Makes working with git from the command line quicker by substituting numeric shortcuts for files.
scmpuff is a minimalistic reinterpretation of the core functionality of SCM Breeze, without many of the extras.
It is focused on simplicity, speed, robustness, and cross-platform support. The majority of the functionality is contained within a compiled binary, and the shell integration is under 100 lines of shell script.
scmpuff currently functions in bash
and zsh
in any *nix-like operating
system. It's written with cross-platform support in mind, so hopefully we'll
have it functioning on Windows soon as well.
Download the binary for your platform, and copy it to /usr/local/bin
somewhere else in your default $PATH
Alternately, if you use homebrew, you can just: brew install scmpuff
. 🍺
Currently scmpuff supports bash, zsh and fish for all functionality.
To initialize shell functions, add the following to your ~/.bash_profile
eval "$(scmpuff init -s)"
or for fish, add the following to your ~/.config/fish/
scmpuff init --shell=fish | source
This will define the scmpuff shell functions as well as some handy shortcuts.
Once things are loaded, the most important function you will want to know
about is scmpuff_status
, which is aliased to gs
for short.
This is a replacement for git status
that is pretty and shows you numbers next
to each filename, for example:
$ gs
# On branch: master | +1 | [*] => $e*
➤ Changes not staged for commit
# modified: [1] main.go
➤ Untracked files
# untracked: [2] HELLO.txt
# untracked: [3] features/shell_aliases.feature
# untracked: [4]
You can now use these numbers in place of filenames when calling normal git
commands, e.g. git add 2 3
or git checkout 1
You can also use numeric ranges, e.g. git reset 2-4
. Ranges can even be mixed
with normal numeric operands.
Behind the scenes, scmpuff is assigning filenames to sequential environment
variables, e.g. $e1
, $e2
, so you can refer to those with other commands too
if needed.
By default, scmpuff will also define a few handy shortcuts to save your fingers,
e.g. ga
, gd
, gco
. Check your aliases to see what they are.
💁 I like to say "scum puff." But I'm weird.
The short version: it does less, but is faster and should be more stable and reliable, especially across different platforms.
The long, detailed version:
You can disable them via passing --aliases=false
to the scmpuff init
in your shell initialization. Then, if you wish to remap them, simple modify
your default aliases wherever you normally do, but add aliases mapped to the
scmpuff shell functions, e.g. alias gs='scmpuff_status'
I want to use scmpuff in conjunction with hub or something else that I've aliased git to, how would I do so?
By default, scmpuff will attempt to utilize the absolute path of whatever git
it finds in your system PATH, ignoring existing shell aliases. If you want to
use a different binary, set $SCMPUFF_GIT_CMD
in your shell to the path, for
example, export SCMPUFF_GIT_CMD=/usr/local/bin/hub