Microsoft Collective Communication Library (MSCCL) is a platform to execute custom collective communication algorithms for multiple accelerators supported by Microsoft Azure.
MSCCL is an inter-accelerator communication framework that is built on top of NCCL and uses its building blocks to execute custom-written collective communication algorithms. MSCCL vision is to provide a unified, efficient, and scalable framework for executing collective communication algorithms across multiple accelerators. To achieve this, MSCCL has multiple capabilities:
- Programmibility: Inter-connection among accelerators have different latencies and bandwidths. Therefore, a generic collective communication algorithm does not necessarily well for all topologies and buffer sizes. MSCCL allows a user to write a hyper-optimized collective communication algorithm for a given topology and a buffer size. This is possbile through two main components: MSCCL toolkit and MSCCL runtime (this repo). MSCCL toolkit contains a high-level DSL (MSCCLang) and a compiler which generate an IR for the MSCCL runtime (this repo) to run on the backend. MSCCL will always automatically fall back to a NCCL's generic algorithm in case there is no custom algorithm. Example provides some instances on how MSCCL toolkit with the runtime works. Please refer to MSCCL toolkit for more information.
- Profiling: MSCCL has a profiling tool NPKit which provides detailed timeline for each primitive send and receive operation to understand the bottlenecks in a given collective communication algorithms.
MSCCL is the product of many great researchers and interns at Microsoft Research. Below is a list of our publications:
- GC3: An Optimizing Compiler for GPU Collective Communication -- ASPLOS'23
- Synthesizing optimal collective algorithms -- PPoPP'21 (Best Paper Award)
- Breaking the Computation and Communication Abstraction Barrier in Distributed Machine Learning Workloads -- ASPLOS'22
- TACCL: Guiding Collective Algorithm Synthesis using Communication Sketches -- NSDI'23
Please consider citing our work if you use MSCCL in your research. Also, please contact us if you have any questions or need an optimized collective communication algorithm for a specific topology.
In order to use MSCCL customized algorithms, you may follow these steps to use two different MSCCL algorithms for AllReduce on Azure NDv4 which has 8xA100 GPUs:
Steps to install MSCCL:
$ git clone
$ cd msccl/
$ make -j
$ cd ../
Then, follow these steps to install nccl-tests for performance evaluation:
$ git clone
$ cd nccl-tests/
$ make MPI=1 NCCL_HOME=../msccl/build/ -j
$ cd ../
Next install MSCCL toolkit to compile a few custom algorithms:
$ git clone
$ cd msccl-tools/
$ pip install .
$ cd ../
$ python msccl-tools/examples/mscclang/ --protocol=LL 8 2 > test.xml
$ cd ../
The compiler's generated code is an XML file (test.xml
) that is fed to MSCCL runtime. To evaluate its performance, execute the following command line on an Azure NDv4 node or any 8xA100 system:
$ mpirun -np 8 -x LD_LIBRARY_PATH=msccl/build/lib/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH -x NCCL_DEBUG=INFO -x NCCL_DEBUG_SUBSYS=INIT,ENV -x MSCCL_XML_FILES=test.xml -x NCCL_ALGO=MSCCL,RING,TREE nccl-tests/build/all_reduce_perf -b 128 -e 32MB -f 2 -g 1 -c 1 -n 100 -w 100 -G 100 -z 0
If everything is installed correctly, you should see the following output in log:
[0] NCCL INFO Connected 1 MSCCL algorithms
is passed in to the runtime by MSCCL_XML_FILES
in the command line. You may evaluate the performance of test.xml
by comparing in-place (the new algorithm) vs out-of-place (default ring algorithm) and it should up-to 2-3x faster on 8xA100 NVLink-interconnected GPUs. MSCCL toolkit has a rich set of algorithms for different Azure SKUs and collective operations with significant speedups over vanilla NCCL.
To build the library:
$ cd msccl
$ make -j
If CUDA is not installed in the default /usr/local/cuda path, you can define the CUDA path with :
$ make CUDA_HOME=<path to cuda install>
MSCCL will be compiled and installed in build/
is set.
By default, MSCCL is compiled for all supported architectures. To accelerate the compilation and reduce the binary size, consider redefining NVCC_GENCODE
(defined in makefiles/
) to only include the architecture of the target platform :
$ make -j NVCC_GENCODE="-gencode=arch=compute_80,code=sm_80"
To install MSCCL on the system, create a package then install it as root.
Debian/Ubuntu :
$ # Install tools to create debian packages
$ sudo apt install build-essential devscripts debhelper fakeroot
$ # Build NCCL deb package
$ make
$ ls build/pkg/deb/
RedHat/CentOS :
$ # Install tools to create rpm packages
$ sudo yum install rpm-build rpmdevtools
$ # Build NCCL rpm package
$ make
$ ls build/pkg/rpm/
OS-agnostic tarball :
$ make
$ ls build/pkg/txz/
For integration with PyTorch, follow the dockerfile in this repo. It has an example for how to replace default NCCL with MSCCL.
MSCCL integrates NPKit, a profiler framework that enables collecting fine-grained trace events in MSCCL components that identifies transmission bottlenecks.
To Enable NPKit, simply add NPKIT=1
along with your make command. During execution, environment variable NPKIT_DUMP_DIR
will be used to produce all of the output (one output file per rank). By default, /tmp/
will be used.
To analyze NPKit output, run python script tools/
to get the final .json
file which can be viewed by a trace viewer such as Microsoft Edge edge://tracing
or Google Chrome chrome://tracing
All source code and accompanying documentation is copyright (c) 2015-2020, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
All modifications are copyright (c) 2020-2022, Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.