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🌴[CVPR 2024] OakInk2: A Dataset of Bimanual Hands-Object Manipulation in Complex Task Completion

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A Dataset of Bimanual Hands-Object Manipulation in Complex Task Completion

🔧 Dataset Toolkit

Xinyu Zhan* · Lixin Yang* · Yifei Zhao · Kangrui Mao · Hanlin Xu
Zenan Lin · Kailin Li · Cewu Lu

CVPR 2024


Paper PDF Project Page youtube views

This repo contains the OakInk2 dataset toolkit (oakink2_toolkit) -- a Python package that provides data loading, splitting, and visualization.

Setup dataset files.

Download tarballs from [huggingface](
You will need the data tarball and the preview version annotation tarball for at least one sequence, the object_raw tarball, the object_repair tarball and the program tarball.
Organize these files as follow:
|-- data
|   `-- scene_0x__y00z++00000000000000000000__YYYY-mm-dd-HH-MM-SS
|-- anno_preview
|   `-- scene_0x__y00z++00000000000000000000__YYYY-mm-dd-HH-MM-SS.pkl
|-- object_raw
|-- object_repair
|-- object_affordance
`-- program

OakInk2 Toolkit

  1. Install the package.

    pip install .

    Optionally, install it with editable flags:

    pip install -e .
  2. Check the installation.

    python -c 'from oakink2_toolkit.dataset import OakInk2__Dataset'

    It the command runs without error, the installation is successful.

OakInk2 Preview-Tool


  1. Setup the enviroment.

    1. Create a virtual env of python 3.10. This can be done by either conda or python package venv.

      1. conda approach

        conda create -p ./.conda python=3.10
        conda activate ./.conda
      2. venv approach First use pyenv or other tools to install a python intepreter of version 3.10. Here 3.10.16 is used as example:

        pyenv install 3.10.16
        pyenv shell 3.10.16

        Then create a virtual environment:

        python -m venv .venv --prompt oakink2_preview
        . .venv/bin/activate
    2. Install the dependencies.

      Make sure all bundled dependencies are there.

      git submodule update --init --recursive --progress

      Use pip to install the packages:

      pip install -r req_preview.txt

      Note that oakink2_preview is compatible with torch version higher than specified in req_preview.txt. Choose the most appropriate version for your environment.

  2. Download the SMPL-X model(version v1.1) and place the files at asset/smplx_v1_1.

    The directory structure should be like:

    `-- smplx_v1_1
       `-- models
            |-- SMPLX_NEUTRAL.npz
            `-- SMPLX_NEUTRAL.pkl
  3. Launch the preview tool:

    python -m oakink2_preview.launch.viz.gui --cfg config/gui__preview.yml

    Or use the shortcut:

    oakink2_viz_gui --cfg config/gui__preview.yml
  4. (Optional) Preview task in segments.

    1. Download the MANO model(version v1.2) and place the files at asset/mano_v1_2.

      The directory structure should be like:

      `-- mano_v1_2
          `-- models
              |-- MANO_LEFT.pkl
              `-- MANO_RIGHT.pkl
    2. Launch the preview segment tool (press enter to proceed). Note seq_key should contain '/' rather than '++' as directory separator.

      python -m oakink2_preview.launch.viz.seg_3d --seq_key scene_0x__y00z/00000000000000000000__YYYY-mm-dd-HH-MM-SS

      Or use the shortcut:

      oakink2_viz_seg3d --seq_key scene_0x__y00z/00000000000000000000__YYYY-mm-dd-HH-MM-SS
  5. (Optional) View the introductory video on youtube.

Dataset Format

  • data/scene_0x__y00z++00000000000000000000__YYYY-mm-dd-HH-MM-SS

    This stores the captured multi-view image streams. Stream from different cameras are stored in different subdirectories.

    |-- <serial 0>
    |   |-- <frame id 0>.jpg
    |   |-- <frame id 1>.jpg
    |   |-- ...
    |   `-- <frame id N>.jpg
    |-- ...
    `-- <serial 3>
        |-- <frame id 0>.jpg
        |-- <frame id 1>.jpg
        |-- ...
        `-- <frame id N>.jpg
  • anno/scene_0x__y00z++00000000000000000000__YYYY-mm-dd-HH-MM-SS.pkl

    This pickle stores a dictonary under the following format:

        'cam_def': dict[str, str],                      # camera serial to name mapping
        'cam_selection': list[str],                     # selected camera names
        'frame_id_list': list[int],                     # image frame id list in current seq 
        'cam_intr': dict[str, dict[int, np.ndarray]],   # camera intrinsic matrix [3, 3]
        'cam_extr': dict[str, dict[int, np.ndarray]],   # camera extrinsic matrix [4, 4]
        'mocap_frame_id_list': list[int],               # mocap frame id list in current seq
        'obj_list': list[str],                          # object part id list in current seq
        'obj_transf': dict[str, dict[int, np.ndarray]], # object transformation matrix [4, 4]
        'raw_smplx': dict[int, dict[str, torch.Tensor]],# raw smplx data
        'raw_mano':  dict[int, dict[str, torch.Tensor]],# raw mano data

    The raw smplx data is structured as follows:

        'body_shape':       torch.Tensor[1, 300],
        'expr_shape':       torch.Tensor[1, 10],
        'jaw_pose':         torch.Tensor[1, 1, 4],
        'leye_pose':        torch.Tensor[1, 1, 4],
        'reye_pose':        torch.Tensor[1, 1, 4],
        'world_rot':        torch.Tensor[1, 4],
        'world_tsl':        torch.Tensor[1, 3],
        'body_pose':        torch.Tensor[1, 21, 4],
        'left_hand_pose':   torch.Tensor[1, 15, 4],
        'right_hand_pose':  torch.Tensor[1, 15, 4],

    where world_rot, body_pose, {lh,rh}_hand_pose are quaternions in [w,x,y,z] format. The lower body of body_pose, jaw_pose, {l,r}eye_pose are not used.

    The raw mano data is structured as follows:

        'rh__pose_coeffs':  torch.Tensor[1, 16, 4],
        'lh__pose_coeffs':  torch.Tensor[1, 16, 4],
        'rh__tsl':          torch.Tensor[1, 3],
        'lh__tsl':          torch.Tensor[1, 3],
        'rh__betas':        torch.Tensor[1, 10],
        'lh__betas':        torch.Tensor[1, 10],

    where {lh,rh}__pose_coeffs are quaternions in [w,x,y,z] format.

  • object_{raw,scan}/obj_desc.json

    This stores the object description in the following format:

        obj_id: {
            "obj_id": str,
            "obj_name": str,
  • object_{raw,scan}/align_ds

    This directory stores the object models.

    |-- obj_id
    |   |-- *.obj/ply
    |   |-- ...
    `-- ...
  • object_affordance/affordance_part

    This directory stores the object affordance part models.

    |-- obj_part_id
    |   |-- *.obj
    |   |-- ...
    `-- ...
  • object_affordance/affordance_label.json

    This stores the available object affordance labels in the following format:

        'all_label': list[str],                     # list of all labels (including affordance & instantiation)
        'affordance_label': list[str],              # list of affordance labels (reflecting part functions)
        'affordance_instantiation_label': list[str] # list of affordance instantiation labels (reflecting interactions & primitive tasks)
  • object_affordance/instance_id.json

    This stores the object part id that maps to full object instance in the following format:

        obj_part_id,                        # object part id that maps to full object instance
  • object_affordance/object_affordance.json

    This stores the object affordance annotations in the following format:

        obj_part_id: {
            "obj_part_id": str,                     # object part id
            "is_instance": bool,                    # whether the part id maps to an instance
            "has_model": bool,                      # whether the part id has a model, i.e object segmentation
            "affordance": list[str],                # list of affordance labels
            "affordance_instantiation": list[str],  # list of affordance instantiation labels
  • object_affordance/object_part_tree.json

    This stores the object part tree in the following format:

        obj_part_id: list[str],                     # list of object part id that are children of the current part id
  • object_affordance/part_desc.json

    This stores the object part description in the following format:

        obj_id: {
            "obj_id": str,
            "obj_name": str,
  • program/program_info/scene_0x__y00z++00000000000000000000__YYYY-mm-dd-HH-MM-SS.json

        (str(lh_interval), str(rh_interval)): {
            "primitive": str,
            "obj_list: list[str],
            "interaction_mode": str,        # [lh_main, rh_main, bh_main]
            "primitive_lh": str,
            "primitive_rh": str,
            "obj_list_lh": list[str],
            "obj_list_rh": list[str],
    • {lh,rh}_interval: the interval of the primitive in the sequence. If None, the corresponding hand is not available (e.g. doing something else) in current primitive.
    • primitive: the primitive id.
    • obj_list: the object list involved in the primitive.
    • interaction_mode: the interaction mode of the primitive. lh_main means the left hand is the main hand for affordance implementation. Similarly, rh_main means the right hand is the main hand, and bh_main means both hands are main hands.
    • primitive_{lh,rh}: the primitive id for the left/right hand.
    • obj_list_{lh,rh}: the object list involved in the left/right hand.
  • program/desc_info/scene_0x__y00z++00000000000000000000__YYYY-mm-dd-HH-MM-SS.json

        (str(lh_interval), str(rh_interval)): {
            "seg_desc": str,                # textual description of current primitive
  • program/initial_condition_info/scene_0x__y00z++00000000000000000000__YYYY-mm-dd-HH-MM-SS.json

        (str(lh_interval), str(rh_interval)): {
            "initial_condition": list[str], # initial condition for the complex task
            "recipe": list[str],            # requirements to complete for the complex task
  • program/pdg/scene_0x__y00z++00000000000000000000__YYYY-mm-dd-HH-MM-SS.json

        "id_map": dict[interval, int],      # map from interval to primitive id
        "v": list[int],                     # list of vertices
        "e": list[list[int]],               # list of edges


  1. How to load the dataset with the oakink2_toolkit library?

    from oakink2_toolkit.dataset import OakInk2__Dataset
    # Load the dataset
    oi2_data = OakInk2__Dataset(
        return_instantiated=True,   # set to False if only metainfo wanted
        obj_offset='object_repair', # set to 'object_raw' for downsampled object raw scans
    # Load sequence
    # complex_task_data = oi2_data.load_complex_task(seq_key)
    # primitive_task_data_list = oakink2_dataset.load_primitive_task(complex_task_data)
  2. oakink2_viz_gui fails to create context and reporting libGL error: failed to load driver: swrast.

    Please rerun with environment variable LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose to get more information.

    If the error is due to has wrong symbols when using conda environment, downgrade the libffi package to version 3.3.

    conda install libffi=3.3
  3. oakink2_viz_gui exits with This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized.

    You need a desktop enviroment to run the visualization application. Xrdp or TigerVNC could be a good starting point.