Workshop at GOLAB 2024, 2024-11-11, 14:30, Martin Czygan, LI
The 1 Billion Row Challenge is a simple, data-intensive task, that nonetheless allows to explore many optimization ideas and techniques in Go.
In this workshop, we start with a baseline implementation and interactively improve on the solution, learning about benchmarking, different performance characteristics of standard library types, concurrency patterns, fast data structures, useful operating system facilities and more.
- Benchmarking
- writing a benchmark
- running a benchmark
- Profiling
- cpu profiling
- generating a flame graph
- 1BRC problem outline
- problem description
- A baseline implementation
- Caring about allocations
- ReadString
- Scanner
- Scanner buffer size
- Faster string parsing
- splitting a string
- parsing a float
- parsing a float with SWAR
- Parallel processing
- worker pattern
- splitting the file
- Using memory-mapped files (mmap)
- simplifying the api
- Using a custom hash table
- custom hash table
Benchmarking mechanics
- benchmark small snippets, separately
- basic benchmark with
- buffered I/O
- allocations, e.g.
- better buffer sizes, e.g. as passed to
- parsing a string
- parsing a float as int
- using a memory-mapped file
- parallel processing
- optimal number of batch size and number of workers
- custom hash function