Llama is a tool for running UNIX commands inside of AWS Lambda. Its goal is to make it easy to outsource compute-heavy tasks to Lambda, with its enormous available parallelism, from your shell.
Most notably, llama includes llamacc
, a drop-in replacement for
or clang
which executes the compilation in the cloud, allowing
for considerable speedups building large C or C++ software projects.
Lambda offers nearly-arbitrary parallelism and burst capacity for compute, making it, in principle, well-suited as a backend for interactive tasks that briefly require large amounts of compute. This idea has been explored in the ExCamera and gg papers, but is not widely accessible at present.
Here are a few performance results from my testing demonstrating the
current speedups achievable from llamacc
project | hardware | local build | local time | llamacc build | llamacc time | Approx llamacc cost |
Linux v5.10 defconfig | Desktop (24-thread Ryzen 9 3900) | make -j30 |
1:06 | make -j100 |
0:42 | $0.15 |
Linux v5.10 defconfig | Simulated laptop (limited to 4 threads) | make -j8 |
4:56 | make -j100 |
1:26 | $0.15 |
clang+LLVM, -O0 | Desktop (24-thread Ryzen 9 3900) | ninja -j30 |
5:33 | ninja -j400 |
1:24 | $0.49 |
As you can see, Llama is capable of speedups for large builds even on my large, powerful desktop system, and the advantage is more pronounced on smaller workstations.
- A Linux x86_64 machine. Llama only supports that platform for now. Cross-compilation should in theory be possible but is not implemented.
- The Go compiler. Llama is tested on v1.16 but older versions may work.
- An AWS account
You'll need to install Llama from source. You can run
go install github.com/nelhage/llama/cmd/...@latest
or clone this repository and run
go install ./...
If you want to build C++, you'll want to symlink llamac++
to point
at llamacc
ln -nsf llamacc "$(dirname $(which llamacc))/llamac++"
Llama needs access to your AWS credentials. You can provide them in
the environment via AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
, but
the recommended approach is to use ~/.aws/credentials
as used by. Llama will read keys out of either.
The account whose credentials you use must have sufficient permissions. The following should suffice:
- AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryFullAccess
- AmazonS3FullAccess
- AWSCloudFormationFullAccess
- AWSLambda_FullAccess
- IAMFullAccess
Llama includes a CloudFormation template and a command which uses it to bootstrap all required resources. You can read the template to see what it's going to do.
Once your AWS credentials are ready, run
$ llama bootstrap
to create
the required AWS resources. By default, it will prompt you for an AWS
region to use; you can avoid the prompt using (e.g.) llama -region us-west-2 bootstrap
If you get an error like
Creating cloudformation stack...
Stack created. Polling until completion...
Stack is in rollback: ROLLBACK_IN_PROGRESS. Something went wrong.
Stack status reason: The following resource(s) failed to create: [Repository, Bucket]. Rollback requested by user.
then you can go to the AWS web console, and find the relevant CloudFormation stack. The event log should have more useful errors explaining what went wrong. You will then need to delete the stack before retrying the bootstrap.
You'll need to build a container with an appropriate version of GCC for llamacc
to use.
If you are running Debian or Ubuntu, you can use
to automatically build a Debian image and
Lambda function matching your local system:
$ scripts/build-gcc-image
If you want more control or are running another distribution, you can
look at images/gcc-focal
for an example Dockerfile to build a
compiler package. You can build that or a similar image into a Lambda
function using llama update-function
like so:
$ llama update-function --create --build=images/gcc-focal gcc
To use llamacc
, run a build using make
or a similar build system
with a much higher -j
concurrency than you normally would -- try
5-10x the number of local cores,, and using llamacc
or llamac++
your compiler. For example, you might invoke
$ make -j100 CC=llamacc CXX=llamac++
takes a number of configuration options from the
environment, so that they're easy to pass through your build
system. The currently supported options include.
Variable | Meaning |
Print commands executed by llamacc |
Run the compilation locally. Useful for e.g. CC=llamacc ./configure |
Assemble .S or .s files remotely, as well as C/C++. |
Override the name of the lambda function for the compiler |
Specifies the C compiler to delegate to locally, instead of using 'cc' |
Specifies the C++ compiler to delegate to locally, instead of using 'c++' |
Run the preprocessor locally and send preprocessed source text to the cloud, instead of individual headers. Uses less total compute but much more bandwidth; this can easily saturate your uplink on large builds. |
Run the full preprocessor locally, not just #include processing. Disables use of GCC-specific -fdirectives-only |
Assigns an ID to the build. Used for Llama's internal tracing support. |
Filters the given comma-separated list of warnings out of all the compilations, e.g. LLAMACC_FILTER_WARNINGS=missing-include-dirs,packed-not-aligned . |
It is strongly recommended that you use absolute paths if you set
. Not all build systems will
preserve $PATH
all the way down to llamacc
, so if you don't use
absolute paths, you can get build failures that are difficult to diagnose.
You can use llama invoke
to execute individual commands inside of
Lambda. The syntax is llama invoke <function> <command> args...
. <function>
must be the name of a Lambda function using the
Llama runtime. So, for instance, we can inspect the OS running inside
our Lambda image:
$ llama invoke gcc uname -a
Linux 4.14.225-175.364.amzn2.x86_64 #1 SMP Mon Mar 22 22:06:01 UTC 2021 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
If your function consumes files as input or output, you can use the
and -o
options to specify that files should be passed between
the local and remote nodes. For instance:
$ llama invoke -f README.md:INPUT -o OUTPUT gcc sh -c 'sha256sum INPUT > OUTPUT'; cat OUTPUT
16c399c108bb783fc5c4529df4fecd0decb81bc0707096ebd981ab2b669fae20 INPUT
Note the use of LOCAL:REMOTE
syntax to optionally specify different
paths between the local and remote ends.
llama xargs
provides an xargs-like interface for running commands in
parallel in Lambda. Here's an example:
The optipng
command compresses
PNG files and otherwise optimizes them to be as small as possible,
typically used in order to save bandwidth and speed load times on
image assets. optipng
is somewhat computationally expensive and
compressing a large number of PNG files can be a slow operation. With
, we can optimize a large of images by outsourcing the
computation to lambda.
I prepared a directory full of 151 PNG images of the original Pokémon, and benchmarked how long it took to optimize them using 8 concurrent processes on my desktop:
$ time ls -1 *.png | parallel -j 8 optipng {} -out optimized/{/}
real 0m45.090s
user 5m33.745s
sys 0m0.924s
Once we've prepared and optipng
lambda function (we'll talk about
setup in a later section), we can use llama
to run the same
computation in AWS Lambda:
$ time ls -1 *.png | llama xargs -logs -j 151 optipng optipng '{{.I .Line}}' -out '{{.O (printf "optimized/%s" .Line)}}'
real 0m16.024s
user 0m2.013s
sys 0m0.569s
We use llama xargs
, which works a bit like xargs(1)
, but runs each
input line as a separate command in Lambda. It also uses the Go
template language to provide flexibility in substitutions, and offers
the special .Input
and .Output
methods (.I
and .O
for short)
to mark files to be passed back and forth between the local
environment and Lambda.
Lambda's CPUs are slower than my desktop and the network operations
have overhead, and so we don't see anywhere near a full 151/8
speedup. However, the additional parallelism still nets us a 3x
improvement in real-time latency. Note also the vastly decreased
time, demonstrating that the CPU-intensive work has been
offloaded, freeing up local compute resources for interactive
applications or other use cases.
This operation consumed about 700 CPU-seconds in Lambda. I configured
to have 1792MB of memory, which is the point at which lambda
allocates a full vCPU to the process. That comes out to about 1254400
MB-seconds of usage, or about $0.017 assuming I'm already out of the
Lambda free tier.
The llama runtime is designed to make it easy to bridge arbitrary
images into Lambda. You can look at images/optipng/Dockerfile
this repository for a well-commented example explaining how you can
wrap an arbitrary image inside of Lambda for use by Llama.
Once you have a Dockerfile or a Docker image, you can use llama update-function
to upload it to ECR and manage the associated Lambda
function. For instance, we could build optipng for the above example
like so:
$ llama update-function --create --build=images/optipng optipng
When specifying the memory size for your functions, note that Lambda assigns CPU resources to functions based on their memory allocation. At 1,769 MB, your function will have the equivalent of one full core.
Llama is in large part inspired by gg
, a tool for outsourcing
builds to Lambda. Llama is a much simpler tool but shares some of the
same ideas and is inspired by a very similar vision of using Lambda as
high-concurrency burst computation for interactive uses.