Programmers are lazy. Good system administrators are really lazy. (Why bother doing something more than once)?
Unfortunately, due to the fact that Bash doesn't particularly lend itself to reusable code, it doesn't enjoy the same wealth of shared code available that you find with Python or Perl.
"But what about the lazy sysadmin that needs to write a script, where Bash
genuinely is the most appropriate option?", I hear you ask! Well, by providing
functions for many common tasks, I'm hoping that blip
will help fill some of
the gaps for those situations.
source /usr/lib/blip.bash
# Alternate path for macOS Homebrew installations:
#source /usr/local/lib/blip.bash
Please see the man page man blip.bash
, for full
documentation or /usr/share/doc/blip
directory for code
examples and other useful information.
On Ubuntu, you can install from my PPA ppa:nicolaw/blip by running the following commands:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nicolaw/blip
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install blip
On Debian or other Debian-based distributions, you can download the DEB package from GitHub and install it manually with:
# Determine release latest DEB package URL.
blip_deb_url="$(curl -sSL \
"" \
| jq -r '.assets[] | select(.name|match(".deb$";"i")).browser_download_url')"
# Download and install latest release DEB package.
curl -sSLO "$blip_deb_url"
sudo dpkg -i "${blip_deb_url##*/}"
Similarly for RedHat based distributions you can install the RPM package from GitHub manually with:
# Determine release latest RPM package URL.
blip_rpm_url="$(curl -sSL \
"" \
| jq -r '.assets[] | select(.name|match(".rpm$";"i")).browser_download_url')"
# Download and install latest release RPM package.
curl -sSLO "$blip_rpm_url"
sudo yum localinstall "${blip_rpm_url##*/}"
A Homebrew formula for Blip is maintained in the neechbear/tap tap.
brew tap neechbear/tap
brew install neechbear/tap/blip
brew list blip
Blip will typically be installed into the /usr/local/Cellar/blip/
and symlinked from /usr/local/lib/blip.bash
Souce installation can be achieved either by cloning the GitHub repository, or (preferably) by downloading the latest release tarball from GitHub:
# Determine release latest tarball URL.
blip_tar_url="$(curl -sSL \
"" \
| jq -r '.assets[] | select(.name|match("blip-[0-9]+.[0-9]+.tar.gz$";"i")).browser_download_url')"
# Download latest release tarball.
curl -sSLO "$blip_tar_url"
# Extract and install Blip from tarball.
tar -zxf "${blip_tar_url##*/}"
cd blip-*/
sudo make install
- Merge all the other cool and reusable stuff I've written in to this library (see pending functionality below).
- Make all the shell scripting comply with a sensible style guide (like Google's one at
- Finish writing comprehensive manual page with code examples for each function.
- Finish writing comprehensive unit tests with full code coverage.
- Setup automatic build of release tarballs, Deb and RPM packages upon GitHub repository commits (assuming a Travis CI pass of unit tests).
- Maybe create pkg, apk and portage packages if I get bored.
- Add
- multi character user input without defaults. - Add process locking functions.
- Add background daemonisation functions (ewww; ppl should use systemd).
- Add standard logging functions.
- Add syslogging functionality of all process
. - Add common array manipulation functions.