Welcome to the PlanIT Git repository. This software is based on symfony and make a massive usage of JQuery and JQuery UI.
PlanIT is an online planning for your ongoing projects. It's really usefull when you need to manage a large number of tasks and teams.
This document explain how to install this distribution.
- Download Symfony
You can get Symfony 2 at this address (http://symfony.com/)
After you downloaded it, put it in your www.
Follow Symfony 2 documentation to learn more.
- Download the PlanIT Bundle
If you've already downloaded the standard edition, and unpacked it somewhere within your web root directory, then move on to the "Installation" section.
To download the standard edition, you have two options:
The easiest way for downloading the packaged version of PlanIT Bundle is to use the ZIP button on top of file list.
We highly recommend that you download the packaged version of this distribution. But if you still want to use Git, you are on your own.
Run the following commands:
git clone https://github.com/FlyersWeb/PlanIT.git
cd PlanIT
rm -rf .git
After copying the Bundle in src repertory of Symfony, you'll have to edit the app\config\parameters.ini.dist and rename it as parameters.ini.
Next you'll have to install the Bundle database using Symfony commands :
php app\console doctrine:database:create
php app\console doctrine:schema:create
Now that you have your database up to date, you'll have to install assets :
php app\console assets:install web
Then you should be able to access the Bundle.
- Access the Application via the Browser
Congratulations! You're now ready to use Symfony. If you've unzipped Symfony in the web root of your computer, then you should be able to access the web version of the Symfony requirements check via:
If everything looks good, you should have access to the login interface.
- Learn about PlanIT!
This distribution is meant to be the starting point, you can learn more about the projet in the Wiki.