Monorepo of typescript projects.
⚠️ ⚠️ NOTE! I started this repo as a way to learn about monorepo tooling (specifically, rush). Some of the packages in it have become reasonably popular, and reasonably stable. So, I'm going to slowly move them out into their own repos, one by one. Once all are moved out this repo will be archived.⚠️ ⚠️
- expect-type - Compile-time tests for types. Useful to make sure types don't regress into being overly-permissive as changes go in over time.
- eslint-plugin-codegen - An eslint plugin for inline codegen, with presets for barrels, jsdoc to markdown and a monorepo workspace table of contents generator. Auto-fixes out of sync code.
- fs-syncer - A helper to recursively read and write text files to a specified directory.
- io-ts-extra - Adds pattern matching, optional properties, and several other helpers and types, to io-ts.
- memorable-moniker - Name generator with some in-built dictionaries and presets.
Packages are managed using rush. Make sure rush is installed:
npm install --global @microsoft/rush
Then install, build, lint and test with:
rush update
rush build
rush lint
rush test
rush update
should be run when updating the main branch too.
Add a dependency to a package (for example, adding lodash to fictional package in this monorepo some-pkg
cd packages/some-pkg
rush add --package lodash
rush add --package @types/lodash --dev
You can also manually edit package.json then run rush update
Create a new package:
cd packages
mkdir new-pkg
cd new-pkg
node ../../tools/rig/init # sets up package.json, .eslintrc.js, tsconfig.json, jest.config.js
Then open rush.json
, find the projects
array, and adda new entry: { "packageName": "new-pkg", "projectFolder": "packages/new-pkg" }
Publishing is automated, but kicked off manually. The process is:
- Changes to published packages in this repo should be proposed in a pull request
- On every pull request, a GitHub action uses the
rush change
command to create a changefile:- the change is based on the PR title and body:
- if the words "BREAKING CHANGE" appear anywhere, it's considered "major"
- if the PR title starts with "chore", or "fix", it's considered a "patch"
- otherwise, it's considered "minor"
- the created changefile is pushed to the PR's branch, and a comment is left on the PR (example PR, comment and change)
- if the PR title or body is edited, or changes are pushed, the job will re-run and push a modification if necessary
- most of the time, no change is necessary and the job exits after no-oping
- if necessary,
rush change
can also be run locally to add additional messages - but ideally the PR title would be descriptive enough - the changefile should be merged in along with the rest of the changes
- the change is based on the PR title and body:
When a PR is merged, publishing is initiated by kicking off the publish worfklow:
- Clicking "Run workflow" will start another GitHub action:
- The workflow runs
rush publish
, which uses the changefiles merged with feature PRs, bumps versions and create git tags - When the publish step succeeds, a custom script reads the generated
files to create a GitHub release
- The workflow runs
Old instructions
Links to trees with previous iteration of publish instructions:
- For creating canary releases:
- For publishing to GitHub Packages' npm registry: