Otaru is a cloud-backed filesystem for archiving your files. Otaru is optimized for storing personal collection of 10MB-10GB-ish files, such as book scan pdfs and disk image dumps.
For more details, see Design Doc
Building otaru takes a bit of time (Approx 6 min. with decent internet connection). You may want to start building while doing other setup.
$ git clone https://github.com/nyaxt/otaru && cd otaru
$ docker build -t otaru .
$ docker run -ti --rm -v `pwd`/out:/out otaru
- Access Google Cloud Console, and have a project ready (preferrably not the default "API Project").
- Enable Cloud Datastore and Cloud Storage for the project.
- Allow the following API usage from "APIs & auth" -> "APIs":
- Google Cloud Datastore API
- Google Cloud Storage API
- Google Cloud Storage JSON API
- Create two new buckets to store Otaru blobs/metadata. You can create new bucket from "Storage" -> "Cloud Storage" -> "Browser".
- Otaru supports using separate bucket for storing metadata, which is accessed more frequently compared to blobs.
- Blob bucket may be any of Standard, Durable Reduced Availability, or Nearline. However, it is recommended to store metadata in Standard class bucket.
- Metadata bucket name must be blob bucket name + "-meta" suffix. For example, if your bucket for storing blobs is named
, metadata bucket must be namedotaru-foobar-meta
$ mkdir ~/.otaru # You may change this dir to any dir you want, but a new directory is needed as otaru has multiple config files to keep.
$ cp doc/config.toml.example ~/.otaru/config.toml
$ $EDITOR ~/.otaru/config.toml # replace placeholders
$ echo [your-password] > ~/.otaru/password.txt # configure encryption key
Install gcloud
command per instructions: https://cloud.google.com/sdk/
$ gcloud components update alpha beta
$ gcloud auth login
$ export account=otaru-user
$ export project=$(gcloud config get-value core/project)
$ gcloud iam service-accounts create ${account}
$ gcloud iam service-accounts keys create ~/.otaru/credentials.json --iam-account ${account}@${project}.iam.gserviceaccount.com
$ gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${project} --member serviceAccount:${account}@${project}.iam.gserviceaccount.com --role "roles/datastore.owner"
$ gsutil -m acl ch -r -u ${account}@${project}.iam.gserviceaccount.com:O gs://${bucket}
$ gsutil -m acl ch -r -u ${account}@${project}.iam.gserviceaccount.com:O gs://${bucket}-meta
Otaru requires TLS for its WebUI and api server.
Below command will generate self-signed X.509 certificate and key pair at ~/.otaru/cert{,-key}.pem
$ go get -u -v github.com/cloudflare/cfssl/cmd/cfssl{,json}
$ OTARUDIR=~/.otaru scripts/gen_self_signed_cert.bash
Warning: Use the generated self-signed certificates only for quick testing purposes, not for production.
$ OTARUDIR=~/.otaru scripts/gcloud_setup.bash
$ OTARUDIR=~/.otaru out/otaru-mkfs
$ OTARUDIR=~/.otaru out/otaru-server
Navigate to http://localhost:10246 for webui.