Tool to execute terminal commands with retries.
$ retry -limit=3 -backoff=lin:500ms -- curl
Full description of the idea is available here.
Usage: retry [-timeout Timeout] [--debug] [--notify] [strategy flags] -- command
The strategy flags
Infinite creates a Strategy that will never stop repeating.
Limit creates a Strategy that limits the number of attempts that Retry will
Delay creates a Strategy that waits the given duration before the first
attempt is made.
Wait creates a Strategy that waits the given durations for each attempt after
the first. If the number of attempts is greater than the number of durations
provided, then the strategy uses the last duration provided.
Backoff creates a Strategy that waits before each attempt, with a duration as
defined by the given backoff.Algorithm.
-tbackoff=":algorithm :transformation"
BackoffWithJitter creates a Strategy that waits before each attempt, with a
duration as defined by the given backoff.Algorithm and jitter.Transformation.
Incremental creates a Algorithm that increments the initial duration
by the given increment for each attempt.
Linear creates a Algorithm that linearly multiplies the factor
duration by the attempt number for each attempt.
Exponential creates a Algorithm that multiplies the factor duration by
an exponentially increasing factor for each attempt, where the factor is
calculated as the given base raised to the attempt number.
BinaryExponential creates a Algorithm that multiplies the factor
duration by an exponentially increasing factor for each attempt, where the
factor is calculated as "2" raised to the attempt number (2^attempt).
Fibonacci creates a Algorithm that multiplies the factor duration by
an increasing factor for each attempt, where the factor is the Nth number in
the Fibonacci sequence.
Full creates a Transformation that transforms a duration into a result
duration in [0, n) randomly, where n is the given duration.
The given generator is what is used to determine the random transformation.
If a nil generator is passed, a default one will be provided.
Inspired by
Equal creates a Transformation that transforms a duration into a result
duration in [n/2, n) randomly, where n is the given duration.
The given generator is what is used to determine the random transformation.
If a nil generator is passed, a default one will be provided.
Inspired by
Deviation creates a Transformation that transforms a duration into a result
duration that deviates from the input randomly by a given factor.
The given generator is what is used to determine the random transformation.
If a nil generator is passed, a default one will be provided.
Inspired by
NormalDistribution creates a Transformation that transforms a duration into a
result duration based on a normal distribution of the input and the given
standard deviation.
The given generator is what is used to determine the random transformation.
If a nil generator is passed, a default one will be provided.
retry -limit=3 -backoff=lin:10ms -- curl
retry -tbackoff="lin:10s full" --debug -- curl
retry -timeout=500ms --notify --infinite -- git pull
Version 3.0.0 (commit: ..., build date: ..., go version: go1.9, compiler: gc, platform: darwin/amd64)
$ retry -limit=3 -backoff=lin:10ms -- /bin/sh -c 'echo "trying..."; exit 1'
#2 attempt at 17.636458ms...
#3 attempt at 48.287964ms...
error occurred: "exit status 1"
$ retry -timeout=500ms --infinite -- /bin/sh -c 'echo "trying..."; exit 1'
#N attempt at 499.691521ms...
error occurred: "context deadline exceeded"
$ brew install kamilsk/tap/retry
$ curl -sSL | sh
# or
$ wget -qO- | sh
# use standard go tools
$ go get -u
# or use egg tool
$ egg tools add
$ retry completion bash > /path/to/bash_completion.d/
$ retry completion zsh > /path/to/zsh-completions/_retry.zsh
1 The project is still in prototyping.↩
made with ❤️ for everyone