“The whole work of man really seems to consist in nothing but proving to himself every minute that he is a man and not a piano-key!” — Notes from the Underground, Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Graduated in Computer Engineering from UNINTER, post-graduated in Business Engineering from UNINTER and post-graduated in Distributed Software Architecture from PUC MINAS. Has 13 years of experience in the area of information technology, with experience in the areas of infrastructure, support, management, governance, development and operations. Has extensive experience and ease in teaching. Currently works in the area of software development.
Why are my repositories private?
Unfortunately, the law on intellectual property protection in Brazil is not properly respected. Since I have had problems with unauthorized copying of projects, I only make them available if interested parties contact me. If you are interested in learning more about my projects, please send me an email.
- Bachelor degree in Computer Engineering
- Specialization degree in Business Engineering
- Specialization degree in Distributed Software Architecture
- AWS Certified Developer - Associate - Valid until July 21, 2027
- Fortinet Certified Associate Cybersecurity - Valid until March 23, 2026
- Fortinet Certified Fundamentals Cybersecurity - Valid until March 23, 2026
- AWS Knowledge: Architecting
- AWS Knowledge: AWS for Games: Cloud Game Development
- AWS Knowledge: Cloud Essentials
- AWS Knowledge: Serverless
- Brazilian Portuguese - C2/Native
- English - C1/Advanced
- Spanish - A2/Basic