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Implementing a CLI client to use Nostr Protocol.

Develop Environment

  • Ubuntu 23.04 and later
  • Go Language 1.23.2 and later


  • Initializing the nostk environment
  • Generating a key pair
  • Edit your contact list
  • Edit custom emoji list
  • Edit relay list
  • Publish relay list
  • Edit profile
  • Publish profile
  • Display home timeline (kind 1)
  • Display your's note (kind 1)
  • Publish Note (kind 1)
  • Publish Note to some user (like Mension, kind 1)
  • Publish raw data (For power users who understand NIPS and the source code.)
  • Content warning
  • Hash tags
  • Publish reaction


  • nbd-wtf / go-nostr
  • Some kind of text editor
  • Setting $HOME environment variable
  • Setting $EDITOR environment variable


Install tools

  1. Install git
  2. Install golang

Install nostk:

SETX EDITOR=<Text editor's full path name>
go install<tag name>
Ubuntu and maybe other distribution

For bash

echo 'export EDITOR=vim' >> ~/.bashrc
go install<tag name>

Placement of config.json


  1. Download config.json
  2. Move config.json to "$HOME/.nostk" directory
  3. Adjust defaultReadNo, multiplierReadRelayWaitTime, and defaultContentWarning in config.json to your liking.

Setting nostk:

  1. nostk init (must)
  2. nostk genkey (must)
  3. nostk editRelays (must)
  4. nostk editContacts (must)
  5. nostk editProfile (should *)
  6. nostk pubProfile (should *)
  7. nostk editEmoji (Optional)
  8. nostk pubRelays (Optional)

* Unless there is a special reason, it is recommended to use a web app such as nostter instead of nostk.


nostk <sub-command> [param...]
	init:		Initializing the nostk environment
	genkey:		Create Private Key and Public Key
	editRelays:	Edit relay list.
	editContacts:	Edit your contact list.
	editEmoji:	Edit custom emoji list.

	pubRelays:	Publish relay list.
	editProfile:	Edit your profile.
	pubProfile:	Publish your profile.

	pubMessage <text message> [reason for content warning]:
			Publish text message to relays.
	pubMessageTo <text message> <pubkey>:
			Publish text message to a some user.
	pubRaw <raw data>:
			Publish raw data in json format.
			format: See:
			ex) "{\"kind\" : 1,\"content\" : \"test\",\"tags\":[[\"p\",\"c088_cut_off_05f9e6b5157b7d3416\"]]}"

	catHome [number]: Display home timeline.
	catNSFW [number]: Display home timeline include content warning contents.
	catSelf [number]: Display your posts.
	catEvent <ID>:	  Display the event specified by Event ID or Note ID.

	emojiReaction <ID> <pubkey> <kind> <reaction>:
			React to specified events.
	removeEvent <ID> <kind> [reason]:
			Remove the event specified by Event ID or Note ID.

	decord <bech32 string>
		Decode bech32 string to hex string.

About content warning note

The catHome subcommand does not directly display notes with content warnings.

The corresponding note will be printed to indicate that it is a content warning note, the reason will be displayed if a reason is set, and the event ID of the note will also be displayed.
To display a content warning note, run the catEvent subcommand by specifying the note's Event ID in hex.

.vimrc sample code to call from vim

" Usage
"   1. Write content current buffer
"   2. execute next command on command-line
"      : NPM [reason]
"        If reason is given as an argument,
"          it will be published as a content warning note.
command! -nargs=? NPM call Pubmessage(<f-args>)
function! Pubmessage(...) abort
    let l:buffer_contents = join(getline(1, '$'), "\n")
    let l:buffer_contents = substitute(l:buffer_contents, '"', '\\"', 'g')
    let l:buffer_contents = substitute(l:buffer_contents, '`', '\\`', 'g')

    if a:0 >= 1
        let l:command = "nostk pubMessage \"" . l:buffer_contents . "\" " . a:1
        let l:command = "nostk pubMessage \"" . l:buffer_contents . "\""

    let l:command_output = system(l:command)
    echo l:command_output
" Usage
"   1. Write json current buffer
"   2. execute next command on command-line
"      : NPR
command! NPR call Pubraw()
function Pubraw()
	let l:buffer_contents = join(getline(1, '$'), "\n")
	let l:buffer_contents = substitute(l:buffer_contents, '"', '\\"', 'g')
	let l:command = "nostk pubRaw \"" . l:buffer_contents . "\""
	let l:command_output = system(l:command)
	echo l:command_output
" Usage
"   execute next command on command-line
"      : NCathome [number]
"        If you pass number as an argument,
"          it will ask the relay to subscribe to number notes.
command! -nargs=? NCatHome call Cathome(<f-args>)
function! Cathome(...)
	if a:0 >= 1
		let l:command = "nostk catHome " . a:1 . " | jq '.'"
		let l:command_output = system(l:command)
		call append('$', split(l:command_output, "\n"))
		r! nostk catHome | jq '.'
	set ft=json
" Usage
"   execute next command on command-line
"      : NCatnsfw [number]
"        If you pass number as an argument,
"          it will ask the relay to subscribe to number notes.
command! -nargs=? NCatNsfw call Catnsfw(<f-args>)
function! Catnsfw(...)
	if a:0 >= 1
		let l:command = "nostk catNSFW " . a:1 . " | jq '.'"
		let l:command_output = system(l:command)
		call append('$', split(l:command_output, "\n"))
		r! nostk catNSFW | jq '.'
	set ft=json
" Usage
"   execute next command on command-line
"      : NCatself [number]
"        If you pass number as an argument,
"          it will ask the relay to subscribe to number notes.
command! -nargs=? NCatSelf call Catself(<f-args>)
function! Catself(...)
	if a:0 >= 1
		let l:command = "nostk catSelf " . a:1 . " | jq '.'"
		let l:command_output = system(l:command)
		call append('$', split(l:command_output, "\n"))
		r! nostk catSelf | jq '.'
	set ft=json
" Usage
"   execute next command on command-line
"      : NRemoveEvent <Event Id> [reason]
"        Event Id : Specify the Event ID to be deleted
"        reason   : Specify the reason for deletion. Reason is optional.
command! -nargs=1 NRemoveEvent call Removeevent(<f-args>)
function! Removeevent(...)
	let l:command = "nostk removeEvent"
	for arg in a:000
		let l:command .= " " . arg
	let l:command_output = system(l:command)
	echo l:command_output
" Usage
"   1. Move the cursor to the EVENT ID of the post you want to react to
"      in the nostk log DISPLAYED IN THE CURRENT BUFFER.
"   2. execute next command on command-line
"      : NEmojireaction <custom emoji short code>
"        custom emoji short code : Specify a custom emoji shortcode
command! -nargs=1 NEmojiReaction call Emojireaction(<f-args>)
function! Emojireaction(stremoji)
	let l:topline = line('.')
	let l:btmline = l:topline + 3
	let l:lines = getline(l:topline, l:btmline)
	let l:lines_text = join(lines, "\n")
		let l:json_data = json_decode("{" . l:lines_text . "}}")
		let l:keys = keys(l:json_data)
		let l:eventId = l:keys[0]
		let l:data = l:json_data[l:eventId]
		let l:pubkey = l:data.pubkey
		echoerr "Invalid JSON in selected range."
	let l:cmd = 'nostk emojiReaction ' . l:eventId . " " . l:pubkey . ' "' . a:stremoji . '"'
	let l:command_output = system(l:cmd)
	echo l:command_output