A PyTorch implementation of our paper Video Summarization with Attention by Jiri Fajtl, Hajar Sadeghi Sokeh, Vasileios Argyriou, Dorothy Monekosso and Paolo Remagnino. This paper was presented at ACCV 2018 AIU2018 workshop.
The development and evaluation was done on the following configuration:
- Platform : Linux-4.15.0-43-generic-x86_64-with-Ubuntu-16.04-xenial
- Display driver : NVRM version: NVIDIA UNIX x86_64 Kernel Module 384.130 Wed Mar 21 03:37:26 PDT 2018 GCC version: gcc version 5.4.0 20160609 (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.10)
- GPU: NVIDIA Titan Xp
- CUDA: 9.0.176
- CUDNN: 7.1.2
- Python: 3.5.2
- PyTorch: 0.4.1
- NumPy: 1.16.1
- json: 2.0.9
- h5py: 2.8.0
- ortools: 6.9.5824
Preprocessed datasets TVSum, SumMe, YouTube and OVP as well as VASNet pretrained models you can download by running the following command:
./download.sh datasets_models_urls.txt
You will need about 820MB space on your HDD. Datasets will be stored in ./datasets
directory and models, with corresponding split files, in ./data/models
and ./data/splits
Original version of the datasets can be downloaded from http://www.eecs.qmul.ac.uk/~kz303/vsumm-reinforce/datasets.tar.gz or https://www.dropbox.com/s/ynl4jsa2mxohs16/data.zip?dl=0.
To evaluate all splits in ./data/splits
with corresponding trained models in ./data/models
run the following:
python3 main.py
For experiment saved in different than ./data
directory use parameter -o <directory_name>
Results for
the default split files and given hw/sw configuration are as follows:
No Split Mean F-score
1 splits/tvsum_splits.json 61.428%
2 splits/summe_splits.json 49.631%
3 splits/tvsum_aug_splits.json 62.457%
4 splits/summe_aug_splits.json 51.11%
To train the VASNet on all split files in the ./splits
directory run this command:
python3 main.py --train
Results, including a copy of the split and python files, will be stored in ./data
You can specify different directory with a parameter -o <directory_name>
This is convenient if you
are running a number of experiments and want to preserve the results and configuration.
The final results will be recorded in ./data/results.txt
with corresponding models in
the ./data/models
By default, the training is done with split files in ./splits
directory. These files were created
with create_split.py
. For example, to create 5 fold split file for the SumMe dataset run the following command:
python3 create_split.py -d datasets/eccv16_dataset_summe_google_pool5.h5 --save-dir splits --save-name summe_splits --num-splits 5
The split file will be saved as ./splits/summe_splits.json
We would like to thank to K. Zhou et al.
and K Zhang et al. for making the preprocessed datasets publicly available and also K. Zhou et al.
for code vsum_tools.py
and create_split.py
which we copied from https://github.com/KaiyangZhou/pytorch-vsumm-reinforce
and slightly modified.
This work is co-funded by the NATO within the WITNESS project under grant agreement number G5437. We gratefully acknowledge the support of NVIDIA Corporation with the donation of the TITAN Xp GPU used for this research.
If you use this code or reference our paper in your work please cite this publication as:
title={Summarizing Videos with Attention},
author={Jiri Fajtl and Hajar Sadeghi Sokeh and Vasileios Argyriou and Dorothy Monekosso and Paolo Remagnino},