i curse this site with my bad code and disaster of an infrastructure.
- archive team infra (2019 - present)
- split across many repos!
- many terraform + packer playbooks to bulk provision servers automagically instead of doing them all by hand! 1000+ servers have been made and axed off from this as a starting point...
- pyinfra playbooks that were used to onboard the core nomad servers and kickstart worker nodes with consul/vault
- nomad jobs to run log egress + updates + warrior tasks on all the nodes
- beatbeatlarge, a set of scripts that ingests logs from a stream and outposts compressed log files. includes a rust prototype to process compressed log files in bulk!
- barf (2022) - config generation and basic management prototype for my vpn backbone and soon the rest of my lab networks
- ansible playbooks (2018 - present)
- evolving mess that manages my current colo infra and cloud infra
- r/place (2022) archiver (2022 + 2023)
- mass downloading of every single websocket message and frame reddit sends? fun stuff!
- twitch drives (2021)
- i let a discord channel and twitch drive my car.
- results are very silly during peak testing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4c6seYUhLs
- MSPARP (old) (2014 - 2016) + MSPARP (new) (2014 - 2019)
- that one dreaded homestuck roleplay website as described by others
- i somehow contributed a decent amount of features and is the reason I Know Python And Linux Enough To Be Dangerous
- cfworker-dhcp-discord - strapping a discord webhook to a dhcp server is unwise, yet i do it either way
- cfworker-netbox-discord - however, having a discord webhook for netbox ipam update notifications is more useful than doing it for dhcp.
- twilio-discordhook - call notifications and SMS messages with MMS in discord is cool
- https://github.com/general-programming/torspider (2018)
- AGPL warning
- ancient code i do not touch but it was a functional test project that scraped a decent part of the tor network
- https://github.com/nepeat/dischain (2018)
- dare to store data in blockchains gone wrong
- managed to store a few images and i recall video files in a niche coin
- https://github.com/nepeat/chatforesnics (2018)
- attempt to reparse imessage databases and other chat databases into a single database
- ended up getting bored after a month, might revisit this from scratch eventually