- Huntsville, Alabama
- 5h behind - https://mjcarroll.io
- @carromj
Download and parse data from Garmin Connect or a Garmin watch, FitBit CSV, and MS Health CSV files into and analyze data in Sqlite serverless databases with Jupyter notebooks.
Crowdsourced tool for locating and reporting ALPRs
MCAP is a modular, performant, and serialization-agnostic container file format, useful for pub/sub and robotics applications.
A template project integrating ROS and Gazebo simulator
A list of robotics companies using the Robot Operating System (ROS and ROS 2).
Goal: Enable awesome tooling for Bazel users of the C language family.
Vcstool is a command line tool designed to make working with multiple repositories easier
This repository is used to manage the presentations given at Huntsville AI meetups. It provides a collection of Issues, Cards, and Files to plan and create the content needed for a presentation.
Minimal distributed configuration management in bash
The Robot Operating System Version 2.0 is awesome!
generate ros2 repos files based on a PR url
A repository to hold definitions of docker images maintained by OSRF
A 360° media viewer for the modern web.
[ARCHIVED] A simple web development toolset
RGBDTAM: A Cost-Effective and Accurate RGB-D Tracking and Mapping System.
🔧 Collection of CMake toolchain files and scripts for cross-platform build and CI testing (GCC, Visual Studio, iOS, Android, Clang analyzer, sanitizers etc.)
🔗 The de facto standard self hosted URL shortener in PHP
A concurrent user-level thread library implemented in C++
Deep Learning papers reading roadmap for anyone who are eager to learn this amazing tech!
Automatically track which applications you use and for how long.
Cartographer is a system that provides real-time simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) in 2D and 3D across multiple platforms and sensor configurations.
Provides ROS integration for Cartographer.