This website is built using Emanote.
To run the English site locally with live preview,
nix run .#en # Or just: nix run
On website, we will host our Nix weblog as well as wiki'esque content. Everyone is welcome to contribute content!
Contents are stored in Markdown and can be edited using your favourite text editor (this repo comes with VSCode settings and extensions). Anyone with a GitHub account can edit this website by clicking the edit icon at the bottom of any page and thereby creating a pull request.
- When linking to a concept, see if there is an existing page for it. For eg., if you are linking to "nix flakes", use the wikilink
since the website already has a page,
for it. If there isn't one, you usually want to create such an atomic note for it. - Create parent-child (folgezettel) relationships as appropriate by using
style of wikilinks such as to shape the uplink tree of any page.
To assist the reviewer, use nix run github:nixos-asia/website/branch#preview
in the PR description to provide a handy command for previewing the changes in the PR. See example: #12
This site is made of multiple Emanote layers:
: Static files and HTML temlpates (common to all languages)- If a note uses images, you should put them here.
- Language-specific content:
: English content./fr
: French content1
We hang out in Zulip ― come say hi.
This is just a placeholder. See ↩