A property-based testing tool for Ruby with experimental features that allow you to run test cases in parallel.
PBT stands for Property-Based Testing.
As for the results of the parallelization experiment, please refer the talk at RubyKaigi 2024: Unlocking Potential of Property Based Testing with Ractor.
Property-Based Testing is a testing methodology that focuses on the properties a system should always satisfy, rather than checking individual examples. Instead of writing tests for predefined inputs and outputs, PBT allows you to specify the general characteristics that your code should adhere to and then automatically generates a wide range of inputs to verify these properties.
The key benefits of property-based testing include the ability to cover more edge cases and the potential to discover bugs that traditional example-based tests might miss. It's particularly useful for identifying unexpected behaviors in your code by testing it against a vast set of inputs, including those you might not have considered.
For a more in-depth understanding of Property-Based Testing, please refer to external resources.
- Original ideas
- Rather new introductory resources
Add this line to your application's Gemfile and run bundle install
gem 'pbt'
Off course you can install with gem intstall pbt
# Let's say you have your own sort method.
def sort(array)
return array if array.size <= 2 # Here's a bug! It should be 1.
pivot, *rest = array
left, right = rest.partition { |n| n <= pivot }
sort(left) + [pivot] + sort(right)
Pbt.assert do
# The given block is executed 100 times with different arrays with random numbers.
# Besides, if you set `worker: :ractor` option to `assert` method, it runs in parallel using Ractor.
Pbt.property(Pbt.array(Pbt.integer)) do |numbers|
result = sort(numbers)
result.each_cons(2) do |x, y|
raise "Sort algorithm is wrong." unless x <= y
# If the method has a bug, the test fails and it reports a minimum counterexample.
# For example, the sort method doesn't work for [0, -1].
# Pbt::PropertyFailure:
# Property failed after 23 test(s)
# seed: 43738985293126714007411539287084402325
# counterexample: [0, -1]
# Shrunk 40 time(s)
# Got RuntimeError: Sort algorithm is wrong.
The above snippet is very simple but contains the basic components.
is the runner. The runner interprets and executes the given property. Pbt.assert
takes a property and runs it multiple times. If the property fails, it tries to shrink the input that caused the failure.
The snippet above declared a property by calling Pbt.property
. The property describes the following:
- What the user wants to evaluate. This corresponds to the block (let's call this
) enclosed bydo
- How to generate inputs for the predicate — using
The predicate
block is a function that directly asserts, taking values generated by Arbitrary
as input.
Arbitrary generates random values. It is also responsible for shrinking those values if asked to shrink a failed value as input.
Here, we used only one type of arbitrary, Pbt.integer
. There are many other built-in arbitraries, and you can create a variety of inputs by combining existing ones.
In PBT, If a test fails, it attempts to shrink the case that caused the failure into a form that is easier for humans to understand. In other words, instead of stopping the test itself the first time it fails and reporting the failed value, it tries to find the minimal value that causes the error.
When there is a test that fails when given an even number, a counterexample of [0, -1]
is simpler and easier to understand than any complex example like [-897860, -930517, 577817, -16302, 310864, 856411, -304517, 86613, -78231]
There are many built-in arbitraries in Pbt
. You can use them to generate random values for your tests. Here are some representative arbitraries.
rng = Random.new
Pbt.integer.generate(rng) # => 42
Pbt.integer(min: -1, max: 8).generate(rng) # => Integer between -1 and 8
Pbt.symbol.generate(rng) # => :atq
Pbt.ascii_char.generate(rng) # => "a"
Pbt.ascii_string.generate(rng) # => "aagjZfao"
Pbt.boolean.generate(rng) # => true or false
Pbt.constant(42).generate(rng) # => 42 always
rng = Random.new
Pbt.array(Pbt.integer).generate(rng) # => [121, -13141, 9825]
Pbt.array(Pbt.integer, max: 1, empty: true).generate(rng) # => [] or [42] etc.
Pbt.tuple(Pbt.symbol, Pbt.integer).generate(rng) # => [:atq, 42]
Pbt.fixed_hash(x: Pbt.symbol, y: Pbt.integer).generate(rng) # => {x: :atq, y: 42}
Pbt.hash(Pbt.symbol, Pbt.integer).generate(rng) # => {atq: 121, ygab: -1142}
Pbt.one_of(:a, 1, 0.1).generate(rng) # => :a or 1 or 0.1
See ArbitraryMethods module for more details.
Once a test fails it's time to debug. Pbt
provides some features to help you debug.
When a test fails, you'll see a message like below.
Property failed after 23 test(s)
seed: 43738985293126714007411539287084402325
counterexample: [0, -1]
Shrunk 40 time(s)
Got RuntimeError: Sort algorithm is wrong.
# and backtraces
You can reproduce the failure by passing the seed to Pbt.assert
Pbt.assert(seed: 43738985293126714007411539287084402325) do
Pbt.property(Pbt.array(Pbt.integer)) do |number|
# your test
You may want to know which values pass and which values fail. You can enable verbose mode by passing verbose: true
to Pbt.assert
Pbt.assert(verbose: true) do
Pbt.property(Pbt.array(Pbt.integer)) do |numbers|
# your failed test
The verbose mode prints the results of each tested values.
Encountered failures were:
- [-897860, -930517, 577817, -16302, 310864, 856411, -304517, 86613, -78231]
- [310864, 856411, -304517, 86613, -78231]
- [-304517, 86613, -78231]
(snipped for README)
- [0, -3]
- [0, -2]
- [0, -1]
Execution summary:
. × [-897860, -930517, 577817, -16302, 310864, 856411, -304517, 86613, -78231]
. . √ [-897860, -930517, 577817, -16302, 310864]
. . √ [-930517, 577817, -16302, 310864, 856411]
. . √ [577817, -16302, 310864, 856411, -304517]
. . √ [-16302, 310864, 856411, -304517, 86613]
. . × [310864, 856411, -304517, 86613, -78231]
(snipped for README)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . √ [-2]
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . √ []
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . × [0, -1]
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . √ [0]
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . √ [-1]
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . √ []
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . √ [0, 0]
You can configure Pbt
by calling Pbt.configure
before running tests.
Pbt.configure do |config|
# Whether to print verbose output. Default is `false`.
config.verbose = false
# The concurrency method to use. `:ractor` and `:none` are supported. Default is `:none`.
config.worker = :none
# The number of runs to perform. Default is `100`.
config.num_runs = 100
# The seed to use for random number generation.
# It's useful to reproduce failed test with the seed you'd pick up from failure messages. Default is a random seed.
config.seed = 42
# Whether to report exceptions in threads.
# It's useful to suppress error logs on Ractor that reports many errors. Default is `false`.
config.thread_report_on_exception = false
Or, you can pass the configuration to Pbt.assert
as an argument.
Pbt.assert(num_runs: 100, seed: 42) do
# ...
One of the key features of Pbt
is its ability to rapidly execute test cases in parallel or concurrently, using a large number of values (by default, 100
) generated by Arbitrary
For concurrent processing, you can specify :ractor
using the worker
option. Alternatively, choose :none
for serial execution.
Be aware that the performance of each method depends on the test subject. For example, if the test subject is CPU-bound, :ractor
may be the best choice. Otherwise, :none
shall be the best choice for most cases. See benchmarks.
worker is useful for test cases that are CPU-bound. But it's experimental and has some limitations as described below. If you encounter any issues due to those limitations, consider falling back to :none
Pbt.assert(worker: :ractor) do
Pbt.property(Pbt.integer) do |n|
# ...
Please note that Ractor support is an experimental feature of this gem. Due to Ractor's limitations, you may encounter some issues when using it.
For example, you cannot access anything out of block.
a = 1
Pbt.assert(worker: :ractor) do
Pbt.property(Pbt.integer) do |n|
# You cannot access `a` here because this block is executed in a Ractor and it doesn't allow implicit sharing of objects.
a + n # => Ractor::RemoteError (can not share object between ractors)
You cannot use any methods provided by test frameworks like expect
or assert
because they are not available in a Ractor.
it do
Pbt.assert(worker: :ractor) do
Pbt.property(Pbt.integer) do |n|
# This is not possible because `self` if a Ractor here.
expect(n).to be_an(Integer) # => Ractor::RemoteError (cause by NoMethodError for `expect` or `be_an`)
For most cases, :none
is the best choice. It runs tests sequentially but most test cases finishes within a reasonable time.
Pbt.assert(worker: :none) do
Pbt.property(Pbt.integer) do |n|
# ...
Once this project finishes the following, we will release v1.0.0.
- Implement basic primitive arbitraries
- Implement composite arbitraries
- Support shrinking
- Support multiple concurrency methods
- Ractor
- Process (dropped)
- Thread (dropped)
- None (Run tests sequentially)
- Documentation
- Add better examples
- Arbitrary usage
- Configuration
- Benchmark
- Rich report by verbose mode
- (Partially) Allow to use expectations and matchers provided by test framework in Ractor. (dropped)
- It'd be so hard to pass assertions like
to a Ractor.
- It'd be so hard to pass assertions like
- Implement frequency arbitrary
- Statistics feature to aggregate generated values
- Decide DSL
- Try Fiber
- Stateful property-based testing
bundle exec rake # Run tests and lint at once
bundle exec rspec
bundle exec rake standard:fix
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/ohbarye/pbt. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the code of conduct.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.
This project draws a lot of inspiration from other testing tools, namely
Everyone interacting in the Pbt project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.