Evolution of github.com/Masterminds/squirrel, which unfortunately has not been updated by the author for a long time
Contains breaking changes and new features (see below).
import "github.com/n-r-w/squirrel"
Squirrel is not an ORM.
Squirrel helps you build SQL queries from composable parts:
import sq "github.com/n-r-w/squirrel"
users := sq.Select("*").From("users").Join("emails USING (email_id)")
active := users.Where(sq.Eq{"deleted_at": nil})
sql, args, err := active.ToSql()
sql == "SELECT * FROM users JOIN emails USING (email_id) WHERE deleted_at IS NULL"
sql, args, err := sq.
Insert("users").Columns("name", "age").
Values("moe", 13).Values("larry", sq.Expr("? + 5", 12)).
sql == "INSERT INTO users (name,age) VALUES (?,?),(?,? + 5)"
Squirrel makes conditional query building a breeze:
if len(q) > 0 {
users = users.Where("name LIKE ?", fmt.Sprint("%", q, "%"))
Squirrel loves PostgreSQL:
psql := sq.StatementBuilder.PlaceholderFormat(sq.Dollar)
// You use question marks for placeholders...
sql, _, _ := psql.Select("*").From("elephants").Where("name IN (?,?)", "Dumbo", "Verna").ToSql()
/// ...squirrel replaces them using PlaceholderFormat.
sql == "SELECT * FROM elephants WHERE name IN ($1,$2)"
You can escape question marks by inserting two question marks:
SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE meta->'format' ??| array[?,?]
will generate with the Dollar Placeholder:
SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE meta->'format' ?| array[$1,$2]
How can I build an IN query on composite keys / tuples, e.g.
WHERE (col1, col2) IN ((1,2),(3,4))
?Squirrel does not explicitly support tuples, but you can get the same effect with e.g.:
sq.Or{ sq.Eq{"col1": 1, "col2": 2}, sq.Eq{"col1": 3, "col2": 4}}
WHERE (col1 = 1 AND col2 = 2) OR (col1 = 3 AND col2 = 4)
(which should produce the same query plan as the tuple version)
Breaking changes in comparison to the original github.com/Masterminds/squirrel
Squirrel is now a pure SQL query builder. For database interaction, use:
- Sqlizer.ToSql() to get the SQL query and arguments.
, https://github.com/jackc/pgx, etc. for executing queries.- https://github.com/georgysavva/scany for scanning rows into structs.
- To pass an integer value to the
methods, you need to pass it as an int, not as a string. - To pass a string value to the
methods, you don't need to add quotes.
sq.Case("id").When(1, "2").When(2, "'text'").Else("4")
sq.Case("id").When(1, 2).When(2, "text").Else(4)
Select("id", "name").From("users").Where(Eq{"id": Select("id").From("other_table")}).ToSql()
// SELECT id, name FROM users WHERE id IN (SELECT id1 FROM other_table)
Select("id", "name").From("users").Where(Case("id").When(1, 2).When(2, 3).Else(4))
Column(sq.Expr("id = ANY(?)", []int{1,2,3}))
In("id", []int{1, 2, 3}) // id=ANY(ARRAY[1,2,3])
NotIn("id", subQuery) // id NOT IN (<subQuery>)
Not(Select("col").From("table")) // NOT (SELECT col FROM table)
// double NOT is removed
Not(Not(Select("col").From("table"))) // SELECT col FROM table
Equal(Select("col").From("table"), 1) // (SELECT col FROM table) = 1
NotEqual(Select("col").From("table"), 1) // (SELECT col FROM table) != 1
Greater(Select("col").From("table"), 1) // (SELECT col FROM table) > 1
GreaterOrEqual(Select("col").From("table"), 1) // (SELECT col FROM table) >= 1
Less(Select("col").From("table"), 1) // (SELECT col FROM table) < 1
LessOrEqual(Select("col").From("table"), 1) // (SELECT col FROM table) <= 1
Coalesce("value", Select("col1").From("table1"), Select("col2").From("table2"))
// COALESCE((SELECT col1 FROM table1), (SELECT col2 FROM table2, ?)), args = ["value"]
sq.Range("id", 1, 10) // id BETWEEN 1 AND 10
sq.Range("id", 1, nil) //id >= 1
sq.Range("id", nil, 10) // id <= 10
EqNotEmpty{"id1": 1, "name": nil, id2: 0, "desc": ""} // id1 = 1
columns := map[int]string{1: "id", 2: "created"}
orderConds := []OrderCond{{1, Asc}, {2, Desc}, {1, Desc}} // duplicate should be ignored
Select("id").From("users").OrderByCond(columns, orderConds)
// SELECT id FROM users ORDER BY id ASC, created DESC
The search condition is a WHERE clause with LIKE expressions. All columns will be converted to text. Value can be a string or a number.
Select("id", "name").From("users").Search("John", "name", "email")
// SELECT id, name FROM users WHERE (name::text LIKE ? OR email::text LIKE ?)
// args = ["%John%", "%John%"]
PaginateByID: adds a LIMIT and start from ID condition to the query. WARNING: The columnID must be included in the ORDER BY clause to avoid unexpected results
Select("id", "name").From("users").PaginateByID(10, 20, "id").OrderBy("id ASC")
// SELECT id, name FROM users WHERE id > ? ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 10
// args = [20]
PaginateByPage: adds a LIMIT and OFFSET to the query. WARNING: The columnID must be included in the ORDER BY clause to avoid unexpected results
Select("id", "name").From("users").PaginateByPage(10, 3).OrderBy("id ASC")
// SELECT id, name FROM users ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 10 OFFSET 20
It's useful when you want to use the same Paginator object in different application layers. In following example, SetIDColumn method is used to specify the column name that will be used to paginate the query. If not set, error will be returned. It's required for combination with Paginate and PaginatorByID methods.
Select("id", "name").From("users").Paginate(PaginatorByID(10, 20)).SetIDColumn("id").OrderBy("id ASC")
// SELECT id, name FROM users WHERE id > ? ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 10
Select("id", "name").From("users").Paginate(PaginatorByPage(10, 3)).OrderBy("id ASC")
// SELECT id, name FROM users ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 10 OFFSET 20
Alias for Select statement: allows to use table alias in the query for multiple columns and add prefix to the column names if needed
Alias("u").Columns("id", "name").
From("users u")
Alias("u").GroupBy("id", "name").
// SELECT u.id, u.name FROM users u GROUP BY u.id, u.name ORDER BY u.id
Alias("u", "pref").Columns("id", "name").
From("users u")
Alias("u", "pref").GroupBy("id", "name").
Alias("u", "pref").OrderBy("id").
// SELECT SELECT u.id AS pref_id, u.name AS pref_name FROM users u GROUP BY u.id AS pref_id, u.name AS pref_name ORDER BY u.id AS pref_id
CTE support (taken from https://github.com/joshring/squirrel)
// WITH alias AS (SELECT col1 FROM table) SELECT col2 FROM alias
// WITH RECURSIVE alias AS (SELECT col1 FROM table) SELECT col2 FROM alias
- Added a linter and fixed all warnings.
Squirrel is released under the MIT License.