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tmpbbs is an ephemeral, anonymous forum site. All posts are stored in memory and lost when the process stops. It's a single static binary and does not require the internet or any disk. It runs on a wide variety of hardware including older wireless routers.


  • Markdown
  • emoji shortcodes
  • optional TLS (using --tls-cert and --tls-key options)
  • tripcodes in username#secret format
  • shareable URL QR codes


go install

Container Images

docker run --publish 8080:8080 mm62/tmpbbs


docker run --publish 8080:8080


% tmpbbs --help
Usage of tmpbbs:
  -l, --listen-address string    <host>:port to listen on ($TMPBBS_LISTEN_ADDRESS) (default ":8080")
  -c, --tls-cert string          path to PEM server certificate ($TMPBBS_TLS_CERT)
  -k, --tls-key string           path to PEM server key ($TMPBBS_TLS_KEY)
  -t, --title string             site title ($TMPBBS_TITLE) (default "tmpbbs")
  -a, --tripcode-salt string     random salt to use for generating tripcodes ($TMPBBS_TRIPCODE_SALT)
  -p, --load-posts strings       comma-separated paths of YAML or JSON files of posts to load, format [{"title":"","author":"","body":""}]
  -f, --serve-fs-paths strings   comma-separated list of urlprefix=/local/dir to serve ($TMPBBS_SERVE_FS_PATHS)
  -e, --replies-per-page int     number of replies to show per page ($TMPBBS_REPLIES_PER_PAGE) (default 10)
  -u, --css-urls strings         comma-separated list of CSS URLs ($TMPBBS_CSS_URLS) (default [/static/main.css])
  -r, --replies                  enable replies ($TMPBBS_REPLIES) (default true)
  -m, --emoji                    enable emoji shortcode expansion ($TMPBBS_EMOJI) (default true)
  -q, --qr-codes                 enable shareable URL QR codes ($TMPBBS_QR_CODES) (default true)
  -b, --serve-binary             serve tmpbbs binary at /self ($TMPBBS_SERVE_BINARY) (default true)
  -v, --version                  print version
  -h, --help                     usage help


go build