This is a personal collection of shell scripts to easily develop and test several PostgreSQL at once.
Checkout the project in $HOME/pgsql
git clone $HOME/pgsql
Add the following lines to ~/.bashrc
# pgenv
if [ -r "$HOME/pgsql/" ] ; then
. "$HOME/pgsql/"
Reload the current shell
exec bash
Initial postgresql checkout
git clone git:// $HOME/pgsql/master
In Ubuntu, install these packages, which are necessary for
sudo apt-get install tcl-dev libssl-dev build-essential bison flex \
libreadline-dev libxml2-dev
If you use openSUSE, you must install these packages:
sudo zypper in -t pattern devel_C_C++
sudo zypper in tcl-devel libxml2-devel readline-devel libopenssl-devel
If you use Archlinux, please be sure that these packages are installed:
sudo pacman -S tcl libxml2 openssl bison flex base-devel
Build and install the development head version
cd ~/pgsql
./ master
./ master
Add a $VERSION checkout (e.g. 9.4, 9.3, etc...)
cd ~/pgsql
Build and install the $VERSION version
cd ~/pgsql
Upgrade all the installed versions
cd ~/pgsql
Upgrade only one version (numeric version or master)
cd ~/pgsql
Usage: pgworkon VERSION [COMMAND]
set the environment to use the specific version, if a COMMAND is specified, execute it in the target environment but leave the current environment untouched
There are four special commands to be executed directly using pgworkon: start, stop, restart, reinit This allows to use the following syntax to control the execution status of a version
pgworkon $VER {start|stop|restart|reinit}
Usage: pgreinit
destroy the current $PGDATA and run initdb again, , available only after a pgworkon call
controls the state of the current environment, available only after a pgworkon call
reset the state and exit from any environment
list the running instances