From your command line, lets fire up 'dig' and try it out!
dig txt
This project has no serious application, it's merely a fun experiment that I prototyped while waiting on a delayed flight. There are numerous methods to tunnel traffic through DNS queries, iodine being the most popular. This is just a simple demonstration of how it's possible to get up to date, human readable information from a DNS query.
Nearly all captive portals will still proxy outbound DNS requests. We can use this proxy of DNS requests to 'leak' information we might be interested in. In this case I'm returning my Twitter stream as TXT DNS records.
git clone
cd planeboard
go get -u
go build
cp config.toml.sample config.toml
vi config.toml # Update with relevant information
What you'll need to use this:
- An NS record pointing at the host you're running this on
- A Twitter OAuth application and it's consumer keys
- A Twitter account to authenticate with the Twitter OAuth application
pb IN NS
server IN A
Once you got config.toml setup with your Twitter keys, just run ./planeboard auth
and follow the instructions. You'll get back a set of access keys tied to the Twitter account you want to read from.
sudo ./planeboard
Lets say I'm using as my host
# The following are example 'dig' commands you would enter on your command line
# Paginate with 'p'
dig txt
# Gives me the first tweet
dig txt
# Gives me the second tweet
# Toss in a 'b'(before) with a unix timestamp to help with proper pagination
dig txt
# Toss in a 'c'(cachebuster) to prevent caching
dig txt
# Finally, you can have topics setup in config.toml to help you filter
# tweets into relevant groups. For example, lets say we have a 'news' topic
# which consists of @cnn, @ap and @nytimes. We just need to add a 't' flag
# and group name to the request
dig txt
This is all automated in a bash script to help with fetching a large number of tweets in a timeline
./ -t -n 20 -h news
# grabs 20 most recent tweets from the news topic
How it works in a nutshell:
- All built in Go
- Tweets are gathered by consuming the Twitter streaming API
- Tweets are stored in a BoltDB database
- Inbound queries are parsed and relevant tweets are returned from the database
MIT of course. Do with it as you please.