CRUD for carpool offers
An Amarillo is a yellow-dressed person helping others to find a car pool in Cuba.
- Python 3.9.2 with pip
- python3-venv
Create a virtual environment python3 -m venv venv
Activate the environment and install the dependencies pip install -r requirements.txt
Amarillo consists of two services:
- a web service, providing an api for carpool agencies to push carpool data to and for consumers to download the GTFS and GTFS-Realtime date generated from these, and
- an enhancer service, which performs background processes like enhancing carpool offers or schedule-based GTFS and GTFS-RT generation.
To start the webservice, run ADMIN_TOKEN=<your admin token> uvicorn amarillo.main:app
. In development, you can add --reload
to have uvicorn detect and reload code changes.
To start the enhancer service, run python
All endpoints are protected by an API-Key in the HTTP header. There is a special admin user. For this user, the API-Key must be passed in as an environment variable when Amarillo is started.
The admin can create additional API-Keys in the /agencyconf
endpoint. This
endpoint is always available but not always shown in /docs
, especially not
when running in production.
The Swagger docs for /agencyconf
can be seen on the MFDZ demo server.
Permissions work this way
- the admin is allowed to call all operations on all resources. Only the admin
can create new API-Keys by POSTing an
JSON object to/agencyconf
. - API-Keys for agencies are allowed to POST/PUT/GET/DELETE their own resources and GET some public resources.
To add a new carpool agency, you need to provide agency metadata, which will be used to generated the GTFS agency.txt and an agencyconf
, which defines how the agency's carpool
data is synced and access options.
To provide agency metadata information, create a json config file conf/agency/<agency_id>.json
and specify the following information:
"id": "mfdz",
"url": "",
"timezone": "Europe/Berlin",
"lang": "de",
"email": "[email protected]"
Note: The value of id
must match the filename's name (without suffix .json
For agency configuration, create a file data/agencyconf/<agency_id>.json
and specify the following information:
"agency_id": "mfdz",
"api_key": "<a secret api key, at least 20 chars>",
"offers_download_url": "", // url providing an endpoint serving a json array of carpool offers according to Amarillo carpool schema
"roles": [
"carpool_agency", // if agencyconf has role carpool_agency, it may push carpool offers
"consumer" // if agencyconf has consumer role, it may download gtfs and gtfs-rt data
"add_dropoffs_and_pickups": true, // if additional stops along the route should be added, default is true
"replace_carpool_stops_by_closest_transit_stops": true // if origin and destination should be snapped to closest stop, default is true.
Note: The value of agency_id
must match the filename's name (without suffix .json
Note: add_dropoffs_and_pickups
and replace_carpool_stops_by_closest_transit_stops
is currently not supported for carpool offers which provide a route geometry (path) instead of having it calculated by Amarillo. For such agencies, add_dropoffs_and_pickups
and replace_carpool_stops_by_closest_transit_stops
must be set to false
In case an agency does not provide an endpoint serving carpool offers in Amarillo schema, a custom importer can be implemented and integrated.
For examples, see amarillo/services/importing
They need to be added in amarillo/services/
async def sync(self, agency_id: str, offers_download_url = None):
elif agency_id == "my-custom-agency":
importer = MyCustomAgencyImporter(offers_download_url)
In case you modify or update the proto-files in amarillo/proto, you'll need to regenerate the python bindings. First, create the python files:
$ cd amarillo/proto
$ protoc --version
libprotoc 3.21.6
$ protoc --proto_path=. --python_out=../services/gtfsrt gtfs-realtime.proto realtime_extension.proto
$ sed 's/import gtfs_realtime_pb2/import' ../services/gtfsrt/ | sponge ../services/gtfsrt/
In the top directory, run pytest amarillo/tests
Based on tiangolo/uvicorn-gunicorn:python3.9-slim
- build
docker build -t amarillo .
- run
docker run --rm --name amarillo -p 8000:80 -e MAX_WORKERS="1" -e ADMIN_TOKEN=$ADMIN_TOKEN -e RIDE2GO_TOKEN=$RIDE2GO_TOKEN -e TZ=Europe/Berlin -v $(pwd)/data:/app/data amarillo