English: Map presenting locations of defibrillators based on OpenStreetMap data.
To repozytorium zawiera kod strony prezentujacej lokalizacje defibrylatorów AED.
Dane pochodzą z bazy OpenStreetMap, którą każdy może uzupełniać do czego chcemy zachęcić.
Informacje o defibrylatorach są zawyczaj udostępniane przez poszczególnych operatorów lub jednostki samorządowe. Przez taką fragmentację ciężej znaleźć takie urządzenia. OSM jest otwartym zbiorem danych i zawsze taki pozostanie, więc dane mogą być wykorzystywane przez inne aplikacje webowe i mobilne.
Poza pobieraniem danych bezpośrednio z OSM albo za pomocą usług jak Overpass API dane wyświetlane na stronie można pobrać w formacie:
- GeoJSON: https://aed.openstreetmap.org.pl/aed_poland.geojson
- CSV: https://aed.openstreetmap.org.pl/aed_poland.csv
- Excel: https://aed.openstreetmap.org.pl/aed_poland.ods
All changes should flow from branch development
to branch main
Branch development
is hosted on: https://aed.openstreetmap.org.pl/dev/
Branch main
is hosted on: https://aed.openstreetmap.org.pl/
Github actions deploy the site when new commits are pushed/merged into either branch.
New branches should be based on development
Pull Requests (PR) should be targeting development
To promote changes from dev env to prod make a PR from development
to main
This is a simple static website using HTML and vanilla JavaScript. Any webserver (Nginx/Apache) or things like S3 or GitHub Pages can be used to host frontend part.
File js/osm-integration.js contains placeholders for OAuth1 tokens for OpenStreetMap application which are filled during deploy (this allows us to have both prod and dev environments one pointing to OSM DEV API one to osm.org).
The only thing that requires code execution is Python script that downloads data from Overpass API and converts it to GeoJSON and CSV files.
File requirements.txt contains packages used by python script.
Stack: Ubuntu/Nginx
Clone repo:
git clone --branch main --single-branch https://github.com/openstreetmap-polska/aed-mapa.git /home/aeduser/aed-mapa/
Command to deploy are in .github/workflows/ but in short they copy the files to temporary location then replace the OAuth1 token mentioned earlier and then copy files to /var/www/html/
Download new data (set crontab to run it periodically):
python3 /home/aeduser/aed-mapa/download_data.py /home/aeduser/data_prod/ /home/aeduser/
cp /home/aeduser/data_prod/aed_poland.ods /var/www/html/aed_poland.ods
cp /home/aeduser/data_prod/aed_poland.geojson /var/www/html/aed_poland.geojson
cp /home/aeduser/data_prod/aed_poland_metadata.json /var/www/html/aed_poland_metadata.json
cp /home/aeduser/data_prod/aed_poland.csv /var/www/html/aed_poland.csv
You can use Maputnik editor to prepare new style for the map.
- Open https://aed.openstreetmap.org.pl/maputnik/?layer=1311944204%7E0#6/52/20 (it's a copy of maputnik editor with newer version than what is available on the official site).
- If the AED map style has not been loaded click open and select it.
- Once finished click export and create PR or an issue with your style attached.
If you want to add new icons to the sprite sheet please place the SVG files in ./web/marker_icons/ folder.
SVG should be scaled to 50x50px size.
# install requirements (assumes NVM has been installed)
nvm use 8
npm install -g @mapbox/spritezero-cli
# create sprite for regular screens
spritezero --ratio 1 ./web/map_style/sprite ./web/marker_icons/
# create sprite for high-dpi screens
spritezero --ratio 2 ./web/map_style/sprite@2x ./web/marker_icons/