An Erlang network protocol library.
Originally part of epcap:
pkt:decapsulate(Data) -> Packet
pkt:decapsulate(Proto, Data) -> Packet
Types Data = binary()
Proto = atom() | integer()
Packet = [ Header | Payload ]
Header = #ether{} | #arp{} | #null{} | #linux_cooked{} |
#ipv4{} | #ipv6{} | #tcp{} | #udp{} | #sctp{} | #icmp{} |
#icmp6{} | #igmp{} | #gre{} | #llc{} | #vrrp{} | #'802.1q'{} |
#lldp{} | #mpls{} | #rarp{} | #'802.1x'{}
Payload = binary()
Convert network protocols from binary data to a list of Erlang
records followed by the payload.
decapsulate/1,2 works on valid packets. If the packet is malformed
or unsupported, decapsulate/1 will crash.
decapsulate/1 parses the data as an ethernet frame.
decapsulate/2 allows specifying the protocol for decoding the
packet. If the protocol is specified as an integer, the integer
is treated as a datalink type.
pkt:decode(Data) -> {ok, Packet} | {error, SoFar, {FailedProto, binary()}}
pkt:decode(Proto, Data) -> {ok, Packet} | {error, SoFar, {FailedProto, binary()}}
Types Data = binary()
Proto = FailedProto = atom()
Packet = {Headers, Payload}
Headers = [Header]
Header = #ether{} | #arp{} | #null{} | #linux_cooked{} |
#ipv4{} | #ipv6{} | #tcp{} | #udp{} | #sctp{} | #icmp{} |
#icmp6{} | #igmp{} | #gre{} | #llc{} | #vrrp{} | #'802.1q'{} |
#lldp{} | #mpls{} | #rarp{} | #'802.1x'{}
SoFar = Headers | []
Payload = binary()
Similar to decapsulate/1 but, on error, returns any part of the
packet that has been successfully converted to Erlang term format.
The following functions create the protocol headers, converting between records and binaries. See include/pkt.hrl for definition of the record types.
ether(Packet) -> {#ether{}, Payload} | binary()
llc(Packet) -> {#llc{}, Payload} | binary()
vrrp(Packet) -> {#vrrp{}, Payload} | binary()
'802.1q'(Packet) -> {#'802.1q'{}, Payload} | binary()
null(Packet) -> {#null{}, Payload} | binary()
linux_cooked(Packet) -> {#linux_cooked{}, Payload} | binary()
gre(Packet) -> {#gre{}, Payload} | binary()
arp(Packet) -> {#arp{}, Payload} | binary()
ipv4(Packet) -> {#ipv4{}, Payload} | binary()
ipv6(Packet) -> {#ipv6{}, Payload} | binary()
tcp(Packet) -> {#tcp{}, Payload} | binary()
sctp(Packet) -> {#sctp{}, Payload} | binary()
udp(Packet) -> {#udp{}, Payload} | binary()
icmp(Packet) -> {#icmp{}, Payload} | binary()
icmp6(Packet) -> {#icmp6{}, Payload} | binary()
igmp(Packet) -> {#igmp{}, Payload} | binary()
mpls(Packet) -> {#mpls{}, Next, Payload}
lldp(Packet) -> {#lldp{}, Payload}
rarp(Packet) -> {#rarp{}, Payload}
'802.1x'(Packet) -> {#'802.1x'{}, Payload}
Types Packet = Header | binary()
Header = #ether{} | #null{} | #linux_cooked{} | #arp{} |
#ipv4{} | #ipv6{} | #tcp{} | #sctp{} | #udp{} |
#icmp{} | #icmp6{} | #igmp{} | #gre{} | #llc{} |
#vrrp{} | #'802.1q'{} | #lldp{} | #mpls{} | #rarp{} | #'802.1x'{}
Next = ipv4 | ipv6
makesum(Packet) -> integer()
Types Packet = IPv4_header | [IPv4_header, Header, Payload]
IPv4_header = #ipv4{}
Header = #tcp{} | #udp{}
Payload = binary()
Calculate the one's complement checksum of the packet.
When computing the checksum, the header sum field must be set
to 0:
Sum = pkt:makesum([IPv4, TCP#tcp{sum = 0}, Payload]).
For verifcation, the checksum can be compared to the value in
the header or:
0 = pkt:makesum([IPv4, TCP, Payload]).
- decode an ethernet frame, displaying the source and destination of valid packets
Frame = <<224,105,149,59,163,24,0,22,182,181,62,198,8,0,69,0,0,54,2,108,64,
try pkt:decapsulate(Frame) of
[#ether{}, #ipv4{saddr = Saddr, daddr = Daddr},
#tcp{sport = Sport, dport = Dport}, _Payload] ->
{{Saddr, Sport}, {Daddr, Dport}}
error:_ ->
ok % ignore invalid packets
- verify the TCP checksum of an ethernet frame
{ok, [#ether{}, IPv4, #tcp{sum = Sum} = TCP, Payload]} = pkt:decode(ether, Frame),
% Re-calculate the checksum and match against the checksum in the header
Sum = pkt:makesum([IPv4, TCP#tcp{sum = 0}, Payload]),
% Or just verify the checksum
0 = pkt:makesum([IPv4, TCP, Payload]).
The minimum size of an ethernet payload is 46 bytes. An ethernet frame containing a TCP/IP packet composed of a 20 byte IPv4 header and 20 byte TCP header and payload will be padded by 6 bytes. To calculate the actual length of the packet, use the length and header length values in the IPv4 header and the offset value in the TCP header:
[#ether{}, #ipv4{len = Len, hl = HL}, #tcp{off = Off}, Payload] = pkt:decapsulate(Frame),
Size = Len - (HL * 4) - (Off * 4),
support RFC 2675 (IPv6 Jumbograms)
IPv6 AH and ESP
- handle alignment differences between IPv4 and IPv6 (IPv4 uses 32 bits, IPv6 uses 64 bits)
- fix handling of neighbour discovery
- simplify ICMPv6 header record and add a record for ICMPv6 type or add functions for ICMPv6 variable length payloads
- support IGMPv3 variable payloads
merge in DLT_IEEE802_11 support from wierl
merge in ICMPv6 code from gen_icmp