tools, all you need to do is to specify a low-level
object that describes the matrix. If the matrix is in the form of an
, as shown above, then it is sufficient to use the
to describe the types of the left and right
(row and column) atoms, and the PredicateNode
identifying the pair;
everything else is automated. If the matrix is not of the above form,
then it is quite easy to write a small, custom matrix-access object
that defines what the pairs are. See object-api.scm
for details;
in short, one provides some very simple methods: the 'left-type
methods, that return the atom type of the rows and the
columns; a 'pair-type
method that returns the atom-type of the pair,
and a 'pair-count
method that returns the count, given the pair.
Q: Why isn't this in C++? Surely, numerical computations would be a lot faster in C++, right?
A: Yes, probably. But its a lot easier to write scheme code than it is to write C++ code, and so prototyping in scheme just made more sense. It was just-plain simpler, faster, easier (for me). You are invited to take the lessons learned, and re-implement in C++.
Q: What were the lessons learned?
A: The number #1 most important lesson is that the filter object is the most important object: it controls what data you want to keep, and what data you want to discard, and it needs to run "underneath", as a foundation to everything else.
Q: Really, C++ is sooo fast...
A: Yes, but since the data is stored in Values associated with Atoms in the AtomSpace, adding numbers together is NOT the bottleneck. Accessing Atom Values is the bottleneck. For this case, the overhead of using scheme, compared to C++, is not outrageous.
Q: Why don't you just export all your data to SciPy or to Gnu R, or to Octave, or MatLab, for that matter, and just do your data analytics there? That way, you don't need to re-implement all these basic statistical algorithms!
A: That sounds nice, but frankly, it's too much work for me. Maybe you can do this. Seriously, its just a lot easier (for me) to create and use the code here, than to struggle mightily with those packages.
Also: realize that the end-goal of OpenCog is not to export data once, analyze it once, and be done. Rather, the goal is to constantly and continuously monitor external, real-world events, pull them into the AtomSpace, crunch it incessantly, and update knowledge of the external world as a result. This rules out GUI tools for data processing (because there's no GUI in a server) and it rules out popsicle-stick architectures as being a bit hokey.
Also: many of these structures have millions of rows and columns, and ten-million or a hundred-million non-zero entries in the matrix. This can blow through huge amounts of RAM. Can SciPy actually deal with datasets this big? It gets worse, because typically, you want to work with different cuts and filters, where you discard much of the data, or average together different parts: can you really afford the RAM needed to export all of these different cut and filtered datasets? Maybe you can; its just not trivial. (In my datasets, petabytes of RAM would be needed for non-sparse representations. The AtomSpace is all about sparse representations of data.)
Q: But if I did want to do it for Gnu R, how could I do it?
A: You would use Rcpp at
The Rcpp package provides C++ classes that greatly facilitate
interfacing C or C++ code in R packages using the .Call()
provided by R. Rcpp provides matching C++ classes for a large
number of basic R data types. Hence, a package author can keep his
data in normal R data structures without having to worry about
translation or transferring to C++. At the same time, the data
structures can be accessed as easily at the C++ level, and used in
the normal manner. The mapping of data types works in both
directions. It is as straightforward to pass data from R to C++,
as it is it return data from C++ to R.
Q: Any other design issues?
A: Yes. As currently structured, all of these classes assume that your data is readily available in RAM. They will not work correctly, if your dataset is too big to fit into RAM. At the time of this writing (2017), a single atom takes about 1.5KBytes or so, so a dataset consisting of 100M atoms will require about 150GBytes of RAM, plus a bit more for other processes (e.g. Postgres). Since most computers max out at about 256 GBytes RAM, this limits datasets to 100M atoms. Some language datasets can be considerably larger than this. At this time (2017), the largest Amazon EC2 instances are 256 GBytes.
In order to perform some sort of generic analysis of the correlation
of atoms, we need to somehow specify which pairs of atoms are
the ones to be analyzed. This is done with a minimalist object-oriented
API, where you, the user, get to provide a "low-level object" which
indicates the types of the left and the right atoms, the type of the
pair, and where the counts N(x,y)
are located. This library then
implements a collection of various objects that sit "on top" of this,
and provide various reasonable default behaviors for computing the
various interesting things. If you don't like some particular default,
you can always overload that particular method to do something
customized. This OO programming style is called "parametric
polymorphism". It is also seems to go under the name of "traits".
This code is written in scheme. I know some of you want to use python instead, while others would prefer C++. More generally, it would probably be useful to set things up so that external, third-party software systems (such as SciPy or Gnu Octave or tensorflow) could be used to perform the analysis. Now that you've got the general idea... you can go do this!
Anyway, if you are willing to use scheme, here's what we've got,
Every user needs to implement a "low-level API" object that describes the pairs, and provides methods to get them, and to get the associated count (or other numeric value).
The methods that need to be implemented are described in
; a working example is in eval-pair.scm
Additional working examples of the base classes can be found in
and in
Some notation:
Let N(x,y)
be the observed count on the pair of atoms (x,y)
The add-support-api
class provides an API to report the partial
sums N(x,*) = sum_y N(x,y)
and likewise N(*,y)
. If you think of
as a matrix, these are the totals for the entries in each
row or column of the matrix. Likewise, N(*,*) = sum_x sum_y N(x,y)
In statistics, these are called "marginals", because you write the
subtotals in the "margins" of your table.
The add-pair-freq-api
class provides an API to report the frequencies
of pairs, and the partial sums over rows and columns. The frequency
is defined, by default, to be p(x,y) = N(x,y)/N(*,*)
. The row and
column sums are p(x,*) = sum_y p(x,y)
. By default, these total to
one, as all good probabilities should: 1 = sum_x sum_y p(x,y)
The add-report-api
class provides an API to report summary information
about the matrix, including the dimensions of the matrix (the number of
rows and columns), the total number of non-zero entries (which is the
same as the total number of unique pairs), the left, right and total
entropies and mutual information.
These add-pair-*-api
classes simply provide methods to fetch these
values, which are presumed to have been precomputed in some way. Several
classes are provided to compute these.
The add-pair-stars
class provides methods to fetch the set
{x | the atom x occurs in some pair (x,y)}
. This is called the
. Likewise for the right-support.
Another method returns the wild-card pairs: that is, the set
(x,*) = {(x,y) | x is fixed and y is any atom in the pair}
This is called the right-star
because the right-side of the pair is
a wild-card. These methods are useful for iterating over all rows and
columns of the correlation matrix.
The add-loop-api
class provides methods to loop over all non-zero
pairs in the matrix, and invoke a function on them. There are two
methods: for-each-pair
, which simply calls the function for each
pair, and a map-pair
method which returns a list of the results of
calling the function on each pair. XXX Should be merged with the
object, which does a similar thing, and also with
, which does diagonal looping.
The add-support-compute
class provides methods to compute the
partial sums N(*,y)
and N(x,*)
. It also provides methods that
compute how many non-zero entries there are in each row or column.
It also provides methods for the "length" of a column: that is,
len(y) = sqrt(sum_x N^2 (x,y))
and more generally the l_p norm.
Because these computations can take a considerable amount of time,
the partial sums (the "marginals") are cached. The cached values can
be accessed with the add-support-api
The make-compute-freq
class provides methods to compute and cache
the frequencies P(x,y)
, P(*,y)
and P(x,*)
. These are cached
exactly where the add-pair-freq-api
class, above, can find them.
The make-batch-mi
class provides methods to compute the fractional
mutual information of all pairs, namely the value
MI(x,y) = +log_2 P(x,y) / P(x,*) P(*,y)
The batch-all-pair-mi
class is a convenience class that wraps up all
three classes above, and unleashes them on a dataset: first computing
the row and column partial counts, then computing the frequencies, and
then computing and caching the mutual information. For large datasets,
e.g. tens of millions of atoms, this can take hours to run. Thus, for
this reason, the cached values are then saved to the currently-open
database, so that these results become available later.
The add-entropy-compute
class provides methods to compute the entropy
and mutual information of rows and columns: for example, the column
entropy (or left-entropy
) h_left(y) = -sum_x P(x,y) log_2 P(x,y)
It also returns the far more interesting 'fractional entropy', given
by H_left(y) = h_left(y) / P(*,y)
. Along similar lines, there is
also the mutual information mi_left(y) = sum_x P(x,y) log_2 MI(x,y)
where MI(x,y) = +log_2 P(x,y) / P(x,*) P(*,y)
is the fractional pair
Methods are also provided to compute the total entropy:
H_tot = sum_x sum_y P(x,y) log_2 P(x,y)
as well as
the left and right entropies: H_left = sum_y P(*,y) log_2 P(*,y)
and v.v.
The add-similarity-compute
class provides methods for taking the
vector product of two different rows or columns, viz. the product
left-prod(y,z) = sum_x N(x,y) N(x,z)
and likewise for the right.
The cosine similarity is
left-cosine(y,z) = left-prod(y,z) / (left-length(y) * left-length(z))
left-length(y) = sqrt sum_x N(x,y) N(x,y)
= sqrt left-prod(y,y)
The class also provides several other similarity measures, including the Jaccard similarity (Ruzicka distance)
left-jacc-sim(y,z) = sum_x min (N(x,y), N(x,z)) /
sum_x max (N(x,y), N(x,z))
and the Probability-Jaccard distance (a maximally consistent distance for probability distributions; see Wikiepdia for details). This class also provides a plain overlap similarity function.
If one has a collection of things that can be vectors in two different ways, then the direct sum can be used to create a single vector out of the two. It can be thought of as a concatenation of the two vectors, appending one to the other to create a single vector.
For example, a word "foo" can be associated with a vector of disjuncts. It can also be associated with a vector of connectors that it appears in (a "shape"). These are two completely different kinds of vectors; all they have in common is that both are associated with the word "foo". As matrices, one consists of (word,disjunct) pairs, while the other consists of (word,shape) pairs. The left-side of the matrix (the rows of the matrix) all have the same type (i.e. words) while the right side (the columns) are two different types (and are completely disjoint, as sets). Concatenating these two matrices, placing one after the other, results in a single matrix where the rows are result of appending the rows of the second matrix to the first. If the dimensions of the two matrices are N x M and N x K, then the dimensions of the combined matrix would be N x (M + K).
The direct-sum
class will combine these two matrices to provide an
object that behaves like a single matrix. The left and right basis
elements will be the set-union of the left and right basis elts of each
component matrix. By assumption, the types of either the columns or
the rows are distinct, and so one of these sets is disjoint. Thus, the
union is unambiguous; the matrices are either placed side-by-side by
concatenating rows, or above-below, by concatenating columns. There is
no "overlap". The total number of non-zero entries in the combined
matrix is the sum of the number of non-zero entries in each component.
(Caution: this is not the conventional definition of a direct sum, which results in block-diagonal matrix. The conventional definition takes the disjoint-union of the indexes (the basis), whereas here, we take the set-union of the basis. The set-union makes more sense in the current context, because the rows and columns have explicit labels, and it is the labels that are important. The set union is obtained from the disjoint union by means of a projection.)
The add-tuple-math
class provides methods for applying arbitrary
functions to arbitrary sets of rows or columns. The simplest examples
include taking the sums and differences of columns, taking the
element-by-element min or max of a set of columns, counting the number
of entries that are simultaneously non-zero in sets of columns, etc.
The class works by defining a new matrix, whose rows or columns
are tuples (pairs, triples, etc) of the underlying matrix. For example,
one can ask for the matrix entry (x, [y,z,w])
. The value returned
will be (x, f((x,y), (x,z), (x,w)))
where the user-defined function
was used to create the x
The add-gaussian-ortho-compute
object will take a (non-sparse)
symmetric matrix as input, and normalize it such that the mean of all
of the matrix entries is zero, and the standared deviation is one.
This will result in a matrix that is (approximately) gaussian
orthogonal. The rows and columns can then be understood to be
(approximately) uniformly distributed about the origin, and when
normalized to unit length, can be understood to lie on the surface
of a sphere
A power iteration object is provided by the make-power-iter-pca
object. Once a matrix X
has been specified, this will iterate on
either X^T X
or on XX^T
for K
iterations. The result of this
iteration is the principal component of X
(equivalently, the
Frobenius-Peron eigenvector of X^T X
or XX^T
The code designed to work fast for sparse matrices, and can obtain eigenvectors in under 20 seconds or so for 15K by 15K matrices with 100K non-zero entries.
The code is beta; only a bare minimum of function is provided. So far, PCA is not terribly interesting for the kinds of graph problems we are interested in solving.
Data will typically have lots of "noise" in it, which should be masked
before data analysis starts. The tools in filter.scm
can do this. A
generic filter will mask out arbitrary rows, columns and individual
entries, depending on the supplied predicates. Built on top of this is
a filter that masks out rows, columns and entries that have counts
below a threshold. Another filter can mask out explicitly-named rows
and columns.
Unfortunately, filtering can be slow, and loading a large matrix only
to access small subsets of it is wasteful of RAM, and can add CPU
overhead. Thus, a similar set of interfaces is provided in trim.scm
which will remove (delete) rows, columns and matrix entries from both
the AtomSpace, and from attached storage. With appopropriate trimming,
noisy datasets can be reduced in size by factors of two, ten or a
hundred. This can have a huge impact on processing.
Suppose you have more than just pairs. Suppose you have triples that
you want to work with. Then what? Answer: use the network analysis
tools in the (opencog network)
If you choose to read the source code, read it in the following order:
- object-api.scm
- eval-pairs.scm
- support.scm
- transpose.scm
- similarity-api.scm
- cosine.scm
- symmetric-mi.scm
- group-similarity.scm
- compute-mi.scm
- trans-batch.scm
- filter.scm
- trim.scm
- direct-sum.scm
There are more files not mentioned in this list, but they are less relevant.
To-do list items.
The "star" objects need to be redesigned. They fetch wild-card counts and other marginal values straight out of the AtomSpace. But those marginal values are correct only if no filtering is applied. If there are pre-filters, then the returned marginals are garbage. Yucko. Can we fail-safe this for now?
Need to support columns/rows that can be one of several types (e.g. can be WordNodes, or be WordClassNodes) This is currently handled in an ad hoc manner.
Need a more consistent/coherent API for interacting with storage. Currently, the
methods do this, and there is a scattering of other store methods provided in an ad hoc, as-needed basis. All this should be made prettier.
The API here does everything descirbed above. It works. It's stable. It's well-debugged and has been used for years in large compute efforts, burning through dozens (maybe hundreds?) of cpu-years of data mangling. It's mature. And, like any mature piece of software, we wish it did some things differently. Several files of alternative designs can be found in the design directory.