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OmniChat is a framework to easily manage real-time communication across multiple service providers such as Facebook or Skype.



Install the module from npm: Not available yet.

npm install --save omni-chat

Clone from Github, build it and then link it:

git clone
cd omni-chat
npm install
typings install
gulp project.dist.node
npm link
# And then in you project:
npm link omni-chat

In order to connect to a service, you need to install some drivers

npm install --save palantiri-driver-facebook

Note that omni-chat also exposes its Typescript definition. You can install them with typings.

typings install --save npm:omni-chat npm:palantiri-driver-facebook

Creating a connection

This section uses Typescript with ES6 syntax, but this package is fully compatible with Javascript ES5.

Start by importing omni-chat and your drivers.

import * as omniChat from "omni-chat";
import * as facebookDriver from "palantiri-driver-facebook";

The entry point for an omni-chat application is called App. In order to use our Facebook driver, we need to register it on the App object.

Each driver needs some driver-specific options to establish a connection: the most common example are credentials for password-protected accounts. Registering a driver means linking a driver to ConnectionProvider: a function that takes care of acquiring the driver-specific options and return a Connection.

// App.useDriver(connection, connectionProvider)
  // We provide the registered Connection
  // UserAccount provides data about the account we try to connect to
  (userAccount: UserAccount) => {
    let options: facebookDriver.ConnectionOptions;
    // In this example, our driver provide a connection to only one account,
    // but in reality this should prompt for credentials, check a db, read a config file, etc.
    options = {
      credentials: {
        email: "YOUR_EMAIL",
        password: "YOUR_PASSWORD"
    let connection = new facebookDriver.Connection(options);
    // You can also return a Promise
    return connection;

Once you registered the driver, you can create a User and add him some accounts.

// Create a user
let user = new omniChat.User();

// Create a facebook account
let account = new omniChat.Account({
  driverName: "facebook",
  // ...

// Add the account to the user.

The setup is now finished and you can use omni-chat:

  .then((accounts: omniChat.AccountInterface[]) => {
    accounts.forEach((account) => {
      account.listen() // Connect if not already connected and receive messages
        .then(account => {
          return account.getDiscussion()
        .then((discussions: omnichat.DiscussionInterface[]) => {
          discussion.each((discussion) => {
            return discussion.sendMessage({body: "Hello world!"})
              .then((message: omniChat.MessageInterface) => {
                console.log("Successfully sent message:");


OmniChat accepts any driver following the Palantiri Interface. Here are some officially supported drivers:



App is the shared context. It contains:

  • The list of available drivers/functions to acquire a palantiri connection
  • The active palantiri connections
  • The active users

User a user represent a set of accounts owned by the same person. It contains:

  • The list of accounts
  • The list of active discussions

Account is the high-level representation of everything you can do with an account

  • getOrCreateConnection: internal use, allows to open the connection for this account
  • sendMessage(msg, discussion): sends a message to the discussion

Discussion is an object representing a group of palantiri-discussions. For each discussion, it knows which local account to use. Currently it does not support nested Discussions recursively.

  • sendMessage(msg): sends the message to every sub-discussion


MetaDiscussions (cross-service discussions)

One of the greatest features offered by omni-chat is the support for cross-service discussions and messages. These discussions and messages spanning across multiple services are called MetaDiscussions and MetaMessages (as opposed to single-account/single service SimpleDiscussions and SimpleMessages).

A MetaDiscussion is a tree of of sub-discussions (either other MetaDiscussions or SimpleDiscussions). A SimpleDiscussion is bound to a single UserAccount, but a MetaDiscussion can contain sub-discussions using various accounts. The restriction is that one User has to own every UserAccount involved.

let alice: omniChat.User;
// ...

  alice.getDiscussions({driverName: "facebook}),
  alice.getDiscussions({driverName: "skype}),
  (facebookDiscussions, skypeDiscussions) => {
    // we pick one of the discussions
    let fbDiscussion = facebookDiscussions[0]; // a SimpleDiscussion
    let skypeDiscussion = skypeDiscussions[0]; // another SimpleDiscussion
    // Create a new meta-discussion, only alice's conversations can be used here
    let crossDiscussion = new MetaDiscussion(alice);
    return Bluebird
      .then(() => {
        // We now have the following tree:
        // crossDiscussion
        // ├- fbDiscussion
        // └- skypeDiscussion
        // When using sendMessage or other methods, the message propagate across the whole sub-tree:
        fbDiscussion.sendMessage({body: "fb-only message"});
        // The result will be a Bluebird<SimpleMessage>
        skypeDiscussion.sendMessage({body: "skype-only message"});
        // The result will be a Bluebird<SimpleMessage>
        crossDiscussion.sendMessage({body: "meta message: propagated to both fbDiscussion & skypeDiscussion"});
        // The result will be a Bluebird<MetaMessage>
               |    MetaDiscussion     |
               |user:    Alice         |
               |fbBob                  |
               |fbCharlie              |
               |skypeDan               |
                  |                 |
                  |                 |
                  v                 v
+-----------------+-----+     +-----+-----------------+
|   SimpleDiscussion    |     |   SimpleDiscussion    |
|      (facebook)       |     |       (skype)         |
+-----------------------+     +-----------------------+
|user:    Alice         |     |user:    Alice         |
|account: fbAlice       |     |account: skypeAlice    |
+-----------------------+     +-----------------------+
|fbBob                  |     |skypeDan               |
|fbCharlie              |     |                       |
+-----------------------+     +-----------------------+

A MetaDiscussion can also link to discussions using the same driver. But beware that contact-accounts are relative to the user-account.

alice.getAccounts({driverName: "facebook"})
  .then(accounts => {
    let fbWorkAccount = accounts[0];
    let fbFamilyAccount = accounts[1];
    return Bluebird.join(

let fbFamilyAccount: SimpleDiscussion;
let fbWorkAccount: SimpleDiscussion;
               |    MetaDiscussion     |
               |user:    Alice         |
               |fbBoss                 |
               |fbBob (fbAliceWork)    |
               |fbMom                  |
               |fbBob (fbAlicePrivate) |
                  |                 |
                  |                 |
                  v                 v
+-----------------+-----+     +-----+-----------------+
|   SimpleDiscussion    |     |   SimpleDiscussion    |
|      (facebook)       |     |      (facebook)       |
+-----------------------+     +-----------------------+
|user:    Alice         |     |user:    Alice         |
|account: fbAliceWork   |     |account: fbAlicePrivate|
+-----------------------+     +-----------------------+
|fbBoss                 |     |fbMom                  |
|fbBob                  |     |fbBob                  |
+-----------------------+     +-----------------------+

You can even have multiple discussions using the same driver and the same account! A meta-discussion does not modify its child discussion unless you explicitly asks for it. If you want to reduce any redundancy, you can use the following methods to optimize the tree:


This will traverse the tree and remove any intermediary MetaDiscussion (every sub-discussion will be a SimpleDiscussion).


This will try to merge every child SimpleDiscussion linked by the same UserAccount into a single SimpleDiscussion. (There will be one SimpleDiscussion per UserAccount)


By offering the possibility to communicate with multiple SimpleDiscussions, a MetaDiscussion has to also unify the SimpleMessages into MetaMessages. A MetaMessage is a tree of equivalent message. The message equivalence is defined as follow:

  • The messages have the same body
  • The difference between the creationDates is lesser than 5 minutes
  • The authors are equivalent. The authors are equivalent if one of the following is true:
    • Both messages are SimpleMessages and both UserAccounts are the same.
    • Both messages are SimpleMessages and both UserAccounts are owned by the same User
    • Both messages are MetaMessages and both have the same User
    • There is one MetaMessage and a SimpleMessage whose UserAccount is owned by the same User
    • TODO: define the equivalence of messages sent by the contacts...

Dependency tree

                 |                                              |
      +--------->+            palantiri-interfaces              |
      |          |                                              |
      |          +-----+----------------+----------------+------+
      |                ^                ^                ^
      |                |                |                |
+-----+------+   +-----+------+   +-----+------+   +-----+------+
|            |   | palantiri- |   | palantiri- |   | palantiri- |
|            |   |  driver-   |   |  driver-   |   |  driver-   |
|            |   |  facebook  |   |   skype    |   |   other    |
|            |   +-----+------+   +-----+------+   +-----+------+
|   omni-    |         ^                ^                ^
|   chat     |         |                |                |
|            |   +-----+----------------+----------------+-------+
|            |   |                                               |
|            +<--+                 user-package                  |
|            |   |                                               |
+------------+   +-----------------------------------------------+