A full-stack Facebook Graph API wrapper in Ruby.
<img src=“https://secure.travis-ci.org/nov/fb_graph.png” />
FbGraph is basically developed for Graph API v1.0, and could be buggy with v2.+.
Since Graph API v1.0 is shut down on 2014/04/30, this gem is also deprecated.
Please use fb_graph2 gem instead. github.com/nov/fb_graph2
gem install fb_graph
View Source on GitHub (github.com/nov/fb_graph)
Report Issues on GitHub (github.com/nov/fb_graph/issues)
Subscribe Update Info (www.facebook.com/FbGraph)
Q&A on Google Groups (groups.google.com/group/fb_graph)
Now FbGraph supports all objects listed here: developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/ Almost all connections for each object are also supported. (“attachments” and “shares” connections of message object are not supported yet)
You can also play with a Rails sample app here. fbgraphsample.heroku.com/
See GitHub wiki for more examples. github.com/nov/fb_graph/wiki
user = FbGraph::User.me(ACCESS_TOKEN) user = FbGraph::User.fetch('matake') user.name # => 'Nov Matake' user.picture # => 'https://graph.facebook.com/matake/picture' # fb_graph doesn't access to Graph API until you call "fetch" user = FbGraph::User.new('matake', :access_token => YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN) user.identifier # => "matake" user.name # => nil user.link # => nil user = user.fetch user.name # => "Nov Matake" user.description # => "http://www.facebook.com/matake" page = FbGraph::Page.fetch('smartfmteam') page.name # => 'smart.fm' page.picture # => 'https://graph.facebook.com/smart.fm/picture' :
# Public connections user = FbGraph::User.fetch('matake') user.feed user.posts user.friends user.tagged user.family : # Private connections requires "access_token" FbGraph::User.new('matake').friends # => raise FbGraph::Unauthorized user = FbGraph::User.fetch('matake', :access_token => ACCESS_TOKEN) user.albums user.events user.friends user.likes : # "home" connection is only available for "me" me = User.new('me', :access_token => ACCESS_TOKEN) me.home :
By default, FbGraph will only return the default fields. In order to get a non-default field, you have to supply the connect with an optional hash specifying the field. An example for events:
user.events({:fields => "owner,name,description,picture"}) # { and } optional
An overview of which fields you can include in the graph API can be found at developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/, which has a description of the specific objects fields in the sidebar under “Objects”.
# all objects FbGraph::Searchable.search("FbGraph") # => Array of Hash # specify type FbGraph::Page.search("FbGraph") # => Array of FbGraph::Page FbGraph::User.search("matake", :access_token => ACCESS_TOKEN) # => Array of FbGraph::User
# collection user = FbGraph::User.new('matake', :access_token => ACCESS_TOKEN) likes = user.likes # => Array of FbGraph::Like likes.next # => Array of FbGraph::Like (next page) likes.previous # => Array of FbGraph::Like (previous page) likes.collection.next # => Hash for pagination options (ex. {"limit"=>"25", "until"=>"2010-08-08T03:17:21+0000"}) likes.collection.previous # => Hash for pagination options (ex. {"limit"=>"25", "since"=>"2010-08-08T06:28:20+0000"}) user.likes(likes.collection.next) # => same with likes.next user.likes(likes.collection.previous) # => same with likes.previous # search results results = FbGraph::Page.search("FbGraph") # => Array of FbGraph::Page results.next # => Array of FbGraph::Page (next page) results.previous # => Array of FbGraph::Page (next page) results.klass # => FbGraph::Page results.collection.next # => Hash for pagination options (ex. {"limit"=>"25", "until"=>"2010-08-08T03:17:21+0000"}) results.collection.previous # => Hash for pagination options (ex. {"limit"=>"25", "since"=>"2010-08-08T06:28:20+0000"}) results.klass.search(results.query, results.collection.next) # => same with results.next results.klass.search(results.query, results.collection.previous) # => same with results.previous
me = FbGraph::User.me(ACCESS_TOKEN) me.feed!( :message => 'Updating via FbGraph', :picture => 'https://graph.facebook.com/matake/picture', :link => 'https://github.com/nov/fb_graph', :name => 'FbGraph', :description => 'A Ruby wrapper for Facebook Graph API' )
post = FbGraph::Page.new(117513961602338).feed.first bool = post.like!( :access_token => ACCESS_TOKEN ) comment = post.comment!( :access_token => ACCESS_TOKEN, :message => 'Hey, I\'m testing you!' )
page = FbGraph::Page.new(117513961602338) note = page.note!( :access_token => ACCESS_TOKEN, :subject => 'testing', :message => 'Hey, I\'m testing you!' )
me = FbGraph::User.me(ACCESS_TOKEN) link = me.link!( :link => 'https://github.com/nov/fb_graph', :message => 'A Ruby wrapper for Facebook Graph API.' )
me = FbGraph::User.me(ACCESS_TOKEN) event = me.event!( :name => 'FbGraph test event', :start_time => 1.week.from_now, :end_time => 2.week.from_now ) bool = event.attending!( :access_token => ACCESS_TOKEN ) bool = event.maybe!( :access_token => ACCESS_TOKEN ) bool = event.declined!( :access_token => ACCESS_TOKEN )
me = FbGraph::User.me(ACCESS_TOKEN) album = me.album!( :name => 'FbGraph test', :message => 'test test test' ) # => now facebook Graph API returns weird response for this call
me = FbGraph::User.me(ACCESS_TOKEN) album = me.albums.first album.photo!( :access_token => ACCESS_TOKEN, :source => File.new('/Users/nov/Desktop/nov.gif', 'rb'), # 'rb' is needed only on windows :message => 'Hello, where is photo?' )
post = FbGraph::Page.new(117513961602338).feed.first bool = post.like!( :access_token => ACCESS_TOKEN ) comment = post.comment!( :access_token => ACCESS_TOKEN, :message => 'Hey, I\'m testing you!' ) comment.destroy(:access_token => ACCESS_TOKEN) post.unlike!(:access_token => ACCESS_TOKEN) post.destroy(:access_token => ACCESS_TOKEN)
Both Facebook JavaScript SDK and normal OAuth2 flow are supported. Below I show simple sample code. You can also see github.com/nov/fb_graph_sample for more details Rails3 sample application.
In addition, if you are migrating an application that uses old-style session keys you can exchange the keys for access tokens. See more here: developers.facebook.com/docs/authentication/fb_sig/
fb_auth = FbGraph::Auth.new(YOUR_APP_ID, YOUR_APPLICATION_SECRET) fb_auth.client # => Rack::OAuth2::Client # get Facebook's auth cookie in advance using their JS SDK fb_auth.from_cookie(cookies) fb_auth.access_token # => Rack::OAuth2::AccessToken fb_auth.user # => FbGraph::User (only basic attributes) fb_auth.user.fetch # => fetch more details
# setup client client = fb_auth.client client.redirect_uri = "http://your.client.com/facebook/callback" # redirect user to facebook redirect_to client.authorization_uri( :scope => [:email, :read_stream, :offline_access] ) # in callback client.authorization_code = params[:code] access_token = client.access_token! :client_auth_body # => Rack::OAuth2::AccessToken FbGraph::User.me(access_token).fetch # => FbGraph::User
# setup client fb_auth = FbGraph::Auth.new(YOUR_APP_ID, YOUR_APPLICATION_SECRET) fb_auth.exchange_token! 'short-life-access-token' fb_auth.access_token # => Rack::OAuth2::AccessToken
app = FbGraph::Application.new(YOUR_APP_ID, :secret => YOUR_APPLICATION_SECRET) app.insights # => Array of FbGraph::Insight
Not tested well yet. Sample is here. gist.github.com/752974
Not tested well yet. Sample is here. gist.github.com/752914
See GitHub wiki for more examples. github.com/nov/fb_graph/wiki
Fork the project.
Make your feature addition or bug fix.
Add tests for it. This is important so I don’t break it in a future version unintentionally.
Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.
Copyright © 2010 nov matake. See LICENSE for details.