Minio is an object storage server, and API compatible with Amazon S3 cloud storage service. Read more at the website.
Dokku is the smallest PaaS implementation you've ever seen - Docker powered mini-Heroku.
- A working Dokku host
We are going to use the domain
and Dokku app minio
demonstration purposes. Make sure to replace it.
Log onto your Dokku Host to create the Minio app:
dokku apps:create minio
Minio uses two access keys (ACCESS_KEY
) for authentication
and object management. The following commands sets a random strings for each
access key.
dokku config:set --no-restart minio MINIO_ROOT_USER=$(echo `openssl rand -base64 45` | tr -d \=+ | cut -c 1-20)
dokku config:set --no-restart minio MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD=$(echo `openssl rand -base64 45` | tr -d \=+ | cut -c 1-32)
To login in the browser or via API, you will need to supply both the
. You can retrieve these at any time while logged
in on your host running dokku via dokku config minio
Note: if you do not set these keys, Minio will generate them during startup and output them to the log (check if via
dokku logs minio
). You will still need to set them manually.
You'll also need to set other two environment variables:
: used in the customnginx.conf
for this Dokku app to allow uploads up to 15MB to the HTTP server (if the file size is greater than 15MB,s3cmd
will split in 15MB parts).MINIO_DOMAIN
: used to tell Minio the domain name being used by the server.
dokku config:set --no-restart minio NGINX_MAX_REQUEST_BODY=15M
dokku config:set --no-restart minio
Note: if you're using s4cmd instead, be sure to pass the following parameters:
--multipart-split-size=15728640 --max-singlepart-upload-size=15728640
To persists uploaded data between restarts, we create a folder on the host
machine, add write permissions to the user defined in Dockerfile
and tell
Dokku to mount it to the app container.
sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/dokku/data/storage/minio
sudo chown 32769:32769 /var/lib/dokku/data/storage/minio
dokku storage:mount minio /var/lib/dokku/data/storage/minio:/home/dokku/data
To get the routing working, we need to apply a few settings. First we set the domain.
dokku domains:set minio
The parent Dockerfile, provided by the Minio
project, exposes port 9000
for web requests.
Dokku will set up this port for outside communication, as explained in its
Because we want Minio to be available on the default port 80
(or 443
SSL), we need to fiddle around with the proxy settings.
First add the correct port mapping for this project as defined in the parent
dokku proxy:ports-add minio http:80:9000
dokku proxy:ports-add minio https:443:9000
dokku proxy:ports-add minio https:9001:9001
Next remove the proxy mapping added by Dokku.
dokku proxy:ports-remove minio http:80:5000
First clone this repository onto your machine.
git clone [email protected]:slypix/minio-dokku.git
git clone
Now you need to set up your Dokku server as a remote.
git remote add dokku [email protected]:minio
Now we can push Minio to Dokku (before moving on to the next part).
git push dokku master
Last but not least, we can go an grab the SSL certificate from Let's Encrypt. You'll need dokku-letsencrypt plugin installed. If it's not, install by running:
dokku plugin:install
Now get the SSL certificate:
dokku config:set --no-restart minio [email protected]
dokku letsencrypt:enable minio
dokku proxy:ports-set minio https:443:9000
Note: you must execute these steps after pushing the app to Dokku host.
Your Minio instance should now be available on