- Signing headers for any region
- Listing buckets
- Create bucket
- Delete bucket
- Locate bucket region
- List objects
- Upload file
- Get file
- Delete file
- Object info (HEAD)
- Object info (ACL)
- Parsing error responses
Register S3Client as a service in your configure method
try services.register(s3: S3Signer.Config(...), defaultBucket: "my-bucket")
use S3Client
import S3
let s3 = try req.makeS3Client() // or req.make(S3Client.self) as? S3
if you only want to use the signer
import S3Signer
let s3 = try req.makeS3Signer() // or req.make(S3Signer.self)
/// S3 client Protocol
public protocol S3Client: Service {
/// Get list of objects
func buckets(on: Container) throws -> Future<BucketsInfo>
/// Create a bucket
func create(bucket: String, region: Region?, on container: Container) throws -> Future<Void>
/// Delete a bucket
func delete(bucket: String, region: Region?, on container: Container) throws -> Future<Void>
/// Get bucket location
func location(bucket: String, on container: Container) throws -> Future<Region>
/// Get list of objects
func list(bucket: String, region: Region?, on container: Container) throws -> Future<BucketResults>
/// Get list of objects
func list(bucket: String, region: Region?, headers: [String: String], on container: Container) throws -> Future<BucketResults>
/// Upload file to S3
func put(file: File.Upload, headers: [String: String], on: Container) throws -> EventLoopFuture<File.Response>
/// Upload file to S3
func put(file url: URL, destination: String, access: AccessControlList, on: Container) throws -> Future<File.Response>
/// Upload file to S3
func put(file url: URL, destination: String, bucket: String?, access: AccessControlList, on: Container) throws -> Future<File.Response>
/// Upload file to S3
func put(file path: String, destination: String, access: AccessControlList, on: Container) throws -> Future<File.Response>
/// Upload file to S3
func put(file path: String, destination: String, bucket: String?, access: AccessControlList, on: Container) throws -> Future<File.Response>
/// Upload file to S3
func put(string: String, destination: String, on: Container) throws -> Future<File.Response>
/// Upload file to S3
func put(string: String, destination: String, access: AccessControlList, on: Container) throws -> Future<File.Response>
/// Upload file to S3
func put(string: String, mime: MediaType, destination: String, on: Container) throws -> Future<File.Response>
/// Upload file to S3
func put(string: String, mime: MediaType, destination: String, access: AccessControlList, on: Container) throws -> Future<File.Response>
/// Upload file to S3
func put(string: String, mime: MediaType, destination: String, bucket: String?, access: AccessControlList, on: Container) throws -> Future<File.Response>
/// Retrieve file data from S3
func get(fileInfo file: LocationConvertible, on container: Container) throws -> Future<File.Info>
/// Retrieve file data from S3
func get(fileInfo file: LocationConvertible, headers: [String: String], on container: Container) throws -> Future<File.Info>
/// Retrieve file data from S3
func get(file: LocationConvertible, on: Container) throws -> Future<File.Response>
/// Retrieve file data from S3
func get(file: LocationConvertible, headers: [String: String], on: Container) throws -> Future<File.Response>
/// Delete file from S3
func delete(file: LocationConvertible, on: Container) throws -> Future<Void>
/// Delete file from S3
func delete(file: LocationConvertible, headers: [String: String], on: Container) throws -> Future<Void>
public func routes(_ router: Router) throws {
// Get all available buckets
router.get("buckets") { req -> Future<BucketsInfo> in
let s3 = try req.makeS3Client()
return try s3.buckets(on: req)
// Create new bucket
router.put("bucket") { req -> Future<String> in
let s3 = try req.makeS3Client()
return try s3.create(bucket: "api-created-bucket", region: .euCentral1, on: req).map(to: String.self) {
return ":)"
}.catchMap({ (error) -> (String) in
if let error = error.s3ErroMessage() {
return error.message
return ":("
// Locate bucket (get region)
router.get("bucket/location") { req -> Future<String> in
let s3 = try req.makeS3Client()
return try s3.location(bucket: "bucket-name", on: req).map(to: String.self) { region in
return region.hostUrlString()
}.catchMap({ (error) -> (String) in
if let error = error as? S3.Error {
switch error {
case .errorResponse(_, let error):
return error.message
return "S3 :("
return ":("
// Delete bucket
router.delete("bucket") { req -> Future<String> in
let s3 = try req.makeS3Client()
return try s3.delete(bucket: "api-created-bucket", region: .euCentral1, on: req).map(to: String.self) {
return ":)"
}.catchMap({ (error) -> (String) in
if let error = error.s3ErroMessage() {
return error.message
return ":("
// Get list of objects
router.get("files") { req -> Future<BucketResults> in
let s3 = try req.makeS3Client()
return try s3.list(bucket: "booststore", region: .usEast1, headers: [:], on: req).catchMap({ (error) -> (BucketResults) in
if let error = error.s3ErroMessage() {
throw error
// Demonstrate work with files
router.get("files/test") { req -> Future<String> in
let string = "Content of my example file"
let fileName = "file-hu.txt"
let s3 = try req.makeS3Client()
do {
// Upload a file from string
return try s3.put(string: string, destination: fileName, access: .publicRead, on: req).flatMap(to: String.self) { putResponse in
print("PUT response:")
// Get the content of the newly uploaded file
return try s3.get(file: fileName, on: req).flatMap(to: String.self) { getResponse in
print("GET response:")
print(String(data: getResponse.data, encoding: .utf8) ?? "Unknown content!")
// Get info about the file (HEAD)
return try s3.get(fileInfo: fileName, on: req).flatMap(to: String.self) { infoResponse in
print("HEAD/Info response:")
// Delete the file
return try s3.delete(file: fileName, on: req).map() { response in
print("DELETE response:")
let json = try JSONEncoder().encode(infoResponse)
return String(data: json, encoding: .utf8) ?? "Unknown content!"
}.catchMap({ error -> (String) in
if let error = error.s3ErroMessage() {
return error.message
return ":("
} catch {
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Core package for Boost, a completely open source enterprise AppStore written in Swift!
- Website: http://www.boostappstore.com
- Github: https://github.com/LiveUI/Boost
- BoostCore - AppStore core module
- ApiCore - API core module with users and team management
- MailCore - Mailing wrapper for multiple mailing services like MailGun, SendGrig or SMTP (coming)
- DBCore - Set of tools for work with PostgreSQL database
- VaporTestTools - Test tools and helpers for Vapor 3
We love PRโs, we canโt get enough of them ... so if you have an interesting improvement, bug-fix or a new feature please donโt hesitate to get in touch. If you are not sure about something before you start the development you can always contact our dev and product team through our Slack.
Ondrej Rafaj (@rafiki270 on Github, Twitter, LiveUI Slack and Vapor Slack)
Anthoni Castelli (@anthonycastelli on Github, @anthony on Vapor Slack) for his help on updating S3Signer for Vapor3
JustinM1 (@JustinM1 on Github) for his amazing original signer package
See the LICENSE file for more info.