A basic e-commerce/shopping system. That user can purchase things by topping up an amount (in the currency of their choice). An admin user can enter the products and prices into the database. At any given time, a user can only buy one thing.
This application is split into two Apps:
BACK-END Application: Powered by Laravel 8 & Blade with Tailwindcss. The Backed is used to handle administration features by an admin user:
- Load Products in the database with prices
- Apply related Discounts
- Audit Trail
- API (REST) to interact with a client application in order to serve products, prices, discount settings, user logins, and registrations, purchases, top-ups.
- User API Authentication using Laravel Sanctum
FRONT-END Application: Powered by VUE JS & VUEX & Tailwindcss The Client application is used by customer users to :
- register
- login
- top up their account
- perform purchases
- View their transactions
NB: I decided to keep the frontend and backend folder projects in the same directory and repository for simplicity. However, in a serious version, this should be done in two separate repositories: ). To maintain track of the commits, I prefixed all of my backend commits with [B] and all of my frontend commits with [F]. I realize it's not the best practice, but it was useful since I used the unique Repo for both backend and frontend. 😊
Step 1
git clone https://github.com/mnsuccess/eshop
Step 2
cd eshop/backend_laravel
Step 3
composer install
Step 4
npm install && npm run dev
Step 5
In Windows:
copy .env.example .env
In Linux/Mac:
cp .env.example .env
Step 6
php artisan key:generate
Step 7
Create a database and apply related config to the .env file
Step 8
php artisan migrate
Step 9 (Optional) run Feature and Unit Test to verify | if in any case this failed just continue with the next step
php artisan test
Step 10
php artisan db:seed
Step 11 Sanctum needs some specific setup to enable it to work with a separate SPA. Add the following in your .env file:
The stateful domain tells Sanctum which domain you are using for the SPA.SPA_URL=http://localhost:8080
Step 12
php artisan serve
Navigate to the admin URL:
NB: Ascertain that the backend is hosted on a web server. ( Nginx, Apache, etc) or local development environment like Valet, etc. here I simply used a laravel artisan serve to host that. you free to use any Webserver
Default Credentials: email:
[email protected]
If you wish to test the REST API endpoints, you can do so with the Postman tool.
POST http://localhost:8000/api/users/register
Register a new user | params { name, email,password, password_confirmation}POST http://localhost:8000/api/users/login
Login User and get The ApiToken | param {email,password}GET http://localhost:8000/api/users/view-profile
View User profile | param {ApinToken}POST http://localhost:8000/api/users/wallet-topup
Topup user wallet | param {Amount}POST http://localhost:8000/api/transaction/purchase
Purchase a product | param {product_id}GET http://localhost:8000/api/transaction
view User Transactions | param {ApinToken}GET http://localhost:8000/api/product
View all ProductsGET http://localhost:8000/api/product/:id
View specific product
Step 1
`Make sure the backend is up and running
Step 2
cd eshop/frontend_vue
Step 3
npm install
Step 4: Update the backend URL endpoint in the eshop/frontend_vue/.env file
Step 5
npm run serve
Step 6
Navigate to your default Url to view the Frontend-App
Step 7
Register an account and start your using all features
Default Credentials: email:
[email protected]
I began this project by assessing the requirements and developing related migration, models, and relationships for the backend side, after which I implemented the REST API to serve the frontend app. To create the backend, I used Event-Driven (Model Observers for example) and TDD approach.
The following stage was to write all Feature Tests and Unit Tests using PHPUnit, however, time ran out. I opted to write only a few tests.
With the Frontend app, I began by developing all of the associated services that I had used to consume the Backend API, and then I began implementing Vuex stuff (States, Actions, Mutations Actions, and getters). Then I finished by constructing all related components and routes.
These are some things I could improve or added if I had more time:
- Apply Repository Pattern for the Laravel Backend app.
- Write all Features Test and Unit Test
- Handle all API REST Errors for the Backend
- Handle Errors and validation on the Frontend Application
- Deep Code Refactoring
- Caching API Resources for the Backend for better performance
- Security
- and much more etc.