PMFpack is a C++ implementation of the presumed mapping function approach as a model for turbulent mixing. The implemented models are described in M. Mortensen and B. Andersson, 'Presumed mapping functions for Eulerian modeling of turbulent mixing', Flow turbulence and combustion, vol 76, number 2, 199-219, (2006) . The package provides a complete set of fully consistent sub models required, e.g., for a fully consistent implementation of the Conditional Moment Closure of Bilger and Klimenko. More exactly the package provides the probability density function (PDF), the consistent conditional scalar dissipation rate found by direct integration of the exact PDF-equation (Mortensen, Phys. Fluids 17(1):018106, 2005) and the conditional mean velocity based on the gradient diffusion model of Pope. PMFpack also has a python interface. There is also a new Fortran interface that is currently under development.
To build PMFpack, run
cmake .
make install
It is often useful to build PMFpack 'out-of-source' which means that all files generated by the build process end up in a separate directory without cluttering the source tree. To make an out-of-source build for PMFpack using a graphical interface to CMake, simply type
mkdir build
cd build
cmake-gui ..
make install
PMFpack is licensed under the GNU GPL, version 3 or (at your option) any later version.
PMFpack is Copyright (2011-2014) by the authors.
The latest version of this software can be obtained from
Please report bugs and other issues through the issue tracker at:
PMFpack is developed and maintained by yours truly
Associate Prof. Mikael Mortensen
Department of Mathematics
Division of Mechanics
University of Oslo
Dr. Ahmad El Sayed