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Releases: njoy/tools

v0.4.2: Merge branch 'develop' into 'main'

19 Feb 21:27
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This version updates the pybind11 version to 2.13.6 and makes an update to the GitHub CI file. There are no functional changes.

tools v0.4.1

30 Jan 20:56
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Bug fixes:

  • iterator guards were added to the disco parser to avoid valgrind errors in ENDFtk.
  • the stride_view iterator was missing the reference type, which is required to create vectors using these stride view iterators in C++17.

A few updates were made in the CMake files for Windows compilation issues. The GitHub CI was also updated: macos-14 (arm64 architecture) was added in addition to macos-13 (intel architecture).

tools v0.4.0

10 Sep 17:04
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New features:

  • added a partial implementation of the C++23 ranges standard: chunk_view, chunk_by_view, stride_view and repeat_view (LLVM implementations for these views were used as models for our C++17 based implementations)
  • updates to drop_view, values_view, keys_view and take _view
  • made nanorange's adjacent_find and count ranges algorithms available and provided unit tests

Bug fixes:

  • apply the ranges::range concept on the AnyView constructor taking a Container template as input (this fixes a rare compilation error encountered with the GitHub CI)

This update also modifies the build system to use shacl-cmake.

Note: this also contains an implementation for the C++23 zip_view and zip_transform_view but these are not entirely working as they should and should therefore not be used.

tools v0.3.1

09 Jul 16:45
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Updates the build system.

tools v0.3.0

23 Apr 20:19
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New features:

  • the disco tool (which replaces the njoy::disco library)
  • a partial implementation of the C++20 ranges standard (based in NanoRange to replace the range-v3 library)
  • an AnyView component for use in njoy library python bindings
  • python bindings for common AnyView types (for double, int, unsigned int, complex, etc.)

tools v0.2.0

12 Oct 04:47
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New features;

  • the Log tool (which replaces the njoy::Log library)

tools v0.1.0

12 Oct 04:05
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First release of the tools library