Moajs is a open-source web framework based expressjs、mongoose、bluebird、mocha that’s optimized for programmer happiness and sustainable productivity. It lets you write beautiful code by favoring convention over configuration.
- Modular && Plugable
- Scaffold
- Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern
- Restful Api
- Auto mount routes
- Mongoosedao for data access
- Gulp as task management
- Live reload
- Runtime Server
"Lost, like the Moa is lost" - Maori proverb
- nodejs v0.10 +
- nvm v0.25 +
- gulp v3.90 +
[sudo] npm install -g moajs
➜ moajs git:(master) moa
Moajs HELP:
moan: 【创建新项目】 moan new_project_name
moag: 【创建脚手架】 moag user name:string password:string uid:object
moad: 【移除脚手架】 moad user
moas: 【启动服务器】 moas
Have a good day! Moaer
moan new_project
or force update with moa-seed latest version
moan new_project -f
moag user name:string password:object
mongoose支持的data type基本如下:
- String -> string
- Number-> number
- Date -> date
- Boolean -> boolean
- Buffer -> buffer
- ObjectId -> object
- Mixed -> mixed
- Array -> array
moad user
moas = moa server, runtime for test plugin
使用nmm init
cd wms-plugin-warehouse
export PORT=3009 && moas
npm run moag
npm run moad
npm run moan
- Scaffold
- Restful
- 7 methods for render view
- 5 methods for render api
- MongooseDao
- Middlewares
- session
- token-based api
- Task(gulp-based)
- Plugin(implement)(支持public模块和private模块)
- Test
- Migration
- Deployments
- Docs(
- refact api to router.api('get', middlewares, $.api.update) 在考虑要不要做
- moa-plugin-user
- moa-plugin-wechat
如果你开发了moa插件,开源的,请邮件或者issue通知我 [email protected]
nrm use npmjs
1) 更新npm版本,必须在2.11以上
npm install -g npm
2) 用户登录,注意是该模块的拥有者
npm login
3) 检查~/.npmrc,是否存在_authToken,如无,请更新npm版本去
[deploy@iZ251uvtr2bZ moajs]$ cat ~/.npmrc
4) 安装你的私有插件吧,下面这句是安装不上的,就是给大家看看
npm install @i5ting/wms-plugin-warehouse
- Fork it
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create new Pull Request
- v1.0.21 add nmm plugin
- v1.0.17 add api generator
- v1.0.16 add controller api export
- v1.0.4 add exd to destroy it
- v1.0.2 rename index to /
- v1.0.0 init
- write by
[email protected]
this repo is released under the MIT License.