EasyChem-ML is a modular structure-based machine learning tool for property, reactivity and structure prediction in (organic) chemistry, which should be easily adoptable to different problem sets.
EasyChem-ML is developed and maintained as a PhD project by Marius Kühnemund. The whole project is neither finished nor complete. Frequent modifications can not be excluded ;) ... that's how it is in PhD.
In addition, not all modules are public available, as these were/are used for projects that have not been published yet
The framework has already been used for different research projects:
Frederik Sandfort, Felix Strieth-Kalthoff, Marius Kühnemund, Christian Beecks, Frank Glorius, A Structure-Based Platform for Predicting Chemical Reactivity, Chem, Volume 6, Issue 6, 2020, Pages 1379-1390, ISSN 2451-9294, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chempr.2020.02.017.
F. Strieth-Kalthoff, F. Sandfort, M. Kühnemund, F. R. Schäfer, H. Kuchen, F.Glorius, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2022, 61, e202204647; Angew. Chem. 2022, 134, e202204647. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/anie.202204647
Pflüger, P. M., Kühnemund, M., Katzenburg, F., Kuchen, H., & Glorius, F. (2024). An evolutionary algorithm for interpretable molecular representations. Chem. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chempr.2024.02.004
For the installation, you need a working C++(For Cython) and a Rust compiler.
# Install Rust-Compiler
curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | bash -s -- -y
# Install Dependencies
pip install setuptools-rust
# Install EasyChemML
git clone https://github.com/mkueh/EasyChemML.git
cd EasyChemML
pip install ./
# install Rust-Compiler
# https://www.rust-lang.org/learn/get-started
# Install Dependencies
pip install setuptools-rust
# Install EasyChemML
git clone https://github.com/mkueh/EasyChemML.git
cd EasyChemML
pip install ./
env = EasyProjectEnvironment('TestFolder')
job_factory = Job_Factory(env)
job_runner = LocalRunner(env)
# ----------------------------------- Dataloading --------------------------------------
dataLoader = {'dreher_dataset': XLSX('Examples/DATASETS/Dreher_and_Doyle_input_data.xlsx', sheet_name='FullCV_01')}
di = DataImporter(env)
bp = di.load_data_InNewBatchPartition(dataLoader, max_chunksize=100000)
# ----------------------------------- Preprocessing --------------------------------------
molRdkit_converter = MolRdkitConverter()
molRdkit_converter.convert(bp['dreher_dataset'], columns=['Ligand', 'Additive', 'Base', 'Aryl halide'], n_jobs=10)
mff_encoder = MFF()
mff_encoder.convert(datatable=bp['dreher_dataset'], columns=['Ligand', 'Additive', 'Base', 'Aryl halide'], fp_length=16, n_jobs=64)
# ----------------------------------- Splitting --------------------------------------
split_creator = Splitcreator()
splitter_boilingpoint = ShuffleSplitter(1, 42, test_size=0.1)
splitset_boilingpoint = split_creator.generate_split(bp['dreher_dataset'], splitter_boilingpoint)
dataset_boilingpoint = Dataset(bp['dreher_dataset'],
feature_col=['Ligand', 'Additive', 'Base', 'Aryl halide'],
split=splitset_boilingpoint, env=env)
# ----------------------------------- Metric definition-----------------------------------
r2score = R2_Score()
mae = MeanAbsoluteError()
metricStack_r = MetricStack({'r2': r2score, 'mae': mae})
catboost_r = Config(
{'verbose': 50,
'thread_count': 64,
'allow_writing_files': False,
'iterations': 100,
'depth': 4}
# ----------------------------------- Job definition-----------------------------------
job: ModelTrainEvalJob = job_factory.create_ModelTrainEvalJob(
# ----------------------------------- Training ----------------------------------------
print(f'Test_lipo: {job.result_metric_TEST}')
print(f'Train_lipo: {job.result_metric_TRAIN}')
loaded_model = CatBoost_r()
X_indices = list(range(len(bp['dreher_dataset'])))
job_predict = ModelPredictJob(job_name='Predict', trained_Model=loaded_model, X=bp['dreher_dataset'],
X_cols=['Ligand', 'Additive', 'Base', 'Aryl halide'])
for val in job_predict.predicted_vals:
# ----------------------------------- Cleanup ----------------------------------------
Look inside the Example folder
- HDF5
- AllTestSplitter (all Data in the Testset)
- AllTrainSplitter (all Data in the Trainset)
- RangeSplitter (define a Test/Train range)
- ShuffleSplitter (Splitts Random)
- BertTokenizer
- Fingerprints (all Rdkit)
- OnehotEncoder
- EasyDescriptor (support only Molmass yet)
- EVO-MFP (evolutionary trained fingerprint)
- Catboost (Classification and Regression)
- Pytorch Models
- Bert-Transformer
- RandomForest (Classification and Regression)
- Localrunner (Runs the Jobs on the local machine)