- 🎥 Easy online conferences in Nextcloud utilising Jitsi
- 🔗 Sharable conference room links
- 🔎 Shows conference rooms in the global search
- ✅ System test before joining a conference
⚠ It is highly recommended to set up a dedicated Jitsi instance. Further instructions can be found in the Jitsi setup doc.
🔒 In addition to that the Jitsi instance should be secured via JSON Web Token. Information about this can be found in the Jitsi authentication doc.
Nextcloud setup and configuration:
- Install the Nextcloud Jitsi app
- Go to Settings → Jitsi and enter your server URL (and JWT secret)
- Start conferencing 🍻
Report issues and feature requests here.
wget https://github.com/nextcloud/docker-ci/raw/master/translations/translationtool/translationtool.phar
chmod u+x translationtool.phar
./translationtool.phar create-pot-files
./translationtool.phar convert-po-files