There are just two kinds of people, ones which get asked to fix the printer and ones which ask to fix the printer.
- I'm a high school student in Slovakia, studying software development 📘
- Logistics and inner workings of the world always intrested me(that's why I love Factorio) ⚙️
- Intrested in economics💵, math🖩, space🚀 and hacking(of course the ethical one)🐱💻
- I drop random facts at random times🎲
- Python
(I know this best, used it in lot of usecases)
- Javascript
(don't do frontend in python, trust me)
- Kotlin
(I despise Java
so I use this instead for Android development)
(I know it's not a programming language, but where would I put it?)
(required blasphemy)
- C#
(better Java
- does SQL count?
- FastAPI
(this is the reason why I love backend)
- Flask
(older brother of FastAPI, but still very good)
- Android
(this is the native way)
- SuperTokens
(auth is boring, this made it easy)
- Vue
(for me HTML on steroids)
- Tailwind CSS
(makes CSS more bearable)
- Figma
(he told me he'll comment just a few mistakes, 28 comments later)
- Computer 🖥️ (I guess this is obvious)
- Feel free to contact me about anything at [email protected]
and at last no sorry I don't know how to fix your printer.